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The Atma - Our Divine nature - Realize Yourself and Be Free Part 04

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The Atma - Our Divine nature - Realize Yourself and Be Free Part 04


When we awaken from a dreadful nightmare, we are greatly relieved. The

terrifying monsters of the night evaporate with the dawn. All the

horror is seen to be our own creation, projected by our mind. But

another step must be still be taken, for we must now awaken from our

waking dream. fears and monsters of a more subtle nature continue to

pursue us because we still fail to see the reality of omnipresent God.


Spiritual practice enables us to assert our true nature, the universal

self. We learn to see through the illusion of the body and realize that

we are, in fact, the totality of our consciousness. We grow in love and

wisdom beyond what we thought possible. Until this state of blissful

joy is attained, we feel that something is missing. we continue to

strive until we know our true nature.


" Do not tell me that you do not care for that bliss, that you are

satisfied with the delusion and are not willing to undergo the rigors

of sleeplessness. Your basic nature, believe me, abhors this dull,

dreary routine of eating, drinking, and sleeping. It seeks something it

knows it has lost - santhi inward contentment. It seeks liberation from

bondage to the trivial and temporary. Everyone craves for it in his

heart of hearts. And it is available only in one shop - contemplation

of the highest self, the basis of all this appearance " Baba


There is no limit to the eternal truth of a human being. The boundaries

between self and others are false limitations. Where do the limitation

exist? Are we limited by our physical bodies, by our range of sight, or

even by our minds? no. The limitations are self imposed by the wrong

desires and wrong thoughts of our egoism.


" You and the Universal are one; you and the Absolute are One; you and

the Eternal are one. You are not the individual, the particular, the

temporary. Feel this. Know this. Act in conformity with this " Baba


To enlarge our vision to encompass all within ourselves, we must

cultivate selfless love. Love shelters all within its fold. the mind

separates, the heart unifies. Love is the method to realize the divine.

When we feel another's joy and sorrow as our own, we may be confident

of our progress on the path. God is the ocean of love into which all of

us must plunge. Love is the Royal Road for Realization of the Goal.


" Realization, which is not possible through logic, which is not

possible through offering sacrifices, and which is not possible through

discussion and other disciplines, can be achieved only through love "



Love All Serve All; Help Ever Hurt Never Baba


Next...Dharma & Duty - Right Action at Right Time -

Dharma What Is It? Part 01

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