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important message from www.saibabadwarkamai.com/forum

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sai ram to all .


message from /forum


Dear brothers and sisters ,

the list of chapters alloted for ssc weekly parayan( 9th april thursday ) has

been released , i request pls check and confirm your chapters .

May sai bless us all



Let us pray at the feet of Sai Baba who is the incarnation of all gods and

protector of all, to show mercy on us, and increase our devotion towards himand

bless us with GREAT REWARDS.


The chapter alloted for ssc parayan is mentioned below.


1. Saurabh - ch. 1


2. Revathi ji - ch. 2 & 3


3. Anil Bhai - ch. 4 & 5


4. GunaBarani - ch.6 & 7


5. Nimmi ji - ch.8 & 9


6. Bhavya Shanker - ch.10 & 11


7. Ykamesh ji - ch.12 & 13


8. shoha(saima ji ) - ch.14 & 15


9. anjamma ji - ch.16 & 17


10. chitra ji - ch.18 & 19


11. saikanha ji - ch.20 & 21


12. manjuramamurthy ji - ch.22 & 23


13. anju ji- ch.24 & 25


14. sailavana ji - ch.26 & 27


15. tammyranga - ch.28 & 29


16. sivaraniji - ch.30 & 31


17. sai18 ji - ch.32 & 33


18. rashalatha - ch.34 & 35


19. kavitharajesh - ch.36 & 37


20. moons12 ji - ch.38 & 39


21. Jai Sai Ram ji - ch.40 & 41


22. Anujksharma ji - ch.42 & 51


23. Asha sathya ji - ch. 43 & 44


24. Satya ji - ch.45 & 46


25. Santhi ji - ch. 47 & 48


26. DimpleG ji - ch. 49 & 50


Each one has a different opinion, knowledge about reading ssc or chanting sai's

name. There is no hard and fast rule in following these procedure. All Baba

wants is love and HE did not believe in outward rituals .If the devotees have

firm faith in Baba, parayan shall have its result.its clearly mentioned in ssc

that internal offerings are what what saibaba expects from us .



Parayan Procedure:


After taking bath, cleaning temple (home temple), lighting Diya, Incense stick

,applying Baba's sacred Udi should start the reading of Sri Sai Satcharitra with

complete devotion and faith in Baba, if one is not keeping good health or by

any reason cannot take bath or light Diya ,taking Baba's name they can still

read the book .Hence there is no fast rule to follow.


After the completion of Sai Satcharitra Prashad (offering ) or Dakshina should

be offered to Baba either in home temple or in Sai temple near to their home

where they can go . If they cannot go than they can prepare anything at home or

get readymade sweat dish and offer to Baba seeking his blessing for the parayan.


Here again I would like to mention that it is not necessary if you cannot go or

offer than, simple Pranam at Lotus feet of Baba shall also do.


When the parayan is complete family members can join together and do Baba's

Aarti and than Prasad offered to Sainath can be distributed to the family


















































































> enough to be just " routinely righteous " and think that all is OK? Given the

> fact that the *Avatar* of the Age has, in various ways given us the special

> blessing of recognising Him, seeing, and even talking to Him on occasions,

> do we not have a special responsibility to humanity? We do not know what you

> think but we look at the matter this way.


> Throughout human history, there has always been a clash between the forces

> of evil and the forces of good. This battle always rages within almost every

> single individual, and the scriptures of all religions are meant essentially

> to guide people on the path of righteousness. These days, however, there is

> a higher call and duty. Society is so highly interconnected that *Adharma*,

> though driven by a minority, is capable of affecting the majority. Just to

> give an example, consider the number of people engaged in the tobacco

> business; not many really. Yet they cause global havoc. This example can be

> multiplied.


> You may say: " Look, what can we do about it? " Again, the history of the

> cigarette industry gives us the answer. Large numbers of people have said no

> to cigarettes and have also waged a campaign against it. As a result, in

> America at least, smoking has taken a nosedive. But where alcohol is

> concerned, the situation seems to be getting out of control. The long and

> short of it all is that we devotees must enlarge our vision of righteous

> action, and that means taking all of Swami's teachings very seriously and

> being pro-active in following them. To put it differently, we must now give

> serious thought to the *quality* of our actions. It must not be just

> goody-goody but real GOOD!


> Let us illustrate. Quality enhancement starts with very small things.

> Consider waiting for *Darshan*. It is amazing how many people compulsively

> talk in the *Darshan* line, when Swami is a bit late in coming out. Could we

> not spend that time looking inwards and talk to Swami the Indweller, instead

> of the person next to us? Swami says Love All and Hurt Never; yet how often

> one sees devotees being rude in conversation, especially if they are engaged

> in some supervisory activities? Once again, we leave you to ponder on this

> topic.


> Special mention must be made in this connection, about corruption. Today,

> barring Antarctica , corruption has spread to all continents. Many think of

> corruption mainly in terms of offering or taking money for doing a favour.

> Bribery is a manifestation of corruption no doubt, but what about corrupting

> the minds of people, especially young ones with false advertisements,

> pornography, etc? Why is that not considered corruption but whitewashed as

> freedom of expression? All Sai devotees must be firm where corruption is

> concerned. If we firmly resolve to abstain from it, then even though we

> might be placed in very tight corners, the Lord will *always* come to the

> rescue, like the US Marines used to in films of olden times!


> The long and short of it is the following:


> We devotees who form a sizeable section of the " silent majority " have a

> profound obligation to enhance the *quality* of our devotion through a more

> *firm* commitment to *Dharma*.


> We must make *every* effort to improve unity amongst ourselves so that our

> effectiveness in Society becomes greater. Today, people talk of the help Red

> Cross, Oxfam, etc., give in times of emergencies. Besides the emergencies

> caused by natural calamities etc., there is, we believe, a great Moral

> emergency at present. The world must see Sai devotees as the " Golden Cross "

> that comes to the help of people in spiritual distress.


> There are many out there, looking for Moral support and for God. Somehow,

> quietly and without fanfare, we must help all such people to think of Sai

> when they need support. They must not be allowed to feel they are alone and

> abandoned.


> The forces of *Adharma* may be very strong – they in fact are. However, when

> individuals committed to *Dharma **combine in large numbers*, they can

> defeat any evil force on earth.


> In the Mahabharata war, the Lord did not fight . Lord Krishna just stood

> aside as a Witness, giving Moral support to the forces of *Dharma*.


> In the same way, if we Sai devotees really unite, then the Lord who is

> already very much here, will be with us all the way and help us to at least

> contain *Adharma*, something desperately needed at present.


> People talk of the Golden age of Sai. This Golden Age will not drop like

> Manna from Heaven; we have to work for it. However, if each of us takes one

> *serious* step and does so in collective harmony, the Lord would then take

> one mighty step , and the enemy has no choice but to take to his heels!


> Do you agree with our thesis that the " silent majority " can in fact become

> an *effective majority* and overpower the forces of *Adharma* prevailing

> today? What do you think? Why don't you let us know?


> Good luck and may all be well with you, till we get in touch with you again

> next Sunday.


> Jai Sai Ram.


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