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Fw: SATHYA SAI DARSHAN UPDATE AND PHOTOS: Musical Offering by Brazil and Indonesia

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--- On Thu, 9/7/09, SBOI-webmaster < wrote:SBOI-webmaster <[sBOI-post] SATHYA SAI DARSHAN UPDATE AND PHOTOS: Musical Offering by Brazil and Indonesia"SaiBabaOfIndiaGroup" <Thursday, 9 July, 2009, 4:58 AM



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Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Musical Offering by Brazil and Indonesia


Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Musical Offering by Brazil and Indonesia


Music is verily Divine! …and to entrap the Divine there is no better tool than music. You sing your heart out adding music for rhythm and there gushes forth the innate feeling of Love for God! The Brazilians had it for display on the 8th July, on a beautiful evening turned twilight, in the immediate Divine Presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.They have come from the far off South American continent, some in search of God, some with love for God and some others with profound sense of gratitude. A group of about 300 from the Latin American country, Brazil has been camping in Prasanthi Nilayam from the 25th June and they had a clear cut agenda, to sing and experience Divinity!...>>

Read more with photos >>

source:sssbpt. orgAcknowledgement -

Source: photos, text etc. Our most humble thanks to all our Sai friends and fellow devotees for Sai Baba photos & textual matter, particularly to www. sssbpt.org - www. radiosai (Prasanthi Diary) for darshans & photo material and all the other official & public domain sources - Also, Various Sai Baba groups ,Forums & individuals etc. In addition, submitted articles, Darshan account, photos & Sai news by respective Sai devotees from all over the globe & SBOI group members to Group Saibabaofindia & www.Saibabaofindia. com website.

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@ - - http://www.saibabao findia.com/ sai_baba_ latest_darshan_ news_photos_ updates.htmClick here to view Gurupoornima 2009 PhotosGuru Purnima in Prasanthi Nilayam


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