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Dr D.J.Gadhia.....Sai Smaran...Swami on Ego and Jealousy

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Egoism causes a lack of inner peace. Man creates and magnifies within himself a great variety of selfish habits and attitudes. This causes him great discontent with himself.


The effulgence of man's divine nature is obscured by egoism.

Therefore, when ego is destroyed all the troubles end. All discontent vanishes and true bliss is attained.


The ego is most easily destroyed by devotion to God, dwelling on the magnificence of the Lord, and by humility and service to others as the children of the Lord.


Criticizing others and finding faults in them comes out of egoism. If there is ego and you think of Swami is yours, then Swami gets imprisoned by your ego and cannot come to your help.


But if you think, ' I belong to Swami; then Swami becomes free to look after you and bring you spiritual progress. It is all a matter of humility and your attitude to true realization of the omnipresence of God, and God will knock out your ego as it stands in the way.


Jealousy is a vicious disease which must not be permitted to gain a foothold. You must feel that God will always bless you with His grace even if you are in a lesser position than you deserve.


You should enjoy the happiness of others, you should be glad to hear hear their accomplishment and not feel sad just because others have things which you do not have.


Jealousy is all - pervasive in this Kali age (IE the present age of all-round moral decline). It is prevalent in all types of people. be they Yogis (godly persons) Bogis (worldly persons) or Rogis (Sick individuals.


It is mostly an account of jealousy that people lose their peace of mind and waste their lives. Jealousy for instance can enter even into your relationship with divinity itself! Jealousy is like cancer.


Swami says: Bring the recurrent desires of your mind to Me, every time they merge. They cannot shock Me, for I willed them! Bring me your confusion, your fear, your craving, your anxiety, your inability to love the world, your hesitation to serve, your jealousy, all these are deficiencies that obstruck your sadhana(Spiritual discipline)


What a wonderful description of the deadly enemies of man-ego and jealousy.


(Sharing with Sai Love)


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