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Shri Saibaba Hospital -

SHIRDI Introduction -To meet tremendous advances in medical technologies, the hospital service has grown into an extremely complex and expensive industry. At the same time increasing health awareness and literacy level have led to increasing demand for quality & availability of health care, due to the above mentioned factors the health care cost has sky rocketed and the super-specialty hospital services are going out of reach of the poor and lower middle classes. With this changing health scenario in mind the board of trustees decided to develop a super-specialty institute with special emphasis on services to the poor and non-affluent classes of the society in accordance with the philosophy of Shri Saibaba 

Sansthan. Our vision To render super specialty health care service in different disciplines ,with application of recent advances in medical technology while incorporating the total quality management, with least possible cost and healing touch.. LocationWe are situated in holy land of Shirdi, which is Ahmednagar district ,about 80 Km away from it. it is about 290 Km Mumbai and 200 Km from Pune ,on Ahmednagar  Manmad State highwayCARDIAC CARE CATHETERIZATION LABEquipped with world’s latest digital cath  lab machine  of siemensHigh fidelity Cardiac ImagingEquipped with world-class other life saving emergency equipment IABP ,defibrillator with pacemaker ,ventilators, Anesthesia machines, monitors etc.Interventional cardiologyCardiology  AngiographyCoronary angioplasty Simple / Complex-/Single Vessel/Multi VesselPermanent Pacemaker implementation AICD Automatic Implantable Cardiac DefibrillatorBalloon Valvuloplasty   Mistral/Aortic/Pulmonary/TricuspidPeripheral Angiography / Angioplasty with online DSA           Operation Theatres-FiveFully equipped highly aseptic state of art operation theatres with sophisticated     anesthesia management systems.Separate Air conditioning units with laminar flow & Hepa filters with Anti –microbial prosperities (air pressure system)Equipped with the latest equipments representing the finest technology available internationally like multi channel homodynamic monitors, Maquest heart   lung machine and electrohydrolic O.T.Table ,Shodowless O.T. Lights, defibrillators,Data scope  I.A.B.P., & C-Arm SurgeryMinimally Invasive Coronary Artery Surgery (MICAS)Valvular heart SurgeryClosure of ASD,VSDThoracic Surgery CardiologySpine SurgeryOrthopedic Surgery / Joint

replacementUro SurgeryOnco SurgeryPlastic Surgery and Cosmetic SurgeryAdvanced Ophthalmology DermatologyEndoscopes Surgery         Intensive Care unitInternationally designed , thermo regulated, state of art 18 bedded intensive care unit with easy accessibility to all departments like OT, Cathlab.It also incorporate the latest patient central monitoring system and life support systems. Ventilators, Temporary pace makers ECG pacemakers ,defibrillators with acing capability, Central & Bed sides monitors, Syringe pumps etc.Supervised by qualified and experienced post graduate intesivisits  who have special training in critical care along with trained nursing peEmergency admissions 24 hours (Casualty, ICU,ICCU,PICU,NICU and  Cardiac recovery ward)AmbulanceFully equipped round the clock ICCU Services: It has all the requisite life support systems like ventilators ,defibrillator, pulse oximeter, monitor ECG machine etc along with a trained and experienced medical team  Supportive UnitsThe hospital offers range sophisticated tests, employ latest techniques and consultations to suit different age and risk profiles - Pathology lab.Blood bankSolar heater systemPhysiotherapy departmentHigh end 64 slice cardiac CT scan with CT angiography (both cardiac and peripheral) 2D colour DopplerHolter monitoringStress TestECG machine (12

channel)Digital X-ray 24 HrsPulmonary function testDay-night pharmacySonography with high end DopplerCardiac ambulance 24hrsHistopathology/cytologyCafeteriaSolar water heater systemSource - http://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/main_English/sansthan/variousdepartments/variousdepts_superspecialityhospital.asp" I Prefer to see Matches In the Match-Box rather than on T.V"Your Smoking is Injurious to Other`s Health - roHit beHal


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