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Click on the date below to read the darshan news from Kodaikanal











Thursday, April, 23 ,2009Lord was all set to fly from Hply Land of Puttaparthi to Blessed Kodaikanal


Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan at Kodaikanal - Sai ShruthiThursday, April 23, 2009 Arrival of the Lord


Friday, April 24, 20092nd day darshan Kodaikanal


Saturday, April 25, 20093rd day darshan Kodaikanal




















Kodaikanal Sai Baba Darshan and photos - 2009




Saturday, April 25, 2009 The Sun God seemed to have prayed to the Lord to grant him permission to bathe His human form with His rays. 24th & 25th of April saw him make the most of the opportunity the Lord granted him at Sai Shruti. Before and after giving Darshan to the thousands of devotees and blessing and receiving their letters, Bhagawan stationed Himself in the sun, for quite a long while. Later He moved to the portico continuing to give Darshan as bhajans were being sung from 10.20 a.m. He was then offered flower and Aarathi by State Seva Co-ordinator and a member of the State Sri Sathya Sai Trust respectively. Devotees received Prasad blessed by Swami.









Photos: April 25, 2009




For Divine Approval



Golden Darshan on a sunny morning










Bhagawan arrives in the Bhajan Hall



Burra Katha Team seeking Divine Benediction









Burra Katha



Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan…


The afternoon session which started around 5.30 p.m. saw a enthralling performance of Burrakatha by His students on the Avataric descent and mission. The three students who presented it were dressed in the colourful, traditional costumes of Burrakatha artists and rendered with verve and vigour, melody and grace combining song and dance interlocution and humourous replies. The Avatar of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and Shirdi Sai were linked to the present Sai who is verily Shiva and Parvathi come to adorn the Ratnakara clan. The glory of the parents, particularly, Mother Eswaramma who sought and received three boons in the form of schools, colleges and a university and worldwide Balvikas and Educare, Super Specialty Hospitals, Mobile Hospitals and Global Medicare along with the Sai Ganga that flows and flows ever replenished by the melting Kailash snows, to quench the thirst of millions in Andhra and Tamil Nadu and many such signs

of grace from the Lord were depicted. Bhagawan’s exemplary life of doing what He preaches as seen in the seva to the needy and suffering was highlighted. A single example of the Lord’s beneficent munificence which would suffice is His sacrifice of the hilltop bungalow and estate in Kodaikanal to fund the houses, He gifted mercifully to the flood ravaged poor of Orissa. The splendour and majesty of Bhagawan’s life was expatiated leaving the listeners gasping in awe, thrilled and filled with Ananda. The inspired artists sought permission from Swami to present another Burrakatha on Shirdi Sai the next day. Bhagawan agreed and blessed them profusely. After two more bhajans Bhagawan received Aarathi.




Friday, April 24, 2009 Bhagawan came to the portico around 10 as His students were singing bhajans. A large member devotees had been yearning for His darshan and Bhagawan responded by going down the aisle moving among them blessing the devotees granting His coveted darshan. After moving up the aisle He stationed Himself near the portico and stayed there for quite some time with the sunny rays warming the Lord and His devotees alike and devotees had the best of their chances to gaze at the Lord to their heart’s content. After receiving flowers and arathi offered by two members of the Sri Sathya Sai Trust, He blessed Prasadam that was distributed to everyone.






Arrival of the Lord – Bhagawan arrives for granting darshan


Photos: April 24, 2009

Gracious Benediction











Onstage – Darshan from the dais



In the evening, the bhajans started at 5.40 p.m and Bhagawan arrived soon afterwards. Moving down the aisle Bhagawan collected letters from the devotees, spending considerably long time reading the letters. After half an hour of bhajans, Bhagawan asked the students to start Meera Bhajans followed by a song on Lord Rama. The audience was enthralled with music of high quality. Bhagawan showered His special grace asking students about their mother tongue allowing them to sing in their vernacular, a rarity.It was an occasion showcasing the talent and devotion of these students whose multifaceted personalities were moulded and chiseled by none other The Master Himself. Bhagwan in His mercy had an extended session of almost one and half an hour protecting the gathering from the rain outside. The wonderful session came to a close with Mangala Aarathi.




Thursday, April, 23 ,2009 Om Sai Ram dearest Sai Family, this morning like in South Africa people of Puttaparthi were also getting ready to cast their vote and our beloved Lord was all set to fly to Kodaikanal via Madurai a small 30 seater flight owned by Raymond company (a well known suiting shirting company) landed in Puttaparthi last evening and all arrangements were made for Swami at the airport. A small, beautifully decorated elevator was placed near the flight. The big names of Prasanthi Nilayam who were blessed to fly with Swami got in before Swami's arrival. Exactly at 8am Swami's little Porte car drove into the Sai airport and Swami got into the elevator and when the

elevator came to the door Swami was moved from His regular car chair into a specially designed chair and was wheeled slowly into the plane. The pilots and Mr. Sharma, in charge of Swami's airport took blessings from Swami and the DIVINE flight took off just after 8am.This year Swami's students selected for Kodai will be going by bus. All the SAI LUCK to those blessed souls to be with our beloved Lord at the naturally beautiful Kodaikanal...... source: SBOI-Group EYEWITNESS ACCOUNT SUBMITTED TO SBOI-Group BY SATISH NAIK









Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan at Kodaikanal - Sai ShruthiThursday, April 23, 2009

It was summer time in Parthi and in Bhagawan’s physical presence none felt the intensity of the otherwise scorching summer in Puttaparthi. After staying on for almost three weeks after the institutions closed down, Bhagawan left Prasanthi Nilayam on the morning of 23.04.09 by a special aircraft to Madurai. From Madurai He was airlifted the cool heights of Kodaikanal by a helicopter to reach after 10 a.m.







ORDLY BLESSINGS - Bhagawan’s chopper arrives in Kodaikanal



Photos: April 23, 2009 Sai Baba welcome

Unto the blessed land – Bhagawan upon arrival stepping out of the car


Privileged Folk – Bhagawan with students



Mangala Arathi – Arathi being offered to Bhagawan









Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan







As the Lord drove down to Sai Shruthi, the Divine Abode, a large number of devotees thronged to welcome Him on either side of the road, despite the state-wide bandh. Mangaladhwani of Nadaswaram provided the Sonic backdrop as He entered Sai Shruthi. Privileged students from Bhagawan’s University, who arrived a day in advanced sang the song welcoming the Lord. Bhagawan was received at the entrance by the Convener, Sri Sathya Sai Trust, Tamil Nadu. Upon receiving Mangala Arathi, Bhagawan retired to His residence.

In the evening Bhagawan came to the bhajan hall and even went down the aisle graciously receiving letters and blessing the devotees. He received Aarathi after an hour-long bhajan sung with fervent devotion by one and all. Bhagawan blessed the prasadam distributed to the devotees.



Also read: Prasanthi Bulletin by radiosai.org: Thursday, April 23, 2009 Bhagawan left for Kodaikanal this morning. Accepting Arati from the car at the Mandir at 7.45 am, Swami drove to the airport where His flight - a small business jet - took off at 8.20 am. The students and others who are to join Bhagawan at Madurai for the Kodai trip had left yesterday. From Madurai, the entire party will go to proceed up the Kodai hills once Bhagawan reaches Madurai this morning. Our next update will probably be after Bhagawan returns to Prasanthi Nilayam.http://www.saibabao findia.com/ FLIGHT_TO_ KODAIKANAL. htm

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