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Faith and patience.(short stories)

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During a war, a soldier was separated from hisunit. The fighting was intense, and in thesmoke and the crossfire he had lost touch withhis comrades. Alone in the jungle, he could hearenemy soldiers coming in his direction. Scramblingfor cover, he found his way up a high ridge to severalsmall caves in the rock. Quickly he crawled inside oneof the caves. Although safe for the moment, he realisedthat once the enemy soldiers looking for him swept upthe ridge, they would quickly search all the caves andhe would be killed.


As he waited, he prayed, "Lord, if it be your will, pleaseprotect me. Whatever your will though, I love you andtrustyou. Amen."


After praying, he lay quietly listening to the enemybegin to draw close. He thought, "Well, I guess theLord isn 't going to help me out of this one. " Then hesaw a spider begin to build a web over the front ofhis cave. As he watched, listening to the enemvsearching for him all the while, the spider layeredstrand after strand of web across the opening of thecave. "Hah, " he thought. "What I need is a brick waO and what the Lord has sent me is a spider web. Goddoes have a sense of humour!"




As the enemy drew closer he watched from the darknessof his hideout and could see them searching one caveafter another. As they came to his, he got ready to makehis last stand. To his amazement, however, afterglancing in the direction of his cave, they moved on.Suddenly, he realised that with the spiderweb over the entrance, his cave looked as if no one hadentered for quite a while.


"Lord, forgive me, " prayed the young man. "I hadforgotten that in you a spider's web is stronger than abrick wall."


This is not the story of faith and doubt' of that soldieralone. It is the reality of so many people, who in thename of faith have so much doubt. But where there isdoubt, there can never be faith. In faith, there are nowrongs. In faith, everything is right. In faith, evenwrong is right. A man of faith believes, "His ways areHis ways. So, let me accept it whole-heartedly. Let meaccept his grace gracefully."


His ways are beyond human comprehension. It is myinability that I don't understand the way He functionsand carries me through. It is my immaturity not togracefully accept the consequences of life when they arenot in expected lines. In fact every time I cry out of pain






in life, it only means I don't have faith in Him and the painis due to my immaturity in not understanding His ways.


A family was on their way to the railway station tocatch a train to Delhi. They were taking a holiday to thenorthern part of India. They got stuck in the traffic jam.Initially they cursed the traffic. Then they werevindictive of each other for taking so much time to getready. Very soon they got into prayer mood, prayingfor the traffic to clear, or at least the train should startlate. But it seems like god was in no mood to help.Helplessly they drove back home because the train hadalready departed. Every one was depressed because itwas their first trip as a family. In the midst ofuncomfortable silence suddenly news was receivedthat the train bound for New Delhi had derailed and itwas a major accident. The silence grew deeper; eyesbecame moist, hands joined together, but this time tothank that force. His ways are His ways.


My prayers of request are always answered; only thingis I don't have the maturity to understand them, for theymay not be answered in the ways I want. With all theexperiences we go through in life, if we introspect, wewill realise that our prayers are answered.


Dada J P Vaswani says, all our prayers are answered inone of the four following ways:


Firstly, He says 'Yes' my child, I grant your request.Secondly, He says 'No' my child you don't need it. Ifmy child requests me to give him a knife or matchbox


to play with, I as a father choose not to give. Thirdly,He says 'Wait' my child -itis not the right time. If mysix-year-old son requests me to let him drive my bike, Iwould ask him to wait for another twelve years. Andthat's good for him. Fourthly, He says 'I havesomething better for you'. God upsets my plansbecause He has better plans for me and His plans arealways right. You ask for a brick-wall, but find aspider's web that saves your life.


When my prayers are answered in the affirmation Ibecome happy and grateful, but the challenge is inmaturing in faith to accept the next three. This isexactly where my faith is tested. Everyone who sayshe lives in faith will be repeatedly tested. There isnothing called 'unqualified' faith. Your faith willalways be qualified.


Ultimately these tests only deepen your faith in yourlord. You need to accept everything with the samegrace because the force, which gave you the first,is also giving you the next three. Patience is requiredto be qualified in faith. Patience with faith willhelp you realise, "He knows when to give, where togive, whom to give, what to give, how to give and howmuch to give."


Patience with family is love.


Patience with others is respect.


Patience with self is confidence.


Patience with god is faith.



Regards,K.s.Vishwanathan.Tel No: 022-28738192.e-mail:kalpathyvs.

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