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The Powers of Udi

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The Powers of Udi


Friends, I have told you what Udi is. It is not the ordinary ash. It

is the ash from the dhuni which Baba had lit by his yogic power.

Hence the Udi has all the powers of Baba. It has banished the agonies

and cured incurable diseases of innumerable persons. Here are a few

real instances.


A certain doctor's nephew had bone-cancer. The doctor tried all

remedies, including surgical operation, but in vain. With acute pain,

the boy cried pitiably. At last the doctor brought the boy to Baba

and threw all burden on him. Daily Baba placed a blessing glance on

the wound and applied Udi on it. Within a week, the boy was

completely cured.


Another doctor had a guinea-worm in his leg, which was terribly

swollen and caused intense pain. He approached Baba with a request to

release him from his mortal coil and thus end his agony for good.

Baba daily applied Udi to his leg and also administered it orally.

One day, an attendant inadvertently stepped on the doctor's affected

leg with the result that the wound burst open and the guinea-wom was

driven out. The doctor was soon cured.


There are countless instances of this kind. But I will tell you one,

deserving special mention.


Nanasaheb Chandorkar, one of the earliest devotees of Baba, was a

mamlatdar at Jamner, about 24 miles from Jalgaon in Khandesh. One can

go upto Jalgaon by railway and then take a tonga.


Nanasabeb's daughter, Maina had come to Jamner for delivery. For

fortyeight hours, she was in labour and her very life was in danger.

Nanasaheb was appealing to Baba to come to her succour. Sai Baba as

if 'heard' it in Shirdi. Ramgir, a resident bhakta, was then inspired

to go to his village in Khandesh. He came to ask for Baba's

permission. Baba said, " Yes. Start immediately. But first go to

Nanasaheb at Jamner, givehim Udi and Arati, and then proceed home " .

Baba gave him a packet of Udi from the dhuni with his own hands and

the Arati on a piece of paper to be recited at Maina's bedside.

Ramgir took the two things, but, in a tone of anxiety, he

asked, " Baba, I have only two rupees with me. With this much. I can

barely go to Jalgaon. But how could I make a detour to Jamner and

thence to my place ? " " You need not worry, " Said Baba, " You only go

to Jalgaon. Everything will be arranged thereafter. "


With firm faith in Baba, Ramgir started. He had to pay Rs. 1-14-0 for

railwav ticket and only two annas were left with him. About midnight

the train reached Jalgaon and Ramgir got down. Just then a sepoy in

Khaki uniform approached him and said " Sir, you are Ramgir from

Shirdi, I hope " . Ramgir said he was. " Then come along, " said the

sepoy, Nanasaheb has sent me with a tonga for you. " Ramgir thought

that as Baba had hinted he must have sent a word to Nanasaheb and

asked him to make these arrangements. The sepoy gave him a few

snacks, which he said, were sent bv Nanasaheb. Then the tonga started

and by dawn, it arrived at Jamner. The sepoy, pointing to a

distant 'building, said, " That is Nanasaheb's office. " Ramgir

alighted there to ease himself and went behind a bush. But as he came

out, what did he find ? Nothing, no horses, no carriage, no sepoy.

All had disappeared. Dumbfounded, he went to Nanasaheb's office and,

obtaining Nanasabeb's address, went there. Saluting Nanasaheb, he

said, " Baba has sent me here from Shirdi and has given you these

things. " A thrill went through Nanasaheb on hearing this. He

said, 'Oh Baba, Baba! What should I say to you ? I called your name

here and hearing my call in Shirdi, you at once ran here in the form

of these things. A million pranams to you ! "


Nanasaheb applied the Udi to his daughter and put a little in her

mouth too. Then he sat by her bedside, reciting the arati. And would

you believe it ? In half an hour, Maina delivered safely. Ramgir was

waiting outside. Nanasabeb came out and thanked him profoundly.

Eagerly Ramgir asked, " Nana, your tonga brought me to Jamner all

right. But then as I got down to ease myself, it suddenly vanished.

Where is that tonga ? " " Which tonga ? " asked the puzzled Nana. " Your

tonga which you had sent for me to Jalgaon Station. Your sepoy met me

there, g;ave me your delicious snacks and brought me here with great

speed. "


With tears of gratitude, Nanasaheb said, " Ramgir, I had not the

faintest idea that you were coming. So how could I have sent the

tonga ? This is all no doubt done by Baba. How unbounded is your

kripa, Oh mother Sai ! "


Later, Nanasaheb himself related this whole incident to the people

assembled at Shirdi. It therefore bears a stamp of authority.


Baba Said


A miser who is attached to wealth thinks always of wealth. So also

when the devotee's heart is awakened and he has intense longing for

God, he remembers God constantly. Many people say that when they

repeat God's name they cannot concentrate upon God. This is because

they have no longing for Him. This longing for God and holding God as

our dearest object of love is Bhakti


Baba is every where just feel him and keep on saying `Om Sai Ram' to

whom so ever you meet.


OM SAI SRI SAI JAI JAI SAI!!! Let us pray at the lotus feet of

Bhagwan Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and protector of all,

to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards him


Jai Sai Ram

Swamy Mahadevan

Bow to Shri Sai-Peace be to all

Baba Bless you ever!!!

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