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Today is the sacred day of Hanuman Jayanthi

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Today is the Most Sacred Day of HANUMAN JAYANTI. Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated to commemorate the birth of Lord Anjaneya or Hanuman, the most ardent devotee of Lord Sri Rama and is worshipped for his unflinching devotion to the God. Lord Anjaneya said "I am a humble messenger of Sri Rama. I have come here to serve Rama, to do His work. By the command of Lord Rama, I have come here. I am fearless by the Grace of Lord Rama. I am not afraid of death. I welcome it if it comes while serving Lord Rama."

In return for his unconditional love, Lord Rama granted him everlasting life. He promised that he would be worshipped alongside Rama and that his idol would be placed next to his.


It is highly auspicious to recite/listen the great Hanuman Chalisa on this day and every Tuesday to have positive vibrations in our Homes for our good health, prosperity and Bliss. Please click the link below to listen Hanuman chalisa and related video clips


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzVBd9FOhzY & feature=related


The Full text of the sacred Hanuman Chalisa is given below :


Below is the Complete Text of Hanuman Chalisa with English Translation :


Whoever recites Hanuman Chalisa which includes 40 stanzas praising Lord Anjaneya and written by Shree Tulsi Das for 40 mornings will beget health, wealth, happiness, courage, valour and wisdom. Devotees reading this Chalisa 108 times will overcome all obstacles.



Hanuman Chalisa - Complete Text with Translation








Having cleansed the mirror of my soul with the dust of the guru's lotus-feet, I describe Raghuvara's spotless glory, the bestower of life's four fruits.



Realizing that I am void of all wisdom, I meditate on the son of the Wind, may he bless me with strength, wisdom and knowledge and rid me of my sufferings and sins. JAYA HANUMAANA GYANA GUNA SAAGARAJAYA KAPIISA TIHUN LOKA UJAAGARARAAMA DUUTA ATULITA BALA DHAAMAAANJANIPUTRA PAVANSUTA NAAMAA

Glory to you, O Hanuman, ocean of all knowledge and virtue! Glory to the Monkey lord, enlightener of the triple worlds; you are Rama's envoy of might incomparable Anjani's son called Pavansuta. RAATIHUN DIVASA RAAMA DHUNA JAAHIINMAGANA RAHATA MANA, TANA DUKHA NAAHIINRAAMA SANEHA JAASU URA HOIIMAHAA BHAAGYASHAALII NARA SOII

Wherever people chorus the glory of Rama throughout the night and day and have their minds fully absorbed in it, they are cured of all bodily suffering. Highly fortunate is only that person whose heart brims with love of Rama. MAHAABIIRA BIKRAMA BAJARANGIIKUMATI NIVAARA SUMATI KE SANGIIKANCHANA BARANA BIRAAJA SUVESAAKAANANA KUNDALA KUNCHITA KESAA

You are mighty, valiant, radiant as the thunderbolt, banisher of wickedness, of the wise befriender, golden-hued and brilliant and charmingly bedecked, with pendants sparkling in your ears and curly hair on the head. HAATHA BAJRA AU DHVAJAA BIRAAJAIKAANDHE MUUNJA JANEUU SAAJAISANKARA SUVANA KESARIINANDANATEJA PRATAAPA MAHAA JAGA BANDHANA In your hands flash the thunderbolt and banner and across your shoulder the sacred thread of munja.. O Shankara's son, the delight of Keshari, the greatness of your glory is adored all the world over. BIDYAAVAANA GUNII ATI CHAATURARAAMA KAAJA KARIBE KO AATURAPRABHU CHARITRA SUNIBE KO RASIYAARAAMA LASHANA SIITAA MANA BASIYAA

Learned, accomplished and exceedingly wise, ever eager to carry out Rama's behest you delight in listening to the Lord's ambrosial acts, with Rama, Lakshmana and Sita dwelling in your heart.

