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Remembering Sai Geetha

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Two years have almost gone by. And it is still vivid in the minds of those who were present to witness the scene on the morning of 23rd May 2007 when His all conquering love filled and fulfilled Sai Geeta and perhaps her final wish to have Him with her during her final earthly moments.


How an ordinary mortal could decipher the mysterious moments that happened on that fateful morning when Bhagawan Himself drove down to the planetarium side to have a look at His pet elephant that had dropped down on the previous evening? He went close to Sai Geeta and smeared vibhuti all over her head. He was there for a couple of minutes pressing her head with His fingers, stroking her trunk, applying vibhuti on her face and limbs. He then lovingly moved His fingers over her eyes and even asked the caretaker to open her eyes. Though it had been fifteen hours after her passing away, clinically, her body was still supple and flexible as if it was still having traces of life inching towards final exit. Braving the simmering summer, there waited God in human form, silently guiding the entire proceedings of His beloved’s final journey, for more than two and a half hours, at the newly constructed Sai Geeta Mahal, as devotees affectionately started

calling the same.


A Wonderful Incident by Joy Zieglere of the United States :


“Almost each day of my stay at Prasanthi Nilayam, I walked through the village, past the schools, past the new planetarium, to the large plot of tropical land that is Sai Geeta’s home. Often I would stop at one of the many small fruit and vegetable stands along the roadside and pick out five or six ripe bananas to take for the elephant. Usually, the gentleman who took care of Geeta allowed me to feed her and stroke her trunk.


Some days, if Swami was going to the Gokulam, He would drive by Geeta’s lush area and wave. Geeta would run to the gate and bow, holding her trunk out in salute to her adored Swami. I witnessed this many times during the two months I had been at the ashram. Sometimes Geeta would trumpet her love for Swami, sending elephant sounds deep into the sultry jungle that surrounded her.


There were other days when Swami would drive by and not glance Geeta’s way.


Unhampered by this, the faithful elephant could still be seen at the roadside, knees bent, trunk outstretched, in praise to the Divine, as His car slowly passed. Geeta’s keeper was ever ready with assistance. Each day she was bathed, Indian designs were painted on her large forehead, usually in white, and a brass bell hung lazily from her neck. Purple bougainvilleas adorned the fence around Geeta’s yard as well.


One morning, as was my practice, I waved at the keeper and held up my gift of bananas. Holding up his hand in returned recognition, he walked toward the entrance. Speaking to me, he said, ‘I will not have you feed these to Geeta today,’ taking the fruits from my hand.

I responded quickly, ‘Is she sick?’


‘No, no,’ came his reply. ‘Swami may stop and feed her these bananas today.’


I thought to myself, `I have been here almost every day, and Swami has never stopped to feed her. Why, sometimes He has not even looked her way. This man must be dreaming.’

I finally presumed that the keeper was going to consume the bananas himself.


No sooner had this thought gone through my mind than a student, neatly dressed in fresh, white trousers with matching shirt, galloped up to the gateway and shouted to the elephant keeper that Swami was indeed on His way. Wiping Geeta’s trunk and straightening her bell, the keeper walked with Sai Geeta to the entrance. He opened the gate and she stepped out on the sand to wait in anticipation of Swami.


She bowed low and trumpeted loudly, as the red car came to a stop in front of her. The door opened and Swami stepped out. Walking several steps toward Geeta, He reached out and put His arms around her trunk and gave a hug. Geeta closed her eyes in ecstasy. Swami then took the bananas and fed them one by one to Geeta, stroking her trunk as she ate.


I was breathless. How had the keeper known Swami would stop there that day?


Nudging me gently, the elephant mahout pointed to the camera that hung forgotten around my neck, then to Swami, reminding me of the opportunity to take pictures.


What went on between God and His elephant that day was inexpressible. But the love that passed between them was glorious.As Swami’s car vanished down the narrow road, I turned to the keeper in near hysteria. ‘How did you know that Swami would stop and feed Geeta today?’ I asked in an almost scream.


Softly, the man replied, ‘I didn’t know. What I did know was that Geeta needed to be close to Swami. It had been waiting for a long time. God gives each of us what we need; not just to humans alone, but to each species of creation. Every being is in His ever knowing hands.’â€


In His first address after the passing away of Sai Geeta, to the students of His educational institutions, Swami wonderfully said


“If only you can remember and ruminate on the intense love that Sai Geeta had for Swami and develop such sacred and noble thoughts, I will Myself take you close to My heart. You do not have to do anything else.â€.


Om Sai Ram



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