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Om Sairam dearest Sai Family,

The much awaited Gurupoornima festival was celebrated in Puttaparthi with festivity and gaiety. The day dedicated to the Guru is always a big occasion in the land of our Jagatguru Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Thousands thronged to Puttaparthi on this holy occasion. This festival witnesses maximum number of devotees every year and this year was no exception.

On Monday the 6th, Swami delivered His divine discourse which was full of love. He reminded all of us not to run after money instead help the needy. Swami reminded how the flood victims of Orissa received His blessings. No government came forward to help the victims but Swami did it. Many of the flood victims though in India never heard about Swami and Swami lend His helping hand to those so called strangers. Swami reminded all of us not to have any differences of caste, creed or nationality. What do you think Swami needs? Do you think He needs money€¦ NO NO.. The whole gathering joined their hands with a big round of applauds when Swami said I want only your LOVE and nothing else.


The morning of Gurupornima the 7th of July was a memorable one. The ashram was beautifully decorated with colourful and fresh flowers all over. Swami messages were hung here and there. The symbols of all the religions and Swami's photos were put all round the Sai Kulwanth hall, and the dias was beautifully decorated. Students from all the campuses of Sri Sathya Sai University were here for the divine darshan. By 7:30am the Sai Kulwanth hall was jam packed and equal number of devotees were waiting outside the lane. There was no place even to stand on two feet.









Surprisingly enough, as Swami says, love my uncertainty, we all had to wait for very long time for Swami's darshan. At one stage many of the devotees confirmed that Swami wouldn’t come for morning darshan but at 10am Swami blessed the July (read as august) gathering with His divine darshan. Clad in yellow robe, majestically seated in a bigger mobile chair for a better elevation and good darshan even to the last line devotees, Swami wearing His beautiful smile entered Sai Kulwanth Sabha Mandapam.Every body’s heart jumped in joy and were thrilled to see Swami. There is only one thing in this world which never fills our hearts and makes us to experience again and again and that is Swami's darshan. There is no day we say enough, when it comes to Swami's darshan even though some have the opportunity to see Him again and again.. Swami took a full round of the Sai Kulwanth hall smiling at every one, looking sweetly and with a little bit of concern at the vast gathering that came here upon the divine invitation, signaling if everyone were fine and comfortable. Swami while accepting the letters from the front line devotees, was having a watchful eye even on the last liners and thousands watching Him from outside the hall. A matchless exhibition of motherly love. Why not He is our Sai Ma with love of thousand mothers. Swami slowly moved on to the dias and it was 10:20am and every one were wondering what would be the programme like as it was already late. But when it comes to Swami,when ever He wills to start the programme, is the right time and Prof. Anil Kumar came on to the dias.The mike was ready before him. Prof.Anil Kumar announced the day’s programme which came as a surprise to all of us. Four humble souls two each from Super Speciality hospital and Sri Sathya Sai Unversity, totally devoted to Swami were scheduled to be felicitated for their heartfelt service they rendered to Swami in various levels.

Prof. Anil Kumar was at his best with beautiful descriptions about the blessed ones who were called on to the dais with timely verses sung by Swami and a little background about them.The first one to be asked to come on to the dias was Mr. Appa Rao who joined the Super speciality in the second year of its opening and has been serving there tirelessly managing the finances of the hospital and was also doing the auditing. While calling them on the dias the better halfs were also called and it was a beautiful sight for all of us, when Swami blessed the wives appreciating their whole hearted service they did for their husbands.








Mr. Nanjundeswara who recently retired as the controller of the examinations was the second one to be blessed by Swami this morning. Prof. Anil Kumar later called upon Mr. Sathya Narayana Murthy, the chief electrical engineer of the Super Speciality Hospital Puttaparthi and Mr. A. V. Lakshmi Narasimham former Registrar of Sri Sathya Sai University. As they all belonged to the hospital and university the two speakers blessed this morning were Dr.Safaya the director of Super Speciality hospital and Prof. Pandit the Vice Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai University. Dr. Safaya was all praise for Mr. Appa Rao who hails from Andhra Pradesh. Dr. Safaya who was the former director of India’s top most hospital AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences) New Delhi, said, when I thought working in Swami’s hospital was a blessing, Swami gave me a double blessing by appointing Mr. Appa Rao in the hospital. Mr. Appa Rao, worked tirelessly for the betterment of the hospital, make use of the technology and also equally cost conscious. He did his very best in reducing the costs of various departments and his minute observations helped the hospital to serve more patients and carry on Swami’s mission of free medical facility to the maximum Dr. Safaya also had a word of praise to Mr. Sathya Narayana Murthy who was working as the Senior engineer. Dr. Safaya said, for operation theaters one needs to have 100% bacteria free environment and Mr. Murthy was very successful in this aspect. He made sure every bit of the electric system was in good condition and also made sure the patients were well taken care in a completely sterile zone. Appreciating and knowing his exemplary skills many companies like Voltas , Samsung came to him to know his technique inorder to introduce the same in other hospitals.








