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Sai Sat Charitra, Chapter 34-Part I

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Sai Sat Charitra, Chapter 34-Part I











By: S.V. Swamy, Columnists
















Greatness of Udi (continued)(1) Doctor's Nephew - (2) Dr. Pillay - (3) Shama's Siste-in-Law - (4) Irani Girl - (5) Harda Gentleman - (6) Bombay Lady.This Chapter continues the subject "Greatness of Udi" and describes cases in which the application of Udi was most efficacious.Doctor's NephewAt Malegaon (Dt. Nasik) there lived a doctor (qualified and degree-holder). His nephew suffered from an incurable disease - Tubercular bone-abscess. The doctor himself and his brothers, the medical practitioners, tried all sorts of remedies and even an operation. There was no relief and there was no end to the little boy's suffering. Friends and relations advised the parents of the boy to seek divine aid and recommended them to try Sai Baba, who was known to have cured such incurable cases by His mere glance.


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Sai Ram. The last sentence is worth noting and reading many times and getting into one's mind and heart. It is not just udhi that is powerful, but it is the grace of Sadguru Sai behind that udhi and it is clear that He does not need to even send His udhi to cure. He does that to teach faith and to teach Vairagya as we will see somewhere else. Sai Ram.The parents, therefore, came to Shirdi. They prostrated themselves before Baba, placed the boy before Him and pleaded humbly and respectfully, and implored Him to save their son. The merciful Baba comforted them saying "Those who resort to this Masjid shall never suffer anything in this life and to the end of time. Be now care-free. Apply Udi on the abscess and within one week he will recover. Believe in God. This is no Masjid, but Dwarawati. He who steps here will soon get health and happiness and his sufferings will come to an end".













Baba, moved his hands on the affected part and cast His loving glances on him.




The boy was made to sit before Baba, Who moved his hands on the affected part and cast His loving glances on him. The patient was pleased and with the application of the Udi, he began to recover, and was all right after some days. The parents then left Shirdi with their son, thanking Baba for the cure, which was effected by Udi and Baba's gracious looks.Sai Ram. The udhi carries Baba's grace just as water, wind, fire and sunlight carry God's energy to us. Since the udhi has come from the dhuni that was started by Sai and is blessed by Sai, it carries His grace. But let us be clear, He is every where and hence He does not need the udhi to cure us of our illness, physical, mental or spiritual. We will see stories of such cures too at other places. Sai Ram.After knowing this, the doctor, the uncle of the boy became wonder-struck and desired to see Baba while he was on his way to Bombay for some business; but at

Malegaon and Manmad somebody spoke to him against Baba and poisoned his ears. He therefore, dropped the idea of visiting Shirdi and went to Bombay direct. He wanted to spend the rest of his leave at Alibag, but at Bombay he heard three successive nights, a voice crying out,"Still you disbelieve me?". Then the doctor changed his mind and resolved to go to Shirdi. He had to attend in Bombay to a case of infectious fever, which showed no signs of abatement soon. So he thought that his Shirdi trip would be postponed. He however proposed a test in his mind and said,"If the patient gets all right today, I start for Shirdi tomorrow."The wonder is that exactly at the time when the determination was taken, the fever began to abate and the temperature became normal. Then he went to Shirdi as per his determination, took Baba's darshan and prostrated himself before Him. Baba gave him such experiences that he became His devotee. He stayed there for four days

and returned home with Baba's Udi and blessings. Within a fortnight he was transferred on promotion to Bijapur. His nephew's case gave him an opportunity for seeing Baba and this visit engendered in him a never failing love for the Saint's feet.Sai Ram. Baba cured the boy of a physical ailment but used that occasion to cure the doctor of a still more dangerous affliction and that was lack of faith in the Doctor of all Doctors, God / Guru. That indeed is a greater cure!About the authorS.V. SwamySwarna.Venkateswara Swamy, (also known as Venkateswara Swamy Swarna, S.V.Swamy or simply Swamy) is a physicist and a metallurgist by education. He considers Sai Baba of Shirdi as his Sadguru but respects all Gurus. He is an avid reader, a book reviewer and an

editor. He has an abiding interest in holistic health systems..source oneindia

-------Ram ChuganiKobe, Japan

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