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African Love for Lord Sai(Sai African Adult Choir 2009)

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African Love for Lord Sai

Sai African Adult Choir 2009


ensemble of 45 well disciplined Africans with an aptitude for music

descended in Prasanthi Nilayam with an earnest desire to sing in praise

of the Lord walks this earth. And what Prasanthi witnessed on the 9th

July was an unprecedented evening turned twilight wherein these

Africans courted the Lord with their unsullied devotion weaving love

with music.

Africa earned a

special distinction in the Sathya Sai History as this was the only

overseas land, whereupon the Avatar of the Age walking the earth set

His Feet, outside India. It was East Africa’s finest even boon, way

back in 1968, when Bhagawan visited the land, blessing the continent

and people profusely, travelling wide over. …And ever since, this has

been the highest inspiration for the entire African continent, which

has, of late, taken giant strides in spreading God’s words of wisdom.


An idea conceived by central co-ordinator for Africa Region 93, Victor

Krishna Kanu during the World Conference on Sathya Sai Education 2008,

Sai Adult Choir was an offshoot of many a music presentation over the

years by countries and continents from the world over in the Divine

Presence at Prasanthi Nilayam. The Choir is largely made up of

Nigerians, Ghanaians, Cameroonians and Ivorians, while the songs are

drawn from Nigeria, Ghana, Congo Brazaville, South Africa and Zaire.


group of forty five members was led by Sir Jude Nnam, the first young

man to be knighted from the Roman Catholic Church. He was trained

at the Trinity College of Music, London and the University of Nigeria,

Nsukka. He had the rare distinction of directing the “Papal Choirâ€

during the visit of Pope John Paul II to Nigeria in 1998 and was also

the recipient of second prize, for the Choir from Nigeria, in the Music

World Catholic Festival held in Rome. He has over 1000 musical master

pieces to his credit and his songs form over 75% of all the songs used

in Catholic Liturgical worship all over the country.


appeared to be a prospective 45 minutes choir was made into a much

longer session wherein Lord was seen interacting in person at the

second half of the show, asking in between, “one more songâ€.

Transition of these ‘descended’ Africans to the Indian culture was

swift as they started off their session with three omkars and in

between sang two Sai Bhajans, “Ananda Shyam Ananda Ram….†followed by,

“Guru Baba, Guru Baba…†with utmost élan. With the help of local

musical instruments, namely, Bass Pot (udu), Wooden Gong (ekwr), Small

Wooden Gong (okpokovo), Tambourine (Shaker), Talking Drum-Small

(gangan), Big Drum (Igba), they sang a total of nine compositions,

three thanks giving songs from north, west and east Nigeria, in Hausa,

Yoruba and lgbo languages respectively, two love offering songs from

Congo and Ghana, primarily on Lord Jesus, a communion song from South

Africa and a song on the Holy Spirit from Zaire. This was followed by

the song of the day, a prayer song to Swami by name “Sai Baba Great

Navigator†finally to draw the curtain with a gratitude song, a unified

song of praise from the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. This

thanksgiving was, of course, not only for fulfilling their dream of

singing in the Divine Presence, but primarily for fulfilling the

African dream of having Sai African Adult Choir. Yes, it was an African

dream that was fulfilled by Sai Sankalpa and the bridge was the bond of

unsullied love.




Devotion brings the Lord to manifest in physical…and

for the manifested Lord already walking the earth, He can come still

closer watching you intently and this was what the conductor

experienced on this beautiful twilight. Extremely happy with the show

in progress, Bhagawan came down the stage, intently watching the

conductor Sir Jude who was on the keyboard weaving rhythmic rhapsody,

who was equally on the mike, thundering his devotion leading from the

front and who was in absolute control, efficiently conducting with his

dancing right hand. Swaying to the beats, radiating smile all over, the

Africans sang…â€Great Navigator Oh! Sai Baba! Navigate us through this

path of life.†Coming closer to Sir Jude Bhagawan asked him twice…no

thrice, as to what he wants followed by His typical hand wave, He

materialized a green emerald for the staunch catholic conductor!

A special mention should be made of the Navigator

song that was sung, while Bhagawan most inadvertently received a “guard

of honour†from the choir; Bhagawan chose to move along the semi

circle, as the troupe was arrayed, blessing the entire troupe radiating

His Divinely beautiful smile all around.. The song that was composed by

Sir Jude Nnam was Divinely prompted; while on travel, flying from the

Nigerian Capital city of Abuja to Lagos for the rehearsal session,

sometime in the month of June, his plane caught into turbulence in the

midair and all on board were worried. Out of the blue, the message

flashed into him, like a Divinely prompted intuition, “I am the

Navigator†and needless to say that the plane had a safe landing. Sir

Jude, a staunch catholic having no Sai background and not inclined to

accept any other faith outside the scope of Catholic Church had a deep

introspection. Finally greater conviction dawn unto him and he blurted

out, composing and singing, â€Great Navigator Oh! Sai Baba! Navigate us

through this path of life, Teach us the secret of love, joy and peace,

Navigate Oh! Sai Babaâ€. Yes, it was Swami who introduced Himself to Sir

Jude Nnam, and the staunch catholic was drawn to Prasanthi Nilayam in

the pretext of conducting the show!




Earlier, the central co-ordinator for Africa Region

93, Victor Krishna Kanu gave an introductory speech, mentioning the

African history of struggle and the ever growing Sai Mission in Africa.

He thanked many a hand that helped in making the choir a reality.

Before the conclusion he introduced, Bro. Okwudiri Nduka Imo, Chairman

National Coordinating Committee, SSSS Organisations, Nigeria and Sir

Jude Nnam, the Conductor for the show, to Bhagawan and to the capacity


“Wonderful…so, wonderful…to be in the presence of

the Creator and to be so close to Himâ€, said, Bro. Okwudiri Nduka Imo

talking about the twilight’s ecstatic experience. “The experience was a

confirmation of what we already have…we have planted Swami in our

hearts….coming over to Prasanthi Nilayam gives us the physical

experience of the Lordâ€, said Bro. Imo reminiscing the blissful moments

with Bhagawan. Talking about the lone overseas trip made by Bhagawan,

he said, “it is not for nothing…it is with a purpose…and it will

unfold…I know it…I know it…!!!â€

The entire troupe was blessed with sarees for ladies

and shirt pieces for gents. Special mementos were given to each and

every troupe member individually by the Divine Hands; while presenting

mementos Bhagawan was seen interacting with each and every member in

the group, often enquiring much in detail. Before the curtain was

drawn the troupe had a fabulous photo session with Bhagawan. Arathi was

offered at 1900 hrs. IST before the Lord retired to Yaujur Mandiram.

Yes, the African’s came and conquered!!!

















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