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Prasanthi Diary , Wednesday, June 10, 2009 (RECENT UPDATES)

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Wednesday, June 10, 2009


"Everyday is a festival in Prashanti Nilayam," said someone during the

peak of the 'programme season' when as many as 15 programmes were put

up in a single month. That statement held good even during the first

tens days of June, in spite of there being no single programme put up

in the Mandir; the days were special in their own inimitable way. There

weren't any festoons, backdrops, costumes and the other paraphernalia,

which are usually associated with festivals. But the festivities came

in the guise of more than 5000 people, who had gathered with devotion

and Love for God to sing His praises. It indeed was festival time as

that's what had been happening at the Prasanthi Nilayam everyday since

the beginning of the new academic year. Here is the description of one

typical day of the past one week.

On June 10, 2009, Swami arrived

just as the first bhajan had begun. The ladies' side and the gents'

side were both almost full. It is so interesting the way people think

and arrive at Puttaparthi. During the major festivals and the

pilgrimage visits by devotees from the many Indian states and

countries, the hall becomes full because of the sheer number of

devotees that arrive. And during the "non-peak" days, news quickly

travels that the Mandir is sparsely crowded and immediately devotees

pour in to increase their probability of getting a close darshan. The

net result - Prashanthi Nilayam is filled with devotees always!

Swami moved through the ladies

side accepting letters and talking to a few of them. Moving into the

students' section, He faced a multitude of letters. A gentle smile

seemed to come over His face. (An onlooker might even wonder as to what

the students write in their letters to Him daily! But He knows every

heart, and responds accordingly too!) There have been occasions when

Swami has come for darshan before all the students had arrived from

their places of study. On such days, the few who had arrived, rush to

the rear side of the portico with their letters. Once, Swami passes

that way, they move back to the front and (again) have another letter

to offer to Him! One day Swami also indicated to a student and, to the

merry laughter of those around, said, "You were sitting yonder. Now you

have come here. You will return after I pass! Correct?" The boy

sheepishly nodded a yes.

Swami collected a few letters and

asked the people walking behind His chair to collect some more on His

behalf. The same continued into the gents' side too. After the darshan

round, Swami moved on to the stage and sat for the bhajans. As always,

the bhajans gain in volume and enthusiasm with Him around. Swami looked

at all the people who had assembled and granted His attention to

different sections of the hall during different phases of the bhajans.

Almost everyone had that cherished feeling, "He saw me and I am

blessed." Sometimes, during the bhajans, people rise and leave - they

either have a bus to catch, a duty/call to attend or any of the many

reasons. Swami watches them leave with the same look as He watches

those sitting and singing. The feeling of God being the Eternal Witness

envelopes one during such moments and a silent joy surges in their

beings. That feeling may culminate in a gentle smile on the Divine lips

or at times with a stern look from Him and at other times with Swami

going into a trance. Silently, He moulds, charges, transforms, guides,

assures or commands but all the while a mass communion is on.


Swami sat for about an hour for

bhajans that day. In between, it was sought from Him as to whether

prasadam could be distributed. Swami told them to hold back till the

aarthi. The students from the new M. Tech batch held a card for Him to

see and a cake for Him to cut. Swami saw them and told them to wait. At

the end of the bhajans, Swami also chanted the universal peace prayer,

"Samastha Lokaha Sukhino Bhavanthu". Then, He blessed the mangoes to be

distributed to all and retired for the day.




Friday, June 5, 2009

This evening, Bhagawan came for darshan

around 4.30 pm. After a round of the Sai Kulwant Hall, He sat onstage

listening to the Vedam chanting for a while and then went into the

interview room to emerge when the five o'clock bhajans began. As the

bhajans went on, prasadam was being distributed, and the heavens opened

up in a downpour. Swami noticed some devotees standing outside the

front gate of the hall getting drenched in the rain, and instructed

that they be brought into the sheltered area and be given prasadam. At

the end of the bhajan, after accepting Arati, Swami Himself went all

the way up to the gate to bless those devotees. He then returned to

Yajur Mandir in the chair itself.




Thursday, June 4, 2009


Yesterday, the Vice-Chancellor of the University, Principal of the

campus and other teachers prayed to Bhagawan to bless the students and

staff by coming to the college auditorium and addressing them, and

Bhagawan had indicated that He would come. The students were busy

preparing for the visit in the auditorium today when suddenly Swami

arrived there at noon! He told them He'd come to see the arrangements,

and that He would return at four o'clock. Accordingly, all were ready

at the auditorium in the evening, and Bhagawan came there from Sai

Kulwant Hall at 4.15 pm. A couple of books by the faculty were blessed

by Bhagawan, and there were talks by the Vice-Chancellor and an MBA

student. Swami then commenced His Divine Discours? at 4.55 pm, relayed

live to the other two campuses of the University by web-conference

video link.

Swami stressed on

the need for students to realize that each and every living creature is

the embodiment of God, and behave accordingly to Help Ever and Hurt

Never, Loving All and Serving All. Students should not just close their

eyes and think they are concentrating - they should help the society.

After His 45 minute Discourse, He sang 'Hari Bhajan Bina' and

immediately left for the Senior Students' Hostel. There, He went into

the dining Hall, and acceded to the prayers of the teachers there to

bless the new room built for Swami. Moving through the entire complex,

Swami moved back to the dining hall seeing the Ranganatha installed

nearby on the way and blessing the students there. From the Hostel, He

moved in the car to Sai Kulwant Hall where the bhajans were going on.

Sitting onstage for a couple of bhajans while prasadam was distributed,

Swami accepted Arati and returned to His residence around 6.30 pm.



Monday, June 1, 2009


This evening, Bhagawan came to Sai Kulwant Hall in the car at 3.50 pm,

and directly moved out through the main gate for a drive. Five minutes

later, the Chief Minister of Karnataka Sri. B. S. Yeddyurappa

accompanied by a few of his ministry colleagues arrived at the Mandir.

Swami returned after fifteen minutes and granted an audience to the

distinguished visitors, and they left before five o'clock. At around

5.15 pm, Swami came onstage while the bhajans went on, and accepted

Arati after prasadam distribution around twenty minutes later.
















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