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Divine Discourse and Music Drama by TN Youth and Balvikas - 6th July 2009

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Divine Discourse and Dance Drama


July 06, 2009

Love my uncertainty, said the Lord time and again,

indicating of the greater importance of the time when humanity is

blessed to be with the physical frame of the Lord walks the earth. Just

a day before only Prasanthi witnessed a taste of this uncertainty, when

out of turn Bhagawan called the Chicago, Region 5 devotees for a

private informal session to bless the contingent that missed out the

physical presence just the other day, when their turn came to sing in

Prasanthi Nilayam.

On the 6th evening, the penultimate day of Guru

Purnima, Bhagawan came after a long wait just after 1700 Hrs. and

coming on stage after taking a detour, He asked for the mike and there

started the Divine Discourse.

In the Divine Discourse that lasted 50 minutes

Bhagawan stressed on the greater need to develop Morality in Society.

Discoursing on the present day’s plight of deteriorating morality in

society, Bhagawan said, Today, man has lost the fear of sin. Man has to

understand the consequences of his sinful acts. Sans fear we lose

morality in society that tempts man to behave egoistically. One should

take every care to ensure that no bad looks, bad actions, bad thoughts

are committed as consequences have to be faced. Morality in society is

of prime importance. Man without morality in society is no human being

at all, said Bhagawan stressing on the greater importance of righteous


Man should be careful in following the three

principles given by God, namely, Love for God, Fear of Sin and Morality

in Society. Love for God is essential. Pointing out at the current day

tendency among the generation to question all sorts of things, as to

why to develop Love for God and why to follow Morality, Bhagawan

exhorted to: BE GOOD, SEE GOOD AND DO GOOD; without these three all our

spiritual endeavours would be futile.

Earlier, starting His Divine Discourse with a

reference to the Trinity Godhood, Brahma Vishnu Maheshwara, Bhagawan

said, names and forms differ, but Divinity is one and one alone. There

should be only one name, Atma, that is, consciousness. Same

consciousness indwells in all, added Bhagawan. Brahman and Atma have no

beginning and none can qualify these two as they are blemishless,

resplendent and radiant without any attribute. Atma is existential in

nature. It never goes. One who has complete faith in consciousness will

never face any loss and failure, added Bhagawan.

Intermittently when it rained lashing from the

‘heavens’ causing disruption in the audio due to the thud it made on

the roof, Bhagawan urged that one should not be afraid of rains,

hailstorms etc. Drifting His Discourse into the devastating flood that

caused havoc in the state of Orissa, Bhagawan said that He had sent His

Divine Assurance to the bereaved, affected people of the state; and the

assurance was “Don’t Worry; Be Happyâ€;“I will feed you and take care of

youâ€. He even made a mention of the grateful act of the ill-affected

people of the state that made them to travel all the way to Prasanthi

Nilayam expressing grateful thanks.

Once again referring to the main theme of the day’s

discourse, Morality in Society, Bhagawan said: You may escape from the

sight of the society, but one should not try to escape the eyes of the

God. If you want to do something, do good or else one can keep quiet.

Referring to the Upanishads, He said, once we come to know as to who we

are in reality, then we will know everything.

Claim of mine is illusion; everything is God’s

Gift, Property; none has any right on these properties; We are wasting

our time. Time waste is life waste. Bhagawn concluded His Divine

Discourse making a mention of the anticipated Musical Drama

presentation by the Youth and Balvikas from Tamil Nadu.







Imagine a single stage where world’s celebrated

masters and apostles appear preaching good old principles and

philosophies aimed at the emancipation of mankind. On the 6th July

evening Prasanthi Nilayam was set to witness such an imaginative

utopian scene wherein greatest preachers and masters of world’s

foremost religions along with exalted devotees came onstage in the

immediate Divine Presence of the Master of all Masters, Bhagawan Sri

Sathya Sai Baba.

As a prelude to the big day, Guru Purnima, the day

dedicated to the Sadguru, Sai Youth and Balvikas Children from Tamil

Nadu presented a Musical Drama entitled, Sai Yugam Swarna Yugam. The

presentation was essentially a journey through time, from the twilight

of Dwapara unto the present age of the Kali Yuga Avatar Bhagawan Sri

Sathya Sai Baba, essentially the Timeless Divine Phenomenon.

