Guest guest Posted May 31, 2009 Report Share Posted May 31, 2009 Sathyabhaama once asked Krishna, "Why are you doing things like ordinary men? Yudhishthira, the eldest of the Paandavas is the best of the brothers but you hobnob always with Arjuna, whose reputation is not above board." Her faith was not steady! What do people know of the motives that prompt the Lord and His actions? Some found fault with Naaradha for repeating the name of the Lord, always, without intermission. But until Saayujyam (merging in the absolute), the name has to be used; the idea of separation will end only with mergence, not before that. Do not waver or doubt when once you are convinced. Seek to understand and satisfy yourself. After that, do not be misled. When the sun is over your head there will be no shadow; similarly when faith is steady in your head it should not cast any shadow of doubt. - From Bhagawan's 1956 Guru Poornima Discourse Explore and discover exciting holidays and getaways with India Travel Click here! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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