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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 12-2009 in 3d Format.

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My mortal remains would speak from the Tomb" - BABA


Syamasundar D, Houston, sai_syam


Symbolism and Significance of Rs

600 in Shri Sai Satcharitra. The reader

of Sai Satcharita finds figures/numbers at many places. To mention a few Sai

offered two paise (Sraddha and Saburi) as dakshina to His Guru. Sai asked six

rupees (surrender of 6 inner enemies; Kama, Krodha…. etc) as dakshina from

Mrs.Tarkhad. Baba asked Rs 15(15 chapters of Yogavasishta in his heart where

Baba resides) from G.G.Narke. Similarly, Baba gave nine rupees (9 ways of

devotion, navavidha bhakthi) to Lakshmibai Shinde.


In Chapter XXXII of Satcharitra

Baba said a story of His boyhood as follows: "When I was a youngster, I

was in search of bread and went to Beed. There I got embroidery work, sparing

no pains. The employer was very much pleased with Me. Three other boys worked

before Me. The first got Rs 50/, the second Rs 100/ and the third Rs 150/. And

I was given twice the total of this amount viz Rs 600/. After seeing my

cleverness, My employer loved, praised and honored Me with a full dress, a

turban and a Shela etc. I kept this

dress intact without using it thinking that what a man might give does not last long, but what My

Sarkar (God) gives, lasts to the end of time. No other gift can be compared to

His. My Sarkar says, "Take, take", but everybody comes to Me and says

"Give, give". Nobody attends

carefully the meaning of what I say. In Dhulia court, Baba said

that His religion was of Kabir's and His age lakhs of years "My bones will

speak from My tomb" Baba's assurance.


Let us now carefully view the above statements and correlate: Saint Kabir lived

during the period 1398-1518 A.D. Add 50,100 and 150 and the total comes to be

300. After approximately 300 years of Kabir, Baba's incarnation came in the

year 1838 and continued until 1918. Baba was given Rs 600 by His Sarkar. Add 600

to 1918, we get the figure 2518. This means Baba's Shakthi (power) will rule

the world till 2518 year as He didn't spend the amount of Rs 600/ for Himself.

There might be three incantations of limited period of 50,100 and 150 years influence,

in the form of some other saints between Kabir and Shirdi Saibaba.


One can find examples in epics to illustrate the power of bones. Indra, the God

of Heavens won his battles against demons with his mighty Vajrayudha.

Vajrayudha was made by the backbone of the sage Dadeechi.


In Mahabharath, Sakuni with his dice (made by the side bones of his father)

ultimately destroyed Duryodhana, though he acted as helping Duryodhana. These

illustrations thus show the important role of bones in the annihilation of

evil. Similarly, Baba's bones continue to help and answer His devotees until

2518. As Baba is Adiparashakthi (age lakhs of years), His eternal power will

continue even after the year 2518 to eternity.


(The above views were expressed by

Sri Sai Ba. Ni. Sa. (Sri Ravada Gopala Rao) during his discourse in Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir, Houston on 3rd.Aug 2003.


views are only his personal)


The Issue12- 2009 of The Glory of Shirdi Sai is now available in the

3d Page turning format.


New Features: Embedded YouTube Videos of Saibaba Aartees.

We have created a new and improved format, with Zoom in functionality, Printing

and hyper links inside the pages.


The current issue is available at:



NatKhat (Childhood of Lord Krishna)

-"The 3d Page turning Interactive spiritual/family magazine for the entire

family", is now available.



In the Service of Lord Sainath and His


SaiSevak SrinivasaRao




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