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Sathya Sai Speaks vol 39...HAPPINESS IS HOLINESS

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Ram ChuganiKobe, Japan--- On Sun, 3/22/09, Ramchand Chugani <rgcjp wrote:

Ramchand Chugani <rgcjpFw: Sathya Sai Speaks vol 39...HAPPINESS IS HOLINESS"OMSAIRAM.RAMCHAND GHANSHAMDAS CHUGANI" <rgcjpCc: "A.RAJU RAMCHAND CHUGANI" <rogerinc, "A.KUMAR CHUGANI" <kumar, "A. SONU KUMAR CHUGANI" <sonojp, "A SANAM RAJU CHUGANI" <guessgurl_02, "A.Sheena sobhraj SAMTANI" <ssobhrajSunday, March 22, 2009, 5:54 PM





















Happiness Is Holiness


Lord Krishna made this divine declaration: Mamaivamsho jivaloke Jivabhuta sanathana (the eternal atma in all beings is a part of My Being). Hence, do not feel that you are different from

God. God resides in you. In fact, you are God.


Nothing Is Permanent In This World You think you are a human being because you are endowed with a human body, but the atma that indwells a all manifests your divinity. There are thousands of bulbs that have been put up for decoration. Their colour and wattage may differ, but the electric current in all of them is one and the same. Like the current that makes all the bulbs shine, the atma present in all human beings makes them see, hear and work. But today man is caught in worldly affairs and is ignoring

spirituality. If you have spiritual vision, you will know that it is the same God who is present everywhere. Everything from earth to sky is nothing but God. Even this flower, this tumbler, this microphone and the tablecloth that you see here are all aspects of divinity. Divinity pervades each and everything in this universe. But you see differences due to your faulty vision.

Change is the nature of the five elements, and not of God. There are only five elements in this universe; there is no sixth element. Our human form is a combination of the five elements and is sustained by them. Man has relationship with the five elements so long as the body lasts. Once the body perishes, he has nothing to do with even one of them. These elements are present in man in the form of his senses of sound, sight, touch, taste and smell. Our senses are responsible for good and bad, merit and sin. Good and bad are not given by God; they are the consequences of man’s own actions. Sometimes you think that God has given you suffering and sometimes you feel God is responsible for your happiness, but God neither gives happiness nor suffering. These are all man’s illusion. Man suffers due to his own evil qualities like

jealousy, hatred, anger and pomposity. Where does anger come from? It comes from within us because of our wrong food and evil thoughts. Desire arises because of your covetous nature. kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya (desire, anger, greed, attachment, pride and jealousy) all arise from us. You think God has a form. But God is formless. God is positive and man is negative. Negative comes and goes, but positive is permanent. Repose your faith in the positive and not in the negative. Everything in this world comes and goes like passing clouds. A boy gets married to a girl. But before marriage, where was the boy and where was the girl? Their relationship developed only after marriage. But even that is not permanent. There is nothing in human life that is permanent. Everything is temporary; it comes and goes. If man wants

Sathya Sai Speaks vol 39

to become eternal, he has to develop atma viswasa (faith in the Self). You may come and go, but I am with you forever. Divinity is changeless. Instead of aspiring for the changeless, man is running after all that is fleeting and temporary. All that we desire in this world is subject to change. Bodies are subject to change. You may see a body today and may not see it tomorrow. There is nothing in this world that is permanent. There is only one entity that is permanent about whom

it is said, Sarvatah panipadam tat sarvathokshi siromukham, Sarvatah sruthimalloke sarvamavruthya tishthati (with hands, feet, eyes, head, mouth and ears pervading everything, He permeates the entire universe). There is only One that is present always, but during our short life-span we develop many illusions.

Pray To

6. Happiness is Holiness

Sathya Sai Speaks vol 39

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