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Prasanthi Diary , Saturday, July 18, 2009(RECENT UPDATES)

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Saturday, July 18, 2009


Bhagavan went for a drive at 11.40 this morning, returning to His

residence after noon. In the evening, the devotees from Medak district

presented a drama 'Devudu Unnadu'. After His darshan round when Swami

came onstage, some of the devotees came up to Him for blessings and

the drama got underway at 5.30 pm. The forty-five minute Telugu play

showed the transformation of two youths to theists with many quotes

and poems from Swami. After the drama, Swami went inside the interview

room for five minutes and emerged with clothes for the participants.

He went down from the stage and moved among the children while bhajans

went on, and took group photographs with them. He blessed one of them

with a chain, and gave them the clothes Himself. After nearly half an

hour of interaction, once He came onstage, He accepted Arati at seven

o'clock. He interacted some more with the devotees before returning to

His residence ten minutes later.




Friday, July 17, 2009


evening, the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall was filled with items for

distribution. Devotees from Medak district of Andhra Pradesh are here

in strength in their Parthi Yatra. Bhagavan arrived at a quarter-past

five and after His darshan round, came onstage. Children dressed to

represent the various faiths came up to Swami for blessings. After some

more devotees came up and got various items blessed, the distribution

programme for the evening got underway. The recipients' names were

called out and they came up with flowers to offer to Bhagavan. Sewing

machines, kits for various trades, bicycles, push-carts and so on were

presented to more than eighty people. A music programme based on the

nine paths of devotion followed the distribution ceremony. Swami called

up one of the children at 6.30 pm and blessed him with a chain while a

song on 'God as friend' was being sung. As the music programme

concluded, Swami sent them clothes and prasadam. Arati was offered at

6.45, and some of the participants came up to the stage for a group

photograph before Swami left for His residence in the car.




Thursday, July 16, 2009


morning, Bhagavan sent word that the students of the Higher Secondary

School and the University should come for morning darshan - usually

they come for morning darshan only on Sundays and festival days.

Clothes were to be distributed to them. Swami came at half-past nine

while the bhajans were going on. After inspecting and sorting the cloth

material in the Bhajan Hall, He came onstage and watched while the

cloth pieces were distributed to the students and teachers. At a

quarter past ten, He accepted Arati. USB memory sticks were also

distributed to the senior students.

In the evening, Swami came for darshan at 4.30 pm and moved to the

Bhajan Hall, where He distributed sarees to the family members. Once

the evening bhajans began in Sai Kulwant Hall, He came onstage and had

a brief interaction with one of the Music college teachers, blessing

him with a bracelet. Swami then moved to the interview room and

returned after half an hour to sit onstage for a couple of bhajans and

then accept Arati.




Saturday, July 11, 2009


evening, the doctors attending the Orthopaedic conference at the Sri

Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences were seated in the

centre of Sai Kulwant Hall on chairs. Bhagavan arrived for darshan at

4.25 pm, and after His darshan round moved to the interview room after

a brief interaction on the verandah. After the five o'clock bhajans

began, Swami came to the stage. He asked for a bhajan with alap.

Bhagavan moved down among the doctors up and down the central path as

the doctors crowded around Him. Once He returned onstage, prasadam was

distributed. Arati was offered at 5.45 pm.




Friday, July 10, 2009

This evening, Swami went to the Super

Speciality Hospital at Prasanthi gram at around 3.45 pm - the Hospital

is hosting a two-day international conference in Orthopaedics. The

Biosciences department of the Sri Sathya Sai University is also hosting

an international conference in Diabetes research. Bhagavan returned to

the Mandir while the bhajans were going on. He moved to the Bhajan hall

and inspected some items kept there before coming onstage. Sri Sunil

Gavaskar, the cricket legend, was here to celebrate his 60th birthday.

Swami interacted with him for a few minutes before coming to the stage

and accepting Arati at 5.30 pm.



Thursday, July 9, 2009

The African choir was to perform this

evening, and the members were seated in the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall.

