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Prasanthi this week - 21st June 2009(Where The Lord Walks the Earth, Walking His Talk…)

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Where The Lord Walks the Earth, Walking His Talk…


Every single day in the Prasanthi Calendar is eventful, not for the

festivities, events or programmes, but for the simple truth that the

Lord in physical ‘walks the earth’ demonstrating the art of ‘walking

the talk’ aptly teaching the world the art of righteous living. Every

festival, event or programme comes as add-ons to this greatest

‘demonstration’ on planet earth, supplementing to His Mission Divine.


A scene from "Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu"


with Love from Baba


The annual Prasanthi Calendar for the fresh year is already packed with

scheduled visits by group of devotees, events, festivities etc. And

this week witnessed the first contingent of Parthi Yatra, from the west

coast state of Gujarat. A group of over hundred school children from

the two Sathya Sai Schools in the state, Sathya Sai Vidyaniketan,

Navsari and Sri Sathya Sai School, Surat had the opportunity to echo

His message performing in the Divine Presence. A programme titled Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu,

airing the message of Universal Love and Welfare followed by the

greater significance of Yoga Sutra as propagated by Maharishi Patanjali

thousands of years ago, were apt demonstrations to the vast

congregation of devotees comprising University and School children from

Prasanthi Nilayam.


Youthful Exuberance


What we do, how we do in Thy Name...


The year that has gone by witnessed a number of Youth Programmes by

various states and even contingents from overseas. Sathya Sai Seva

Organisations greater effort to motivate the youth in India and

overseas was with the vision to make every youth an Ideal Sai Youth,

Messenger of Sai Love. Taking cue from the motivation received over the

years, the surge seemed to be on with the youth from Andhra Pradesh

organized a three day pilgrimage to the valley of peace, bringing a

maximum percentage of fresh faces, initiating them unto the fraternity

to become Ideal Sai Youth and thus becoming worthy instruments in His

Mission Divine.


Sai Darshanam Nayanotsavam!


with the tiny tots from Primary School


One thing is certain, all these events, festivities or scheduled

programmes are outright demonstrations of His teachings in public, an

instrument serving in disseminating His message of Love and Peace.

“Prema Vahini†a thematic musical drama presentation on Bhagawan’s

message of Love and Service was staged by the Youth in His Divine

Presence and the surge of love that was set in motion by the Youth was

aptly reciprocated by Bhagawan literally basking the Youth in His all

conquering love. Implements and other value additions in the form of

sponsorship certificates were awarded to shortlisted beneficiaries from

various districts of the state. Assorted musical scores on various

themes depicting the Glory of His Avatarhood marked the grand finale of

the three day pilgrimage that had over 1500 youth from the state in


Sai Darshanam Nayanotsavam

sung the youth from the state, meaning, Bhagawan’s darshan is verily a

feast to the eye… The week has been verily feasting with the grandeur

of His darshans, when on several evenings Bhagawan chose to sit onstage

watching the programmes and at times Bhajans and Vedam Chanting. On the

20th evening, coming out at 4:30 for a complete round, moving through

the devotees on the upper portico, He came onstage and sat listening to

the Vedam chanting for almost half an hour, granting the highest of the

boons, a real feast to the eyes of thousands filled in the vast Sai

Kulwant Hall. And feasting this coveted occasion we had the tiny tots,

the fresh entrants from Sri Sathya Sai Primary School who are barely

five years old, seeking His Divine Company. On the 18th evening

Bhagawan chose to move to the school blocks belonging to these fresh

faces interacting with their innocent ‘chirpings’, giving them a closer

glance of “Pedda Bhagavanthudu†whom the children affectionately calls,



Sushil Kumar Shindey with Bhagawan


Shilendra Kumar Singh with Bhagawan


week also had several dignitary visits; the first one to show up was

the Union Power Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde. The minister who came on

the 17th evening was closeted with Bhagawan for a short interview. Next

to come was the Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan, a long time devotee, Sri

Shilendra Kumar Singh. Bhagawan blessed the Governor and family with an

interview on 20th morning. Sri Ashok Singhal, the VHP veteran leader

and ardent devotee of Bhagawan along with the Shankaracharya of Sri

Ramachandrapura Math of Gokarnam were seen delighting the bliss of

Divine Darshan of Bhagawan on the 20th evening.


VHP veteran leader Ashok Singhal with Bhagawan


Shankaracharya of Sri Ramachandrapura Math of Gokarnam

Bhagawan often prefers to address His students as

future Ambassadors and while permitting them to move out of the

hallowed portals of the University, He blesses them to be worthy

instruments in His Mission Divine serving the society most selflessly.

A group of spirited students working with Barclays Bank had something

to offer to Bhagawan, their beloved Mother Sai.


"Team Mirchwadi" with Bhagawan


....and the recognition - Barclays Chairman’s Award 2009


The group of alumni working with the bank came over to Prasanthi

Nilayam after winning a prestigious award for their service activities

done in collaboration with Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisational Unit in

Mumbai. Bhagawan spent precious time going through their brochure,

listening to details of their activities giving a boost to the

fraternity’s greater effort in spreading His Name across. The

group of students, led by Abhishek Sharma, helped transform a rural

village of Mirchiwadi which although just 50km from India’s financial

capital suffered from a lack of education facilities, scarce drinking

water and poor transport links.


Sharma and his colleagues improved the community’s infrastructure

dramatically, cleaning and repairing the village well, building a new

road and renovating Mirchiwadi’s only school, with the help from more

than 150 villagers. The group known as “Team Mirchwadi†won the

Barclays Chairman’s Award 2009 along with the Team Achievement Award of

the Year under Asia Pacific category. The students involved were

Abhishek Sharma, Baban Balan, Jaideep More, Kaushik Manghani, Krishna

Kumar, Ram Gopal, Sainath Chaudhary, Sai Kiran Shetty, Sai Krishna

Reddy, Vishnu Bhan and Vikas Radhakrishnan. The very fact that the

winner was selected from a whopping 7700 projects from 88 countries

finally shortlisted to 30 finalists talks high about this achievement.

With this project, the village gets a facelift with additional

facilities like 274 villagers having new road to their homes, 63

children getting fully equipped schooling, access to clean drinking

water, regularized mobile medical facility, Balavikas training facility

for children and self employment avenues for village youth. Yes, this

would definitely go a long way in serving the society, impacting on the

poor and downtrodden. The Barclays Group Chairman, Marcus Agius

announcing the award rightly mentioned that “We don’t just judge the

nominees on what they’ve done, but also on what they’ve achieved –

namely the lasting impact they’ve had on the communities they’ve

supported.†The fraternity across the globe who are indeed pressed into

various service activities could feel proud of what they have been

doing in the name of their beloved “Swamiâ€.


Three-in -One...one wave and three rings


Diplomats Salutations to the Divine Diplomat S.K.Rasgotra with Bhagawan


The week was quite eventful, with the ‘voices’ of the little school

children, the youth, and the students were heard echoing entire

Prasanthi Nilayam!

Yes, His

Mission is on and He is doing it most silently bringing in the needed

transformation, individual and societal for a better world, for a

united world.

Samasthah Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavantu!


















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