SUUKSHMA RUUPA DHARI SIYAHIN DIKHAAVAAVIKATA RUUPA DHARI LANKA JARAAVABHIIMA RUUPA DHARI ASURA SANHAARERAAMACHANDRA KE KAAJA SANVAARE You appeared before Sita in a subtle form, burnt Lanka in a form awesome to behold; you slew the demons by assuming a gigantic form and thus accomplished Rama's mission. LAAYA SANJIVANA LAKHANA JIYAAYESHRII RAGHUBIIRA HARASHI URA LAAYERAGHUPATI KIINHII BAHUTA BADAAIITUMA MAMA PRIYA BHARATAHI SAMA BHAAII You brought the life-giving herb, which resuscitated Lakshmana; joyously then Rama clasped you to his bosom and praised you again and again. 'You are as dear to me as Brahma' he said. SAHASA BADANA TUMHARO JASA GAAVAINASA KAHI SHRIPATI KANTHA LAGAAVAINSANAKAADIKA BRAHMAADI MUNIISAANAARADA SAARADA SAHITA AHIISAA The thousand-headed Serpent hymns your glory! So saying, Sita's lord fondly embraces you. 'So also Sanaka, his brothers, Brahma and the other high sages, Narada, Sarada and the Serpent king'. JAMA KUBERA DIGPAALA JAHAN TEKAVI KOBIDA KAHI SAKE KAHAN TETUMA UPAKAARA SUGRRIIVAHIN KIINHAARAAMA MILAAYA RAAJA PADA DIINHAA Yama, Kubera and all the guardians of the directions, poets and scholars cannot sing your glory. You rendered great service to Sugriva when you brought him to Rama, who crowned him king and gave him sovereignty over Kishkindhaa. TUMHARO MANTRA BIBHISHANA MAANAALANKESHWARA BHAE SABA JAGA JAANAAJUGA SAHASRA JOJANA PARA BHAANUULIILYO TAAHI MADHURA PHALA JAANUU Vibhishana heeded your advice and became Lanka's lord, which the whole world knows. Considering him to be a sweet fruit, you swallowed the sun from a distance of two thousand yojnas. PRABHU MUDRIKAA MELI MUKHA MAAHIINJALADHI LAANGHI GAYE ACHARAJA NAAHIINDURGAMA KAAJA JAGATA KE JETESUGAMA ANUGRAHA TUMHARE TETE No wonder you leapt across the ocean, carrying the Lord's ring in your mouth. All the tasks of the world, however difficult are rendered easily possible by your favour. RAAMA DUAARE TUMA RAKHAVAAREHOTA NA AAGYAA BINU PAISAARESABA SUKHA LAHAI TUMHAARII SARANAATUMA RACCHAKA KAAHUU KO DARA NAA You are the sentinel posted at Rama's gate which none can enter unless you let him in. He who seeks refuge in you enjoys all blessings and with you as protector experiences no fear. AAPANA TEJA SAMAHAARO AAPAITIINONH LOKA HAAKANTEIN KAANPAIBHUUTA PISAACHA NIKATA NAHIN AAVAIMAHAABIIRA JABA NAAM SUNAAVAI When you remember your blazing splendour (which you alone control) and roar aloud, your thunderous voice causes tremor in the three spheres; when your name Mahavira is incessantly repeated, ghosts and goblins dare not make their visitation NAASAI ROGA HARAI SABA PIIRAAJAPATA NIRANTARA HANUMATA BIIRAASANKATA TEIN HANUMAANA CHUDAAVAIMANA KRAMA BACHANA DHYAANA JO LAAVAI Constant repetition of your name, O valiant Hanuman, destroys all illness and dispels all suffering. If one meditates on you with thought, word and deed, you rid one of every calamity. SABA PARA RAAMA TAPASVII RAAJAATINA KE KAAJA SAKALA TUMA SAAJAAAURA MANORATHA JO KOII LAAVAISOII AMITA JIIVANA PHALA PAAVAI Though Rama himself is a supreme ascetic, Lord of all, yet you, Hanuman, fulfilled all his missions successfully. Whoever expresses a longing to you is rewarded with countless fruits of life. CHAARON YUGA PARATAAPA TUMHAARAAHAI PARASIDDHA JAGATA UJIYAARAASAADHU SANTA KE TUMA RAKHAVAAREASURA NIKANDANA RAAMA DULAARE Your glory is famed through all the four ages, shedding its lustre on the terrestrial sphere. You are the protector of every saint and sage, destroyer of the demons and Rama's pet. ASTA SIDDHI NAU NIDHI KE DAATAAASA BARA DIINA JAANAKII MAATAARAAMA RASAAYANA TUMHARE PAASAASADAA RAHO RAGHUPATI KE DAASAA Be thou the bestower of the eight siddhis and the nine nidhis such is the boon Mother Janaki bestowed on you. You possess Rama-the philosopher's stone-and Raghupati's servant you ever remain. TUMHARE BHAJANA RAAMA KO PAAVAIJANAMA JANAMA KE DUKHA VISARAAVAIANTA KAALA RAGHUBARA PURA JAIIJAHAN JANMA HARI BHAKTA KAHAAII By hymning your praises the aspirant attains Rama and forgets the sufferings of all transmigratory births. At last your votary goes to the city of Raghuvara, where taking birth, he is called Hari's devotee. AURA DEVATAA CHITTA NA DHARAIIHANUMATA SEII SARBA SUKHA KARAIISANKATA KATAI MITAI SABA PIIRAAJO SUMIRAI HANUMATA BALABIIRAA He who does not cherish any other god but serves only Hanuman enjoys all bliss. If one constantly repeats the valiant Hanuman's name, al calamities disappear and all sufferings end. JAI JAI JAI HANUMAANA GOSAAIINKRIPAA KARAHU GURUDEVA KII NAAINJO SATA BAARA PAATHAKARA KOIICHUUTAHI BANDHI MAHAASUKHA HOII Glory, glory, all glory to the Lord Hanuman! Be gracious to me like my own guru. He who recites this a hundred times is freed from bondage and enjoys supreme bliss. JO YAHA PADHAI HANUMAANA CHAALIISAAHOYA SIDDHI SAAKHII GAURISAATULASIIDAASA SADAA HARI CHERAAKIIJAI NAATHA HRIDAYA MAHAN DERAA He who reads this Hanumanchalisa attains perfection, to which the Lord Shiva testifies. Says Tulasi, 'O Lord, make my heart your dwelling-place, you who are forever in Rama's service.' DOHAA PAVANATANAYA SANKATA HARANA,MANGALA MUURATI RUUPARAAMA LAKHANA SIITAA SAHITA,HRIDAYA BASAHU SURA BHUUPA O Son of the wind, dispeller of all calamities, the very embodiment of all blessings! O king of the immortals, dwell in my heart with Rama, Lakshmana and Sita If you want the Text in Hindi and Hanuman Chalisa and some other Hanuman Mantras in Mp3-Format, you can download at:http://hanumanji.wordpress.com


Om Sai Ram

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