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Prasanthi Diary Updates from 16th July to 18th July, 2008

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July 16, 2009 – A Downpour of Gifts from the Divine












The dawn of another Thursday - Guruvaram, as it is called in the Indian calendar - at Puttaparthi saw the students becoming beneficiaries of the Lord's bounty yet again. The first hour at the college on a Thursday is called 'Moral Class' and it is a period when various subjects related to the nourishment of the soul are dealt with. And the Thursday on July 16 was indeed solely soulful, for Swami had asked for all the students to assemble in the Mandir in the morning. Bhajans began at 9:00 a.m. and it was at about 9:30 that Swami arrived for darshan. The hall was packed to capacity and Swami finished a complete round before moving into the Bhajan Hall. Just like a loving parent, Swami had decided to gift His children with clothes on that Thursday.











In the Bhajan Hall, Swami segregated the various bundles of Safari cloth pieces and gave elaborate instructions as to which ones had to be given to school boys, which to the post graduates and which for the teachers and professors. He asked for the students who were awaiting His command to begin the distribution. Once He was satisfied that the directions were clear, He moved out of the Bhajan Hall to the dais where He sat for the bhajans.







Even as the distribution went on, nothing escaped His keen eye. He pointed out to some teachers who had not yet received the cloth pieces or had received the wrong ones and ensured that everything was set right! He later blessed the students working in various Institutions at Puttaparthi also to be recipients of the clothes. Swami sat outside seeing the progress of the distribution. After it was complete, He asked for something else too to be brought. To the surprised joy of all the students, Swami also gifted all with 2gb capacity pen drives! Then, He received aarthi and retired for the morning.











The evening too turned out to be one of distribution. Swami took a detour after the ladies side and moved straight into the Bhajan Hall where ladies from Swami's 'physical' family had assembled. It is indeed the good fortune of merits over previous births that one gets a chance to be in the same family as the Avatar and be physically related to the Avatar. One must pray to Him that such an opportunity is bestowed, and once it is gifted to realize the great significance and make best use of the opportunity.











Swami arrived into the Bhajan Hall and asked for the sarees that He had set aside after careful selection. They were brought to Him and Swami began to distribute the sarees one by one to all who had gathered. He spoke to many of them and cleared doubts of a few of them. Blessing all of them, Swami ensured that all had received His gifts of Love. Then, Swami also blessed two elderly lecturers seated in the Bhajan Hall with sarees! He gifted another saree to the headmistress of the Primary school.











Also was present another teacher from the Boys’ Section of the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School about whose parents Swami had been of late enquiring a lot. He told Him that they had arrived to Puttaparthi and were seated outside. If Swami wishes, he would call them to Him. Swami graciously agreed and the family of the teacher was soon in the Bhajan Hall. Swami blessed the ladies with sarees and the family with a group photograph. He then moved outside for bhajans. Towards the end, He called one of the teachers from the Music College and after talking to him for a while, materialized a gold bracelet for him. The young man was thrilled and with this, Swami received aarthi and retired for the day.














July 17, 2009 – Parthi Yatra of Devotees from Medak District












The Puttaparthi pilgrimage for the devotees from Medak district of Andhra Pradesh began on July 17. Of late at any time of the year there are a group of devotees from a particular region who are in Puttaparthi as part of a formal “Parthi Yatra†(pilgrimage to Puttaparthi), even though there are thousands of pilgrims everyday to this sacred shrine where God walks and talks, smiles and shines.

At quarter past five, Swami arrived for darshan. He moved through the completely packed ladies side granting darshan. These 'pilgrimages' are wonderful as they give people who have the desire to be at the Lotus Feet an opportunity to get there and arouses in everyone else a curiosity, which later translates into an intense desire to see the Lord.











As Swami moved through the ladies side, one could see many of them breaking down with the sheer joy of seeing Him. If we ponder for a moment, this spontaneous outburst of joy through these 'sweet' tears in itself is a miracle of God. His mere form confers supreme joy, for isn't it true that Love is His form! Swami moved through the central area that had been packed with materials for distribution. He enquired about them as He moved into the gents’ area. The thousands rose and craned their necks to see their beloved form in Orange. When Swami completed the darshan rounds and arrived on the stage, He asked for the Veda chanting to come to a halt and the programme to begin. Children dressed to represent the various faiths came up to Swami for blessings. Swami was very pleased as these children came to Him in all their innocence. He asked one or two of them their names and pulled cheeks of the really little ones.