Swami completed His darshan round and came onstage to begin the

programme at 5.30 pm. After a brief introduction by Mr. Victor Krishna

Kanu of Zambia, the choir began their performance which had songs in

Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Hindi English and more. After 45 minutes, Swami

sent clothes for the performers and came down from the stage. Seated

beside them, He asked for some more songs, and they performed for ten

minutes more. He then gifted them photo frames as mementos, and also

had group photos with them. After interacting with them for a few

minutes, He accepted Arati as prasadam was distributed, and left for

His residence at seven o'clock.



Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This evening, the bhajans began at 5 pm,

and Bhagavan came to Sai Kulwant Hall ten minutes later. While He was

on His way, He granted permission for the group from Brazil to present

their bhajans. The students made way for the Brazilian group to sit in

the centre of the Hall, and at 5.15, they began their programme of

Bhajans, many of which were in Portuguese. At six o'clock, they

concluded, and made way for the Indonesian group. The devotees from

Bandung presented a traditional Sundanese Angklung ensemble with the

bamboo instruments playing a couple of bhajans and a traditional

melody. After their presentation, Swami accepted Arati while prasadam

was distributed and returned to His residence at 6.20 pm.



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

This Gurupoornima morning, Bhagavan came

into Sai Kulwant Hall at ten o'clock clad in a yellow robe, seated on a

special white chair, welcomed by the students' Panchavadyam band. The

stage was set for a felicitation programme. Once Swami reached the

verandah, He blessed the cakes arrayed there and then came onstage to

begin the proceedings at 10.15 am. Prof. Anil Kumar announced the

programme and called up the distinguished persons with brief

introductions to sit beside Bhagavan. There were three brothers: Sri

Appa Rao - outgoing Finance Controller of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute

of Higher Medical Sciences, Sri Sathyanarayana Murthy - Engineer in

charge of the Airconditioning of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher

Medical Sciences, Dr. A. V. Lakshmi Narasimham - outgoing Registrar of

Sri Sathya Sai University. Along with them was Sri M. Nanjundaiah -

outgoing Controller of Examinations of Sri Sathya Sai University. Mrs.

Appa Rao and Mrs. Nanjundaiah were seated beside their husbands. After

the distinguished persons were garlanded by their junior colleagues,

there were a couple of speeches by Dr. A. N. Safaya - Director of the

Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences and Prof.

Vishwanath Pandit - Vice Chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai University. Arati

was then offered at 11.30 am. While Arati went on, prasadam was

distributed, and Swami blessed the persons onstage with mementos and

clothes. The function was brought to a close with a collective 'Samasta

Loka Sukhino Bhavantu' chant at 11.45 am following which Swami left for

His residence.

In the evening, the bhajans began at 5 pm,

and Bhagavan came to Sai Kulwant Hall at 6 pm. Once He reached the

stage after His darshan round, He asked for the chairs to be arranged

on the stage like in the morning, and asked the personalities of the

morning felicitation ceremony to once again come onstage. At 6.30 pm,

the bhajans were stopped and Bhagavan began to speak, seated between

Sri Appa Rao and Prof. Nanjundaiah. Swami commended their services and

exhorted the youngsters to follow their example in selfless service.

After His Discourse, Swami asked for a couple of Bhajans to be sung and

prasadam was distributed. It was 7.45 when He accepted Arati. After

Arati, He sat onstage and interacted some more with the gentlemen and

ladies before slowly moving to His residence in the car at 8 o'clock.



Monday, July 6, 2009

This evening, the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall was set up as a stage for

a musical by the Tamil Nadu Balvikas and youth. But when Bhagavan came

to Sai Kulwant Hall and came onstage after His darshan round, He

indicated that the microphones be brought. At 5.25 pm, He commenced His

Divine Discourse. The fifty-minute discourse had the triune fear of

sin, love of God and morality in society as the theme. Swami stressed

the need for individual transformation before attempting to change

society. After His Discourse, Swami asked for the programme by the

Tamil Nadu children to begin. The hour long drama had many songs and a

couple of dances, and brought out the message of various saints and

sages culminating in the golden age of Sai. Swami went down from the

stage for group photos with the participants before returning to the

stage and accepting Arati at 7.30 pm. He then moved to the interview

room for a few minutes before returning to His residence at 7.45.















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