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This week has an extra day. " No Tobacco Day or no smoking day " .


Let us make a pledge this day to do whatever it takes to not be passive

smokers,as it is a acknowledged fact that passive smoking is more hazardous to



Pls forward the encl clipart SHAANtoSHAMSHAAN to friends, as this applies to

both passive  & active smokers.it is about a journey which starts from SHAAN

(Status symbol to smoke cigarettes)


Sorry if i appear harsh, but the Tobacco menace in India has reached such a

volumnous proportion, that India is xpected to account for World's 10% of

smokers by 2010 as per WHO report, and many other alraming facts can be found

relating to spread of Tobacco menance in India,if one looks thru net incl

reports that Tobacco contains radioactive residues as published last year in

Leading Indian and international press.




--- On Sat, 5/30/09, sanjay sondhi <sondhi_sanjay65 wrote:



sanjay sondhi <sondhi_sanjay65

RE: Wash day [10 Attachments]

" Ajay Nayar " <ajay, " alka malik " <malikalka,

" aman khurana " <gudolpinnocz, " Amogh Mehra "

<amogh_mehra, " amrita thakur " <amritasthakur,

" anshu walia " <iruvarwalia, " archna kumar "

<archnakumar, " arun mehra " <arun_mehra1944, " arvinder

singh " <contact, " ATUL SONI " <atul, " Atul

Soni " <saiatul, " atul soni " <saiatul, " Atul Raja "

<atulraja, " Ayush Bhutani " <rockinghearts_89, " BINS K "

<bins_tins, " chahal chahal sai " <chahal42,

" chandra Sekar " <saijaya, " Deepak Gupta " <dkgupta,

" gandi " <kjsingh, " Gauri Nayar " <gnayar, " Gautam

Sikri Ramsons " <gautam, " gurpreet wadhwan sai "

<gurpreet_wadhawan, " Hari Haran " <saihari76, " Himanshu

Khanna " <himanshuctr, " Jasjit Toor " <jassy_toor,

" JASMINE Painter delhi " <aquajas89, " Kanish Bhutani "

<048562, " kunal maini " <maini.kunal, " lokesh verma "

<ssssales, " lovelain Rodrigo " <lovelain2002, " Mandeep

Jain " <deeps_mandeep, " Manish Bhandari " <manish.1947,

" Mukesh Desai " <mukeshbhaidesai, " Munish Joshi "

<munishjoshi, " munish kumar " <munishgzscet, " Munish

Sharma " <munish251167, " naga babu "

<nagababu23, " navdeep sharma " <eprex4you, " navdeep

sharma " <navdeep.sharma, " neeraj ranger "

<neeraj, " parmod jain " <parmod_jn,

" Prahlad singh " <prahlad.gadvasu, " preeti thapar "

<preetithapar_77, " Rahul Dhawan " <md_kumar7, " rajan

puri " <alkarajan, " rajan mago " <nvenusas, " Rajiv

Ghai " <ghairs, " rajnish verma " <verma.rajnish, " ram

paul " <rampaul278, " Raza Dhanda " <dhandashaista, " Renu

Dhanda " <renudhanda, " RITA CHATELY " <srani_,

" Rupan Khosla " <rupankhosla, " sai devotee saidevotee "

, " sandeep sood " <sandipsood,

" Sarika Gupta "

<mukesharika, " Savithri Chandershekran " <savithri623,

" sister zelie " <zeliesal, " sonia sondhi " <sonia_sondhi,

" Sonia Paul " <paulsonia, " Subodh Behari " <subodh.behari,

" supriya kochar " <supriyakochar, " Suresh Goyal "

<sk.goyal, " Vaneet Bharti " <nikkivaneet, " Vikrant

Minhas " <vikrant_minhas, " Vk Gandotra " <vkgandotra

Saturday, May 30, 2009, 12:28 PM






[Attachment(s) from sanjay sondhi included below]


























Wash Day......... ..

Now, this is really a cute one. . . .and

I've not seen it before, either!! That is

Getting to be a rarity

Monday WashDay  

Lord, help me wash away all my selfishness and

Vanity, so I may serve you with perfect humility

Through the week ahead.

Tuesday  Ironing Day  

Dear Lord, help me iron out all the wrinkles


prejudice I have collected through the years

So that I may see the beauty in others.

Wednesday Mending Day  

O God, help me mend my ways so I will not

Set a bad example for others.

Thursday Cleaning Day

Lord , help me to dust out all the many faults

I have been hiding in the secret corners of my heart.

Friday Shopping Day

O God, give me the grace to shop wisely so I may purchase eternal happiness for

myself and



all others in need of love.

Saturday Cooking Day

Help me, my Savior, to brew a big kettle of brotherly

Love and serve it with clean, sweet bread of human kindness.

Sunday  The Lord's Day    

O God, I have prepared my house for you. Please

Come into my heart so I may spend the day and the

Rest of my life in your presence.

************ ********* ********* ********* ********* ******







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