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Dharma and Duty-The Right Action at the Right Time-Your Heart Will be Your Guide Part 05

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Dharma and Duty-The Right Action at the Right Time-Your Heart Will be

Your Guide Part 05


The way to determine our unique duty is to listen to the voice

within. No one else can tell us what our duty is. Our conscience

alone is the true guide in all situations. When we accept its

guidance, it leads us to a joyful and contented life.


" Your conscience knows the real source of joy; it will prod you

towards the right path. Your business is to take it as " Guide " and

not disobey it every time it contradicts your fancy " Baba


The voice within directs us to our spiritual destination. That inner

guidance is the voice of God. When we follow its direction, we draw

closer to God. It helps us to be mindful of our dharma. When we are

aware of it each moment, we become more attuned to our spiritual

obligation. With practice the conscience can quickly evaluate any

situation and point the path to joy and peace.


" The body is the temple of God. In every body, God is installed,

whether the owner of the body recognizes it or not. It is God that

inspires you to good acts and warns you against the bad. Listen to

that voice. Obey that voice and you will not come to any harm " Baba


When we overcome the negative pulls of egoism and vice, we find

ourselves naturally drawn to the dharmic path. When the clouds of

anger and hate recede, the sun of love shines forth. That sunshine is

our natural state. It appears automatically when the dark clouds of

ego are dispersed. Then we recognize God within ourselves and others.

It enables us to love and serve others, relinguishing greed and

attachment to fleeting objects.


" Whoever subdues his egoism, conquers his selfish desires, destroys

his bestial feelings and impulses, and gives up the natural tendency

to regard the body as self, he is surely on the path of dharma. He

knows that the goal of dharma is the merging of the wave in the sea,

the merging of the self in the Overself " Baba


The performance of our obligation should be an act of love, not a

duty done begrudgingly. It is our recognition of our place in God's

creation. To serve with a grudge or without enthusiasm indicates our

own lack of vision, for God is in all people, and service to others

is service to god. love is the true characteristic of humanity.


" Duty without love is deplorable

Duty with love is desirable

Love without duty is divine " Baba


The journey of self transformation is long and difficult. Many

obstacles lie on the path. Even family and friends may try to deter

us from the quest. To succeed we must listen to our hearts and not be

discouraged by criticism or the unfounded concerns of others.


" When you travel towards God,whoever objects has to be bypassed.

Prahlada went against his father, Vibhisana went against his brother,

Parasurama had to harm his own mother, Meera could not obey her

husband: they stuck to the path of God and broke through all those

who opposed them " Baba


Continued..Dharma & duty-the Right Action art tthe Right Time

Service Responsibility to Siciety Part 06

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