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Thou Art That..a Divine Reminder(Posted at 12:20 Hrs. IST on 21st July 2009)

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Thou Art That..a Divine Reminder


A blissful evening at His Feet...Divine Discourse...Speeches

Posted at 12:20 Hrs. IST on 21st July 2009


to the famous Bible saying, "The Lord makespoor and makes rich; He

casts down, He also lifts high", in Prasanthi Nilayam, Bhagawan most

unexpectedly makes what seem to be an ordinary day into a momentous day

and He has His own wherewithal, supported by His Divine logic to bring

in such an unexpected surprise, which could not be perceived by man’s

blurred myopic vision.

19th July 2009, the day was Arudra, the auspicious

Shivarathri of the Month, and the day was made most momentous when

Bhagawan chose to deliver yet another Divine Discourse, off the cuff

from the devotee’s point of view, dwelling on the most intricate of the

spiritual subjects, Atma, Aham Brahmasmi, and Tat Twam Asi.


The surprise call came when Bhajan was on in full swing, as Bhagawan

asked His translator Mr. Anil Kumar to address the concourse of

devotees. Though caught unaware, Anil Kumar in a classic rhetoric demo

gave a scintillating speech describing the being Sathya Sai Baba in

“His own wordsâ€, dwelling on the higher spiritual principles Thatwam Asi and Aham Brahmasmi,

before concluding talking on the significance of His Divine Darshan and

greater importance of working towards nation building.


Starting off, quoting scriptural texts, Anil Kumar highlighted the

purpose of Divine Incarnation saying that God comes down in human form

to demonstrate the entire humanity as to how to be ideal and how to

lead an exemplary life; awakening and kindling the latent divinity in

us happens to be the main objective of Divine incarnation.


beautiful examples from Bhagawan’s own Divine Discourses, he reiterated

Bhagawan’s own teaching, saying that man has to realize that he is

basically Divine. Referring to the greater spiritual formula, Tat Twam Asi, Anil

Kumar dwelt upon Bhagawan’s Divine Discourse in Brindavan delivered way

back in 1972 wherein Bhagawan spoke about the subject “Who is Sai

Baba?†Sa (+) Amba (+) Shiva… Sa (Divine) (+) I (Mother) (+) Baba (Father) is Tat Twam Asi,

that is SaiBaba… Similarly, when we reverse the term SAI into IAS it

gives a beautiful definition, I (Aham) (+) S (Brahma) (+) A (Asi),

meaning Aham Brahmasmi… I am Brahman… The Name

Sathya has all the four Vedas in it, SA stands for Saama Veda, A stands

for Athavana Veda, Ya stands for Yajur Veda and Sathya itself is



Bhagawan about His Avataric Mission Statement, Anil Kumar urged the

vast concourse of devotees that, none of us are here on our own…it

is He who has brought all of us here…it is merely His Will, mercy and

compassion that brought all of us here…Bhagawan can accomplish anything

and everything…He has come with a Divine Mission…He has come to help us

in attaining liberation, for fulfillment of our own devotion, to make

proper use of our Shakthi by making all of us worthy instruments in His

Mission. We need to develop equanimity, composure, equal

mindedness…pleasure and pains are two sides of the same coin, You cannot lead

your life keeping pain on one side and pleasure on the other…both

exists together…pleasure is an interval between two pains, said Anil Kumar.


All the Vedas, all the Upanishads, The Bhagavad Gita, all scriptures,

The Holy Bible, and all other holy texts, …all of them are said in a

simple, practical and easiest style by Bhagawan alone, …such that we

practise, live, breath religion and find out our identity THATWAM

ASI….declared Anil Kumar amidst thunderous applause. … All that we read

in the stories, epics are realities today, reenacted today in His

presence; realisation of the divinity within is the climax of spiritual


With Reference to

Divine Darshan, Anil Kumar explained, why some are having some

experiences during darshan and some others not…we need to be the

correct medium to pass the energy…His darshan is the Divine Energy…we

are able to find our long lost self in Bhagawan during darshan…waiting

for Bhagawan is meditation…having darshan of Bhagawan is receiving

Divine energy…constant thought of Bhagawan is contemplation… we are

able to find all these three in one, during Bhagawan’s Divine Darshan.