Dr. Safaya said, all the staff that Swami picks are gems. There is no one whom we can underestimate. Many of Swami's students have joined in our hospital and it was a good learning experience for them with people like Mr. Appa Rao and Mr. Murthy. Dr.Safaya urged Swami to bless them with a happy and healthy life ahead and thanked Swami on behalf of hundreds of thousands who were the beneficiaries of their unmatched seva for giving the hospital that talented people. Later Prof. Viswanath Pandit the Vice Chancellor was called upon and Prof.Pandit was of the opinion that Prof.Nanjundayya and Prof.Narasimham were the rare divine gifts by Swami to the university. Mr.

Nanjundayya was very keen in setting the exam paper in a proper manner, made sure the examination was conducted in a well planned manner and the declaration of the results were also on time come what may. Many universities in India, face so many difficulties in exams, many a times we read about the question paper being leaked before the exam, some times out of syllabus questions come and many a times the results are very confusing and also delayed for reasons unknown. But in Sri Sathya Sai University , thanks to Prof. Nanjundayya, the results are announced on time and there is no scope for delay or confusion. Prof. Pandit was also all praise for Prof.Lakshmi Narasimham who worked tirelessly for the betterment of the university. Being the Registrar, is definitely not a easy job. Every day, the job involves lots of problem solving and if anything went wrong the registrar is answerable to Swami. Mr. Narasimham has a very sharp mind and was very quick in solving day to day problems with his presence of mind. It is nothing but Swami’s blessing that they all are here at this level. They did lot of sacrifice and they deserve all the praise and blessings from Swami. It was almost 11:30am by then and the beautiful morning session which had a humble expression of thanks giving by Swami to His chosen ones came to an end with arathi and Prasad to all of us. AFTERNOON DARSHAN: Like in the morning the Sai Kulwanth hall was packed to the brim before time and it was yet again a very long wait for all us. Swami arrived in the hall to bless us with His divine darshan at 6pm yet again it was Swami’s chosen time and we had nothing to say except immerse in the ocean of bliss seeing His beautiful form filled with love. Swami came in the same car chair like in the morning but this time in His usual orange robe.








After taking a full round, Swami came on to the dias. When Swami's blessings showers it pours and the 4 blessed ones in the morning were called on the dias again. This time Swami asked for the mike and in few minutes it was silence all over the place eagerly waiting for those sweet words. Swami's divine discourse was full of gratitude and appreciation. He came down to the human level and said thank you to those four noble men who gave their everything for Swami’s work. With Swami, many a times we get an impression that we are not being recognized. Many working in His organization be it in Puttaparthi or overseas, complain that we are doing this, we did that but Swami never recognized. Swami, by His gesture on this Gurupoornima, send a clear message that what ever they are thinking is totally wrong. Swami is omnipresent and is watching us all very keenly. Many a times we feel that we are not being recognized or our work is not being applauded and that is when we all have to intensify our faith on Swami and keep doing His work with more enthusiasm as it is a very rare boon to do His work and rather thank Swami for making us WORTHY ENOUGH for that boon. Swami started His divine discourse saying Prema Swaroopulara, filled with love and courtesy, Swami said, this morning I didn’t get a chance to speak about these four people. Appa Rao worked in hospital for more than 14 years. He worked very hard. THAT MADE ME VERY HAPPY. All these people here came to Me not for work but to serve. They all served day in and day out. In the beginning, there was more work in the hospital. Many things were not organized and there was so much to do be it regarding the machinery, equipment, recruitment, medicines etc. But Appa Rao never looked back. He worked with full of devotion and satisfaction. He never expected anything. No money. Many doctors and paramedical staff get paid in our hospitals and some doctors even get more than 30,000 rupees a month but this didn’t bother Appa Rao. He worked without any expectations. Both brothers here are very good. The

youngest in Lakshmi narasimham.









Apparao worked a lot supervising the hospital.It was a very difficult job for him but he did it very well. Till now no one said thanks to him. When Swami said it is necessary to thank him there was a big round of applauds. Swami then continued.. He still has the mental sharpness but physically he is not strong. Day by day patients started increasing. So I told him to retire. He helped and guided the poor people coming to the hospital. All were benefitted by him but no one served him. MY HEART MELT SEEING HIS DEVOTION IN WORK. He considered hospital as his own home. Whether Swami is present or not, he was there. Swami then announced I WAS ALWAYS WITH HIM THROUGH OUT HIS TIME. After the opening of orthopaedic department he had more work. I Appreciate his work. Swami then very kindly had some word of praise to his wife as well. .He wss very well supported by his wife.

