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My humble Offering 2U My Lord sai..............

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I longed for Baba's miracles,

I lost my loved ones,

I lost my possessions,

I lost everything.

I had to face my insecurities, fears, ugliness and pain.


I longed for his Grace,

I lost my sense of self,

I lost my sense of purpose,

I lost everything.

I had to face the devil within me.


Now, I realize,

Only by accepting the devil within,

Only by accepting my insecurities, fears and pain,

I can fully accept myself,

I can fully embrace the world as it is.

Now,I realize,

If he is everywhere, there is nothing good or bad.

There is only him.

After witnessing everything transformed into him,

I receive His Miracle, His Grace.

I see myself being merged in Him.








" Your life

has an inner purpose and an outer purpose. Inner purpose concerns Being

and is primary. Outer purpose concerns doing and is secondary" E.T. Help Ever Hurt Never SaiinArt/To view creation of Love from our Sai Familyhttp://creationofsaifamily.googlepages.com/home

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Guest guest

This is very beautiful,creative & expressive painting ...

keep it up!




--- On Wed, 5/6/09, Sai In Art <saiinart_1926 wrote:

Sai In Art <saiinart_1926 My humble Offering 2U My Lord sai.............."Sai in art" <SaiinArt >, saibabanews , "Satyhasai" Wednesday, May 6, 2009, 1:32 AM





















I longed for Baba's miracles,

I lost my loved ones,

I lost my possessions,

I lost everything.

I had to face my insecurities, fears, ugliness and pain.


I longed for his Grace,

I lost my sense of self,

I lost my sense of purpose,

I lost everything.

I had to face the devil within me.


Now, I realize,

Only by accepting the devil within,

Only by accepting my insecurities, fears and pain,

I can fully accept myself,

I can fully embrace the world as it is.

Now,I realize,

If he is everywhere, there is nothing good or bad.

There is only him.

After witnessing everything transformed into him,

I receive His Miracle, His Grace.

I see myself being merged in Him.








" Your life has an inner purpose and an outer purpose. Inner purpose concerns Being and is primary. Outer purpose concerns doing and is secondary" E.T.



Help Ever Hurt Never http://groups. / group/SaiinArt/To view creation of Love from our Sai Familyhttp://creationofsa ifamily.googlepa ges.com/home

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