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small SaiTonics 1980

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/ extract of important part of article below lest u miss it sairam /




Long ago in late 80s it so happend that Swami blessed a family with interview. Like it used to be a tradition, Swami used to allow all the selected ones into the interview room and He used to enter at the end and after which He Himself bolted the door.

There was an old lady in a wheel chair, in that particular family, who was very devoted and she was the one who got the whole family into Sai Fold. On that particular day, all the family members entered the interview room and before the old lady could enter, Swami went in and locked the door. It was a BIG shock to her and she was feeling very sad and also bit uncomfortable while thousands were watching her.


The first question she put to Swami was as why she was not allowed before and why now?


Swami with a sweet smile replied, you still had 45 minutes left for My appointment which was FIXED some thousands of years ago and now it is the RIGHT TIME


and that is our beloved LORD. So accurate in every step and in every action..


sairam sairam sairam

sai rukmani --- On Mon, 16/3/09, s.prince k.s. v.thampuran <sssprinceksv wrote:

s.prince k.s. v.thampuran <sssprinceksv Fw: [sBOI-post] 14 & 15 MARCH 2009 DARSHAN UPDATE"saidevotees _worldnet " , "Manoj Ahuja" <manojahuja999, "d banerjee" <dbanerjee_leo, "Anant Dandavate" <sai_infinity_005, "srisathyasai devotees" , "Manu Dixit" <dixit_manu, "Shantanu Dixit" <sdixit_2631, "Shubham Kothalkar" <kothalkar_shubham, "Kishore Mahadevan" <mkishoreind, "Soumya Malik" <soumyamalik, "Lokesh Muley" <lokesh_saiyouth, "Satish Naik" <satishfromparthi, "Pranav Rao"

<raopranav2003, "Official group of SSSSO Bhopal saiyuva" <saiyuva >, "SBOI" Monday, 16 March, 2009, 8:03 AM







--- On Sun, 15/3/09, satish <satish > wrote:

satish <satish >[sBOI-post] 14 & 15 MARCH 2009 DARSHAN UPDATEsboigroup Sunday, 15 March, 2009, 7:19 PM




Om sairam dearest Sai Family,

Long ago in late 80s it so happend that Swami blessed a family with interview. Like it used to be a tradition, Swami used to allow all the selected ones into the interview room and He used to enter at the end and after which He Himself bolted the door.

There was an old lady in a wheel chair, in that particular family, who was very devoted and she was the one who got the whole family into Sai Fold. On that particular day, all the family members entered the interview room and before the old lady could enter, Swami went in and locked the door. It was a BIG shock to her and she was feeling very sad and also bit uncomfortable while thousands were watching her.


In Sai Kulwanth hall, many times, we tend to see who is getting padanamaskar, who is denied, who is stopped by the sevadal, who gives letter to Swami and so on. When this incident happened obviously there was lot of gossip in the air. Many were wondering as why it happened to the old lady, many were drawing their own conclusions and many even starting feeling pity for her. This lady was feeling bit more uncomfortable as she was the Talk of the HALL if not the town. After 45 minutes, Swami opens the door and surprising every one , calls her in. The first question she put to Swami was as why she was not allowed before and why now? Swami with a sweet smile replied, you still had 45 minutes left for My appointment which was FIXED some thousands of years ago and now it is the RIGHT TIME, and that is our beloved LORD. So accurate in every step and in every action..


Exactly or more or less the same thing happend to devotees of Bihar and Jharkand yesterday 14 march 2009. They all had come to Puttaparthi to have Darshan and they also had readied a beautiful play to be performed before Swami. March 13 was their last day and all the tran tickets were booked and they were eagerly waiting for Swami's permission. Till March 13 morning they were really hoping that they will get the DIVINE consent but in negative. Finally the time of their departure from Parthi arrived and they were all disappointed and literally crying. Many were consoling themselves that IT IS FINE but in vain. They couldnt digest the fact that Swami didnt give them permission. Finally the train arrives at Prasanthi Nilayam railway station and all the hearts got more heavier and heavier. Finally they got in the train and still had the sad feeling that they couldnt perform before Swami. As the train got

closer to Dharmavaram station (1hour from Parthi) the DIVINE leela started, they get a CALL a DIVINE CALL infact saying that Swami has given you permission to perform tomorrow (14 march) and all of you get back to Parthi. All of them were literally shocked.. Can this be true?? Is the call genuine? later when the train reached Dharmavaram, many were in fix.. and with Swami, we should just love His uncertainity and they all came back and performed a beautiful play in the immediate presence of Swami..


It was on educare with a little bit of patriotism. It was a beautiful play and thanks to Swami which didnt go out of RECORD by His timely intervention. ..At the end the famous number from Vandemataram album by Oscar winning music director A.R.Rahaman was played and it was just beautiful. The whole song even though addersses India as mother, the boys moulded it as if they are praying it for MOTHER SAI..


Swami was so happy with them that He decided to come down and take some pictures with them and He also blessed every one with Padanamaskar and also gave them clothes.... What a blessing!!!! !


15 March 2009

This afternoon there was a beautiful songs programme by Students of Swami of Brindavan campus and need less to mention it was a heart squeezing one and pure love the students have for Swami was clearly visible in their rendering and in their words..


with humble pranams at the lotus feet of our beloved Lord,

R. Satish Naik.





Jai Sai Ramsatish NaikBrahmanapalli Thanda villageNear PuttaparthiAnantapur Andhra PradeshIndia 515134Tel:91-8555- 289327



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