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Drinking water centres

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katta jayaprakash reddy <drjpreddyFW: Drinking water centresmahadevan12Date: Monday, 16 March, 2009, 7:55 AM





Sairam,As the temperature is going up day by day,the summer season has already begun.Most of the people in the day time,due to high temperature,drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration.Unfortunately in our country,drinking water is not available on the roads and other vital places of the towns and cities.


Some of the social,voluntary,spiritual and other organisations are arranging drinking water in the specified and important places where there is heavy flow of people going for various works.These organisations open and inaugurate the drinking water camps in the towns,cities and major villages with fanfare inviting VIPs and politicians.But unfortunately they never last long till the summer season but are closed prematurely due to various reasons and these organisations are confined to opening of the centres without proper and meaningful maintanance.Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, all over the country, open a number of drinking water centres in the cities,towns and major village centres near the bus stations,railway stn,market places,cross roads and other important places to supply cool drinking water to the thirsty tongues of the people.Male and female seva dal of the organisation participate in the service on shift basis and supply cool

drinking water till the end of summer season without any break.The seva dal members who render service in these centres feel so happy and blissful that they think it is a GOD gifted oportunity to serve the thirsty tongues and their happiness and bliss can only be expereinced but cannot be explained with words or actions.They feel, they are serving Swami who is in every human being.Such is the devotion,discipline of the devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba.The drinking water centres are being managed with the cooperation and help of local municipal and gram panchayath authorities who are always ready to help the organisation.In request and appeal to all the devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Shirdi Sai Baba who have so far not entered into such service in the summer, to start the service in their localities in this summer.They can render service from 9am to 7pm on shift basis involving their families also.Those who cannot spare time for rendering

physical service in the centres, can atleast donate material or money for the running of the drinking water centres.In this connection I would like to tell a real story of a citizen of Hyderabad city of Andhra pradesh state of India, who has been arranging drinking water to the people in the locality of Mehdipatnam of Hyderabad city since thirty years with his own personal money.He is Mr.Shahbaaz Khan,a businessman of fifty years age providing drinking water by establishing "SAMUNDAR WATER SERVICE" running from 7AM TO 8PM continously providing drinking water to nearly thousands of people daily.He employed some people to provide water to thousands of visitors to the city.He says he would like to continue this service till his last breath.What a divine service from a comon man who is not a rich or wealthy person!.But he is the most richest and wealthiest on this earth with his love and service to humanity by providing basic and essential need of

human beings,that is drinking water. He is called as HYDERABAD KA SAMUNDAR(THE SEA OF HYDERABAD). Yes he is the samundar(sea) of love,kindness,human values etc.Infact there is no seashore to Hyderabad.But when Shahbaaz Khan is there,there is no need of any seashore as he himself is a sea of humanity,love,kindness and divinity.When Sri Sathya Sai Baba is spending hundreds of crores of rupees for the drinking water to Andhra pradesh,Chennai etc ,can't we provide a glass of drinking water to our fellow citizens whose tongues are getting dried up due to lack of drinking water facility? Dear friends,please do something on your behalf for the service of humanity with the blessings of Sai as we are only instruments of Sai Baba who is behind ,before,infront,above and below us blessinmg,guiding with His love and kindness toi become a perfect human being with spiritual values.JP Reddy,NALGONDA,AP,INDIA.


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