Sathyanarayana Murthy was an electric engineer. He also did a great job in hospital. He maintained all the electrical gadgets very well. If there was any problem he used to go and work even in the night. All of them worked very hard. Lakshminarasimham is the younger brother . He served in our university as Registrar. He is also aged now. He remained as a bachelor inorder to serve Swami full time. He started as a sevadal member. To be with us he did his Phd also. All brothers served most faithfully.

Nanjundayya served as controller of Examinations. He spent many sleepless nights to declare results on time. Inspite of fever he was attending the examinations. He used to be in touch with all examiners. He was very prompt in responding to all the campuses. He worked very hard. Waching his hardwork I FELT VERY SAD many times. His wife also served a lot by sending food to Swami. All these people here used to keep Me informed through letters. I used to enquire everything about exams. I THANK BOTH AND BLESS THEM ALL. They may be any where I will always be with them. They didn’t come here to work but for Swami. They will be given houses within the ashram premises. You will be guiding all the devotees who come to the ashram and to the hospital. Our university has grown beyond limits. There are thousands and thousands of application every year. At all levels they have full faith in our administration. There is nothing like mis-management in our institutions. In Sathya Sai Institutions it is all giving and giving. Our university and hospital is No.1 in the world. Iam very happy with you all. You belong to Me.

These two people here have considered this hospital as Swami's hospital and have worked tirelessly. That is why our hospital stands number one.

Talking about the university Swami continued to say..Our university is also matchless. We maintain very high standards. Students are getting good name. many times parents keep applying for admission in our schools. They want their child to study only in Swami's school. Many a times I personally admit them. We want welfare of the student community. This year about 14 students have joined for the Phd programme. In our institution there is no money collection. Everything here is FREE. All are surprised and shocked as how we operate with out taking any money. We don’t take even a Nayapaisa. All students pass in distinction. For us love is important and not money. Here everything is Heart to heart and love to love. We have nothing to do with money. People are thrilled about this. Patients come from far away places like Nepal , Bhutan etc for treatment. All arrangements are made in our hospitals. We even pay government salaries to the salaries to our staff. There is no need for donations. I have made all arrangements for the proper functioning of our institutions. Patients who come here need not worry at all. I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU. Parents are also very happy. All students should help their parents. DON’T SEND YOUR PARENTS TO OLDAGE HOMES. Don’t do like that. Aspire for their happiness. Turning the topic to the working mothers, Swami asked them to have a second opinion of them going to work leaving the children alone at home.

Udyogamulu cheya vanitalandaru pova, griha krityamulu teerchu vanita evvaru (if women go to offices who will take care of the house) Para baluranu nerpa patha salalaku yega tama baluraku nerpu talli evaru ( you go out to teach others’ children in school, which mother will teach your own child) It is your responsibility to teach your children, take care of them. I feel very sad about working women who don’t have time to take care of their own children. What do you need. It is enough if you can give right conduct and good food to your children. Children are becoming very weak now a days after eating food cooked outside, drinking polluted water. Concentrate on your own family first.

The house management now a days has gone down so much. The mother doesn’t know what is there in the house and what is to be bought. They call the cook from office saying there is a tea party in the evening and ask him to prepare tea and chappathis. In reality there is no tea powder,no sugar and no flour at home. How can the poor Cook, cook for the tea party. This is the pitiable situation now a days. You go to work for a salary of 1500 rupees a month. You pay about 700 rupees to the cook and the remaining money comes to you at the cost of your child’s future who is devoid of proper food, guidance which is very important. Respect your parents. Give the food that is prepared by you. Take care of your family and make your parents happy. THAT WILL MAKE ME HAPPY. So saying Swami concluded His hour long divine discourse which followed by bhajans by students and prasadam distribution. It was yet another long evening like yesterday and the SAI SHOW’s curtains went down at 8:15pm. Thus ended a beautiful and memorable Gurupoornima which will be remembered as a thanks giving gathering to those four humble Hanumans who served our Lord SAI RAMA whole heartedly and with LOVE to those UNSUNG heroes who were instrumental in smooth functioning of Swami's two divine institutions.… a definite lesson for all of us to work with more faith and devotion.. At the end of the day what a blessing it would be to get a WELLDONE pat from none other than our beloved Lord Himself.. (pls excuse me if there were any shortcomings in this report) With humble pranams at the lotus feed of our beloved Lord, R. Satish Naik. JAI SAI RAM satish NaikBrahmanapalli Thanda villageNear PuttaparthiAnantapur Andhra PradeshIndia 515134MOB:9440857872








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