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Sharanaagathi or Total Surrender

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Sharanaagathi (total surrender), leaving everything to His will, is the highest form of Bhakthi. Once a Brahmin was crossing a river bed near which some men were washing clothes. Finding a nice new silk shawl on his shoulder, they fell upon him in a group, shouting that it belonged to the palace and had been given to them to be washed, but had been stolen and had not been traced.


The poor Brahmin yelled 'Naaraayana, Naaraayana,' when the blows rained on him and so, Naaraayana rose from His Seat in Vaikunththa and proceeded forward; but in a moment, He walked back and resumed His seat much to the surprise of His consort who asked Him the reason for the strange behaviour. Naaraayana said, "I wanted to help that poor Brahmin who has fallen into a den of scoundrels, but he has started beating them, blow for blow; My help is no longer needed."


- From Bhagawan's 1955 Maha Shivarathri Discourse


Om Sai Ram

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