Though the Song Celestial Bhagavad Gita was sung in

the Dwapara Yuga, the present age of Kali was set to reap the benefit

in full essence. It was not a mere coincidence that made the Lord of

Dwapara to sing the Song Celestial, but was essentially for the people

of Kali age, that would be badly afflicted with all evil propensities.

From the Dwapara to Kali and from the Kali to the

present age of Sri Sathya Sai, the drama was set in the backdrop of

Dwapara Yuga that was in its twilight where Sage Vyasa contemplated on

the great good fortune of the Kali Age for having been the recipients

of the Song Celestial. The sage who went into the future of Kali Age,

with his Divine Vision, was appalled at the evil propensities it had in

the offing. Prompted by his greater compassion to mitigate the evil

effects, He went on compiling 551 Brahma Sutras followed by 17 Puranas.

Still not satisfied at his own solution for the Kali’s evil affects, he

fervently prayed to his guru Sage Narada for guidance. In response Sage

Narada appeared and advised him of the one and only solution that was

to write the Story of the Lord.

Thus he compiled the Srimad Bhagavatham as was

christened by Lord Krishna Himself. Vyasa who was in deep agony,

explained the Lord the evil propensities in the offing praying Him to

view the horrendous scenes of the ensuing age. The Lord in turn invited

the sage to look into the positive side of the Age, wherein one could

see the advent of many an apostle, saint…finally blurting out the Truth

of all Truths that He sung through the Song Celestial, the Truth of His

Advent as Lord in the Kali Age.

The Musical drama moved through the times of great

masters, namely, Zoroaster, Lao Tse, Buddha, Jesus, Prophet Mohammed,

Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhwacharya followed by the times

and teachings of the great devotees of the Lord, namely, Kabir, Nanak,

Chaitanya, Mira Bhai, Purandara Dasa and Kanakadasa conveying their

eternal messages. The greater teachings of these masters and great

devotees would be handy when the Lord comes in physical again in the

Kali age, ensured Lord Krishna to Sage Vyasa who was already brimming

with greater eagerness to visualize the form of the Avatar of the Kali


Moved by the sage’s fervent prayers, the Lord

described the features of His future incarnation, in the Kali Age, who

would be having a crown of hair, complexion on the face that varied at

times from copper to that of golden, feet that would be tender, with a

mole on His cheek, and with a name that would be Truth. Finally He

asked the sage to look on to the dais on his front to have the darshan

of the beauteous form of the Avatar of the Kali Age, Bhagawan Sri

Sathya Sai Baba!

The drama interlaced with musical pieces coupled

with dance sequences in tandem was a portrayal of the story of Divinity

through the passage of time often bringing nostalgic memories of those

wonderful times of the great masters. At a time when Sathya Sai Speaks

the Words of Wisdom, one would know that the masters preceded the

Advent of the Avatar had similar teachings and preaching for the

humanity, essentially indicating the Oneness of Godhood!

Bhagawan had often mentioned of the exalted status of Sage Vyasa and

his connection with Guru Purnima. “Vyasa was born on this full moon

day. He completed the codification of the four Vedas on this day. He completed the writing of the eighteen Puranas

on this day. Owing to the passage of time, Vyaasa Purnima came to be

called Guru Purnimaâ€. Thus the presentation was an apt offering to this

great master whose bubbling enthusiasm towards the end of the drama to

have the vision of the Lord of Kali was nothing, but the world’s

collective offering at Divine Lotus Feet of the Master of all Masters

on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima.

Indeed it was a clarion call by the Youth and

Balvikas children from Tamil Nadu reminding one and all that we are

very much in the Golden Age when Sai walks the earth, walking His


Extremely happy with the presentation, Bhagawan

came down the stage to pose for a photo session presenting them yet

another priceless ‘memorabilia’. Prasadam was distributed and arathi

was offered to the Lord before He retired to Yajur Mandiram.

















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