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“Deserve before you desire Brahman�.

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Occasionally some turned up wanting Brahma Jnana from Baba to be handed over to them like a packet of sweets across the counter. One such person was a rich man who went to Baba, and expressly put the question to Baba, ‘What is God like?’ Baba did not address the visitor, but asked some devotee near him to go to Bagchand Marwadi and tell him that Baba wanted Rs.100, and then bring the money. That man returned in a minute and said, ‘The Marwadi (Money lender) says that he has no money, and sends his namaskar’. Baba again sent this man to another money lender to ask him for the loan of Rs. 100. This time also the devotee returned saying that the money lender said that he had no money. Baba next said, ‘Fetch Nana Saheb Chandorkar’. Nana came. Then Baba told Nana that he wanted Rs.100. Nana at once wrote a chit to the same

Bagchand Marwadi for a loan of Rs.I00, and in a minute the money came from that Marwadi, and Nana placed that sum in Baba’s hands. Baba then said, ‘It is all like this in this world.’ The impatient visitor could make out nothing at all and could not understand why, when he asked about God, Baba did not answer the question but went on sending people for loans, and asked Das Ganu why Baba did so. Das Ganu said that Baba had answered his question. The visitor wanted to know how. Das Ganu said, ‘When others asked for money, it was not forthcoming, but when Nana Saheb asked for it, the money was at once forthcoming. So, the man who merely asks, “What is God like†does not get to know it. But the man who is qualified to know that and only the man who deserves to know that, gets that knowledge. Baba’s answer therefore is “Deserve before you desire Brahmanâ€.

On another occasion, a very rich man came to Baba with a large amount of money in his pocket, and with great anxiety to avoid extra expenditure, as far as possible, he had engaged a cab for the journey from Kopergaon to Shirdi and back, promising to return in half an hour. So, the man came in a hurry to Baba and said, ‘Baba, show me God, Brahman. It is for this I have come all this long way. People say that Shirdi Baba reveals Brahman very quickly.’ Baba said, ‘Do not fear. Immediately and clearly I will show you. This is not a matter that could be put off. It is hard to get questioners seeking illumination like you. (Here Baba’s irony was hardly understood by the man). Most people seek wealth, cure of disease or trouble, honour, position, or perpetual pleasure and other earthly objects. None wants God. Oh, I long to see those who long to see God. Now, Brahman is the root cause of the Universe that which accounts for Solar and Planetary

motions, variations of seasons and division of all functions. One must know, i.e., realise Brahman before death. Else there will be an ever recurring cycle of births and deaths. ReaIisation gives 'Kevala Advaita Sukham '. A Guru gives it and only a Guru can'.


Baba then turned to some others and sent a boy out with these words: “Go, tell Nandalal Marwadi, Baba urgently wants a hand loan of Rs.5/- and bring the moneyâ€. The boy went and found the marwadi absent. Baba sent more messages to absent men. The rich man was getting impatient at Baba’s failure to give him atmajnan or sight of God, more especially because delay would mean extra payment to the tonga walla whom he had engaged for the return journey also. He saw, of course, that Baba wanted Rs.5 and he could stop the repeated requests of Baba for Rs.5 by paying it out of the Rs.250/¬- he had in his pocket. But he was oppressed with the fear that if he advanced the loan, it might prove irrecoverable. He asked Baba, ‘Will you help me to grasp Brahman?’ Baba replied, ‘You see what I have been doing all this while is to enable you to see God even as you are now seated. Have you understood nothing? I want five.

One must surrender the five to get at Brahman. One must surrender the five senses (Indriyas), the five pranas and manas, Buddhi, Ahankar (Mind, Intellect and Ego) (all of which involve Vairagya i.e., detachment). The road to Brahma Jnana is hard to tread. All cannot tread it. When it dawns, there will be light. One who feels unattached to things terrestrial and celestial is alone competent to have Brahmajnan'.


The man found that Baba had read his strong attachment to the Rs.5/- which he considered more important than getting Brahmajnana Upadesa.

Baba taught the absolute importance of complete surrender of Tan Man Dan, that is, body, mind and possessions, as an essential preliminary to fitness to understand and be absorbed in God. This surrender is set out in Srimad Bhagavata and other works.â€â€¦â€¦

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