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This is a blessed temple of saibaba - www.saibabadwarkamai.com/forum

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Sai Ram Brothers/Sisters



By the Grace & Blessings of Baba Nimmi from Delhi had created Baba's online

prayer site. For Registering your name.Please visit the following site:-




I would appreciate if you & all please kindly ragister your name and share your

thoughts and leela with us. Hope that you all will be joing the site on Thursday

by sai's grace & blessings.Ok Dear Brothers/Sisters


Miss.Nimmi will be giving you the full details regarding how to post the

articles and all


Try to Join Saibabadwarkamai Online Prayer Site and get Sainath Maharaj Grace &



is online prayer site ..


This is a blessed temple of saibaba . This blessed online saibabaDwarkaMai is

Baba's own inspiration. ....In this prayersite, BABA will hear you and care

you.You can express your feelings,thoughts n ask for help and pray for those who

needs our prayers .You can spread BABA's message to the whole world through

online temple , pls ragister your name and be an active member

and get baba's blessings .


if you have anydifficulty regarding posting messages ...here is some

instructions ...



- Before posting you need to register. Go to the Registration page or if you

need instructions please go to the registration information page


- After you have registered, you need to log in. If you haven't logged in yet,

log in now.


- Select which category your prayer or prayer request would best fit into. Click

on that category.


- If you are submitting a new prayer or prayer request, click NEW TOPIC. Fill

out the form and click Post New Topic when you are finished.


- If you would like to add a prayer to an existing topic, click on the topic you

wish to pray for. Then click ADD REPLY or FAST REPLY. Fill out the form and when

you are finished, click the Add Reply button.


You may post prayers and prayer requests as often as you want. In fact we would

like to develop a team of members) who diligently post prayers on a daily basis

for all requests that are submitted. We encourage you to post your prayer

requests as well as your prayers! may sai bless all the universe ...


Request ....pls forward this link to all yr friends as I beleive if u pray , and

help others then sai will surely help us .

may sai bless all the universe ...


Important message .pls read ..


if u are facing any problems in yr life then pls write yr prayer in light a

candle and say a prayer as everythursday we light a candle for those we need our

prayers and baba's blessings and we pray for them many blessings to all of u


Jai Sai Ram


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