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Today 12th May is Dharmakshetra day. Dharmakshetra is the abode of our loving Swami in Mumbai. Tomorrow 13th May is the anniversary day of Sai Prem center, abode of Swami in Navi Mumbai.


Please find attach Swami's discourse at Sai Prem on 13th May 1995.





GIFT OF GRACE TO NEW BOMBAY:SEE GOOD, HEAR GOOD, SPEAK GOOD13TH MAY, 1995 " Sarva Roopa Dharam Shantham Sarva Naama Dharma Shivam Sachidaananda Roopam Advaitam Satyam Shivam Sundaram" The lord who is all truth, auspiciousness and beauty and one without a second, the abode of all peace: all the forms are His, all the names are His. He is the very ocean of being, Awareness and bliss.Embodiments of Love: Man has today achieved immense progress in the material and scientific ways. But religiously, spiritually and morally we find decline of human values. Whatever work man undertakes, whatever effort he puts in, the only motive is selfishness. If at all man loves another man, it is not for the sake of that man, but out of his selfishness. Man is living like a puppet in the hands of selfishness. There will be peace in the world only if man sacrifices this selfishness and dwells in spirituality.Many types of problems are emerging in the world today. More physical problems arise now-a-days when you try to solve one problem. What is the reason ? Man is developing a very narrow mindedness. One should have a broad minded feeling. The spirit of thinking with discrimination should be developed. The equal mindedness that all are children of God should be cultivated. We should firmly believe that every man is the son of God.Every Indian knows the sacred story of Ramayana very well. In every human endeavor we find selfishness, ego, pomp, jealousy and exhibitionism coming to the fore. Man is not ready to hear good things in life. He is ready to hear only wicked things and about wicked thoughts. Man has polluted his power of speech and is criticising others. Man's thoughts are also becoming wicked. You know that when Dasaratha was making preparations for the coronation of Sri Ramachandra, jealous Manthara went to Kaikeyi and told her many things which were contrary to the truth. Kaikeyi was a great queen and was also very intelligent but the wicked teachings entered her mind easily. Kaikeyi fell into the wicked path instead of correcting Manthara. Manthara who told Kaikeyi wicked things and Kaikeyi who listened and fell into the wicked path earned a bad name.There was Keechaka. He was a man of character but his vision was bad. Many people have suffered because of their bad looks. Does anybody have the name of Keechaka today ? Any person with bad talking, bad listening, bad vision and bad thinking will never have peace and happiness.The life which is given to us should be used in a sacred way. Talk no evil, talk what is good. Talk only that which is good. Don't talk about wrong things. See no evil, see what is good. The eyes are given to see sacred and beautiful forms of God. Nature is full of beauty. Nature is the very embodiment of God. Viswam Vishnu Swaroopam. We have to develop this type of good looks. Hear no evil, hear what is good. The heart is the temple of God. "Hrut yat Hridayam". Hear is that which has compassion.The essence of the eighteen Puranas summarised in two sentences is Help Ever, Hurt NeverWhat we have to do nowadays is not poojas and bhajans but transform our hearts. Man does not have enough time for his daily activities. Therefore, speak good, listen to good things, have good thoughts, do good actions. This is the goal of mankind. But being born as a human being, man is troubling others as he is full of jealousy and egoism. A person who troubles others cannot be happy.Therefore, you should develop devotion to God. Our material, physical and spiritual prowess has no value if we are devoid of devotion to God. There is no difference of caste, creed and religion in the matters of the divine. Christians, Muslims, Persians, Hindus all should have a sense of unity. Hatred is the greatest enemy of man. It is for this reason that Jesus said "All are one, my dear son. Be alike to every one". Even in Indian culture it is proclaimed 'Isa Vaasyam Idam Sarvam'. Names and forms are different but God is one. You all know that we make sweets at home like Gulab Jamun, Barfi, etc. The names and forms of sweets are many but sugar is one. Names and forms of God are different but divinity is one. There is cure for every disease but not for jealousy and hatred. These diseases of hatred and jealousy are developing in the world today. How to cure this? By Naama Smarana chanting the nameof God, faith in God and believing in the unity of all beings.Uthishtatha, Jagratha, Praptatha. Wake up from this darkness of ignorance. Narrow mindedness is ignorance. Develop expansion of love, not contraction of love. We have narrow minded love today. Such a broad principle is on the decline today. Embodiments of Love: Body is like a water bubble. Mind is like a mad monkey. Do not follow the mind. Do not follow the body. Follow the Atmic principle. That is Follow the heart, face the devil, fight to the end and finish the game. Follow the heart, follow the conscience. Conscience will not change. You set high ideals for humanity in every matter. Today's youth argue against true values and put forth many wrong arguments in matter relating to God. They do not recognise the truth considering such wrong arguments as modern fashion. That is not good.Many say that humanism lies in Sathya, Dharma, Shanthi and Prema. But all these values are not different but one. The current of Sathya flowing through the wire Dharma enters the bulb of Shanthi and gives the light of Prema. Therefore, to receive the light of Prema, the bulb of Shanthi should be kept in good condition. There should be the wire of Dharma. Dharma should be unshakable. Only through these, current of Sathya will flow. Truth is our breath. Righteousness is our life force. That is why Indian culture proclaims Sathyam Vada, Dharmam Chara. No religion teaches that you should reject truth and righteousness. Religions may be many but truth and righteousness are one and the same. The religion which does not teach truth and righteousness is no religion at all. What is religion? Religion has to be useful to everybody and should give peace and happiness. There should be no differences among religions. Differences in religions arise because of narrow minded feelings. We should not hate any religion. We should not criticise any religion. Love everybody. Everyone should develop this religion of love."Top

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