Being trained to be highly reverential, the kids moved backwards so as to not show their backs to Swami. The smallest among them, looking so cutely at Swami, tripped. He fell softly but still did not use his hands, which were folded in prayer to Swami, to get up! Swami was so amused by the scene and the little one too seemed more amused than hurt. He rose and returned to his place. Then many people from the gents’ side seemed to rush to Swami to offer their obeisance.A cake was offered which Swami cut. Bhagavan also blessed two marble idols of Lord Ganesha. But soon a mob gathered around Swami with everyone keen at falling at the lotus feet. A comic scene of sorts ensued as the district president called for discipline and restraint over the PA system! Swami also lovingly told the people to return to their places. After that, a disciplined bevy of women moved up the stage for Divine blessings. Then the distribution began.











Imbibing the message of reforming the society through selfless service to humanity, the Medak district Sathya Sai Seva Organisation organized distribution of handy implements for selected beneficiaries from the districts. The implements included Iron Boxes, Coin Boxes, Water Purifiers, Tea Drums, Drums, Tea Stalls, Kirana Shops, Vegetable Shops, Sprayers, Foot Sprayers, Cycle Repair Kits, Gold Polish Material, Cloth Merchant Material, Drilling Machines, Vegetable Trolleys, Welding Machines, Wet Grinders, Cycles, Tri Cycles, Sewing Machines along with a sponsorship of college study for one student. Thanking Swami profusely for the “Elixir Divineâ€, Drinking Water supplied in the entire district, Mr. Jagannadham, the district president of the Organisation, made a mention of the various service and spiritual activities taken up by the Sathya Sai Seva Organisation. As the names were called out, 85 beneficiaries, both men and women, some

handicapped, came one by one to receive the implements in His Divine Presence, after paying prayerful obeisance to Bhagavan. People from both the gents' and ladies' side came to Swami as He blessed many of them with abhayahasta.











The distribution was complete and permission was sought from Swami for a music programme. Swami blessed the singers and the programme began. This musical offering titled, “Hrudaya Kusumanjaliâ€, or the garland of flowers from the heart, began with a song expressing gratitude for the nectar divine - water - that Swami has so graciously provided for the people of Medak. The offering whose music was arranged by former students from Sathya Sai University was sung by both men and women.It had a bouquet of over nine songs covering various themes, namely, His Glory, Service Activities, The nine fold path of devotion, Glory of Sai’s Name, Shodasopachara Pooja, Mother Easwaramma and her glory. Swami seemed particularly impressed with the powerful singing of the women. As many solo pieces were being sung, Swami watched the singer keenly. Towards the end, Swami asked as to how many women were there in the group. He went into the interview room and

selected sarees to be given to them as gifts of His Love and Grace. The women received the sarees while the men got safari pieces.











Swami called the little boy who had ''fallen for Him" in the beginning to come up the stage! Speaking to him, Swami materialized a gold chain and put it around his neck. There was a loud applause. Meanwhile the lady who distributed the sarees at Swami's behest arrived to Swami with one saree that was extra. Swami gifted that saree to her itself and she was mightily pleased. Swami presented another saree to State Minister for Information and Tourism, Mrs. J. Geeta Reddy who had played a role in organising the Yatra. Conferring joy and laddoo prasadam to everyone assembled, Swami received aarthi and retired for the day.

















18th July, 2009 - Medak district drama...Saturday, July 18, 2009Bhagavan went for a drive at 11.40 this morning, returning to His residence after noon. In the evening, the devotees from Medak district presented a drama 'Devudu Unnadu'. After His darshan round when Swami came onstage, some of the devotees came up to Him for blessings and the drama got underway at 5.30 pm. The forty-five minute Telugu play showed the transformation of two youths to theists with many quotes and poems from Swami. After the drama, Swami went inside the interview room for five minutes and emerged with clothes for the participants. He went down from the stage and moved among the children while bhajans went on, and took group photographs with them. He blessed one of them with a chain, and gave them the clothes Himself. After nearly half an hour of

interaction, once He came onstage, He accepted Arati at seven o'clock. He interacted some more with the devotees before returning to His residence ten minutes later.




With love and light


Sai Ram






Aum Sri Sai Ram



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