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A Prayer

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A PrayerWhenever I have been depressed and low, which is oftenMy Baba listens to my prayers, which is always...I pray to you with my mind wandering here and thereBless me Baba, control my mindPlease be with me always and ever.....What shall I do without your graceI need your blessings, your love and protectionPlease answer my prayers, remove my fearsI have faith, wish to have stronger faithLet me be at your lotus feet for ever and ever and let your hand beon my head, always and ever.......Baba I love you, I worship youLet my heart be filled with your love and worship always and ever....PrayerPrayer is the salt of life and we cannot do without it. It isingrained in the nature of Man to pray for the fulfillment of

hiswishes whatever they be. But more often than not we do not know whatwe may really pray for, how to pray, and what we may do to make ourprayer a great dynamic force as may stir up Heaven's mercy.The secret of a successful prayer lies not so much in the words weuse, nor in the time we devote to it, nor in the effort that we putinto it, as it lies in the concentrated attention that we may giveit at the seat of the soul so as to make it soulful. The mostnatural form for a fruitful prayer is the yearning of a soul withoutthe agency of words, oral or mental, with the tongue of thought. Aprayer like this generates and releases such a fund of spiritualener

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