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JAI SRI SATHGURU SAI - A Gurupoornima Screnn Saver from Kouwshik, Colombo

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Sairam Dear Sai Family,




There was a small spelling mistake in my greetings and I have attached amended greetings here.


For this holy GURU POORNIMA day, I have created a Screen Saver out of my hand made sketches & digital art of Baba including a instrumental bhajan and have given here two links for downloading.



Please use this image (index) for the icon of Screen saver and


To download 1280 x 800 pixels Screen Saver (for laptops), please click on





And to download 1024 x 768 pixels Screen Saver for (PCs), click on




Hope all of you would like this.


Important Note:


No part of this screen saver or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.




Loving Sairam













7/6/2009 11:15:03 AM


Re: Happy Guru Poornima A wishes from Kouwshik






Sairam KK

This is so beautiful what a expression and what a rare pose of Baba really beautiful.I am waiting for screen saver and hope it would be first sent to me )))

I wish to correct (if its ok ) on the greeting you have written "a wishes Kouwshik."

I think it should be "wishes Kowushik from Colombo -SRi Lanka " or Kouwshik wishes from Colombo Sri Lanka "

as "a wishes kouwshik "does not make complete sentence.Just for your info ...rest u know better .


Baba Guide us all

At the Feet of my Sathguru Sai



~Shirdi Sai Baba Blog ~


http://.blogspot.com/--- On Mon, 7/6/09, kouwshigan <kouwshigan wrote:

kouwshigan <kouwshiganHappy Guru Poornima A wishes from Kouwshik"" Cc: "Manisha.Bisht" <sathgurushirdisaibaba, "nimmi" <saikidwarkamai, "Deepa SAI BLOG" <debu7366, "" , "" Monday, July 6, 2009, 9:46 AM






Happy Guru Poornima.......


A wishes from Kouwshik. Colombo





Note: Please await for a beautiful screen saver...........



















2 of 2 Photo(s)






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