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Sai Rams,

Namasankeertanam without intense love of God will not lead us to the path of attaining union with the Lord.  By Love of God we do not mean loving  God for any selfish benefit but it is single-minded devotion to God and total surrender to God.  Incidentally, the Gita mentions  four types of Bhaktas viz,. Aartha, Arthaarti, jignasu and  Jani.  An 'aartha ' prays to God intensely when he is in dire distress.  He pleads for relief from difficulties and sufferings. God grants relief and showers worldly happiness on him.  An 'Arthaarthi' prays for money,power,success, position,prosperity etc. etc.  God grants his desires too.   A 'Jignasu' prays to God to enlighten him with Atmagyana (knowledge of self).  His aim is to unravel the mystery of existence.  God fulfills his longing by sending a Guru  to enlighten him.  A Jnaani is one who sees  God in everyone and every thing as divinity. Draupadhi  is an example of 'Artha bhakti', Prahlada is also an example of this Bhakti.  Dhruva, Sudhama and Arjuna  are 'Arthaarthis'. For Jignaasu we can take Uddhava  as an excellent example. Sukha Brahmam is an example of Jnaani.


Incidentally also, a true devotee Swamy  should have  all the following qualities:-

1.He should hate none including all  other living beings.

2.He should be friendly,compassionate,egoless.

3.He should  remain equalminded in joy and sorrow.

4.He should be self-controlled,enduring and ever content.

I am not stipulating all this. The scriptures,especially Gita  prescribe these and many other pre-requisites for declaring ourselves as  devotee.  Swamy says, " The  Bhagawad Gita is the lifebuoy to cross the ocean of life and the royal road to liberation " . Unless we follow the path shown by Swamy, how can we call ourselves as SAI DEVOTEES. Pl. think.  Let me  come back to the topic of Namasankeertanam proper.

(to be continued)


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