What would have happened to all of us, our lives, had we not been

here…had we not seen or experienced Bhagawan? It is His

compassion…deservedness that is granted, conferred upon us that enabled

us to be here in His Divine Presence. He wants total development of our

personality; being citizens of our country we need to be responsible;

true heirs of United India (Akhanda Bharatha)…We need to love and work

for our country; patriotism and love of our country is the hallmark of

our lives...mother land is Divine…mother is Divine…mother tongue is

Divine…Let’s all submit ourselves at the Lotus Feet of our Veda Matha,

Loka Matha, Sai Matha...declared Anil Kumar ending his inspiring

rhetoric excellence.


was followed by a speech by former Vice Chancellor S.V..Giri…Catching up

from Anil Kumar’s speech, Mr. Giri began with Tat Twam Asi

divulging into the great good fortune that all (students) are fortunate

to receive in His Divine Presence… Sitting close by, in a reverential

mood, we are all prepared to listen and that is the great good fortune

that all have been blessed with in Prasanthi Nilayam in His Divine

Presence… absolute communion by simply being in His Presence. Quoting

the illustrious story of Nachiketas who persistently aspired for the

highest knowledge, Mr. Giri urged the students to attain mind control,

an absolute necessity. What is pleasant to you at the moment is not

what we should be looking for; but the more righteous should be aimed

at; do not look for immediate pleasurable things, commit yourself to

higher goals and perseverance coupled with patience will bring desired

results, said the speaker exhorting to students to follow suit… Making

a mention of Bhagawan’s often quoted subject, Unity, Purity and

Divinity, Mr. Giri touched upon another favourite subject quite often

heard in Prasanthi Nilayam, Love for God, Fear of Sin and Morality in

Society, urging the students that once we have the basic purity

achieved by discharging our duties in proper spirit, understanding the

basic unity in the cosmos, we will finally end up attaining Divinity.

Referring to the millions and millions who have been yearning to come

over to Prasanthi Nilayam, without success, the speaker stressed on the

greater importance of being in His Divine Presence. Mr. Giri concluded

with few words on the supreme significance of Divine Darshan being

conferred upon to all in Prasanthi Nilayam.


was followed by Sathya Sai Speaks, an exhilarating Divine Discourse

dwelling upon the greater principles of Atma and how Love for God is

essential to understand and experience the bliss of Supreme Atma.

Gist of Divine Discourse:

Everyone, time and again ask me about the true nature of Atma; but it

is not possible for everyone to understand the true nature of Atma. The

nature and the glory of the Atma are beautifully expounded in the

Upanishads. In fact, we find better exposition of the Atma in the

Upanishads than in the Vedas. The Atma is extolled in fine phrases like

Shabda Brahmamayi (embodiment of primordial sound), Characharamayi (embodiment of dynamism), Jyothirmayi (embodiment of Illumination) etc…

Atma is the source of everything. It is the fountainhead from which

everything emanates. Atma is the fundamental source from which the

principle of Buddhi, Manas, Chitta, Viveka, Vijnana etc. , take their



Atma is not the combination of two syllables. It is essentially the

embodiment of the principle of unity, which manifests in utterances

like “All are one; be alike to everyoneâ€. Atma is the Eternal Truth,

which is the source, the sustenance and mergence.


The other names for Atma are “Omâ€, “Pranavaâ€, “Brahmanâ€, which

expresses the formless aspect of Divinity, whereas Rama, Krishna, Shiva

are manifestation of Divinity in name and form. Man has to engage

himself in sadhana to grasp and experience Divinity. He has to go through the sadhana

of concentration, contemplation and meditation. Concentration leads to

contemplation and contemplation in its turn leads to meditation. One

cannot engage Himself in meditation in the first attempt itself. You

cannot meditate all of a sudden. You have to go through the three

stages of concentration, contemplation and meditation. A sadhaka succeeds in his sadhana only by constant practice. It is only by constant practice mind becomes steady and enables the sadhaka to

progress from concentration to meditation. But fickleness of mind is

the cause for depression. It is only by cultivating a steady mind one

can overcome depression. It is by nourishing constant integrated

awareness alone one can experience the Bliss of the Atma.


Daiva Preeti (Love for God) is most essential to experience the Bliss

of the Atma. It is by dint of “Daiva Preeti†and sadhana that

one can experience the Supreme Atma. One should not fritter away the

precious time in vain gossip. One should firmly believe in three

things… I am of human nature…I am not of animal nature…I am Divine!!!


One should be nourishing these thoughts deep down in one’s personality

and then alone one can experience Divinity. Daiva Preeti and Sadhana

are most essential to achieve this. In fact, Avatars come for the

purpose of enabling humanity to experience and achieve Divinity. That

is the Mission of the Avatar.


happens without the Divine Will…And in Prasanthi Nilayam, no speaker

shares the podium and divulges his thoughts without Bhagawan’s Will and

Bhagawan never delivers a Divine Discourse, out of turn, without a

Vision. Reminders if one could call them, the two speeches by the two

senior spokesmen of Prasanthi Nilayam were real treats that served as

reminders of the great good fortune conferred upon all those who bask

in the Divine Aura of Prasanthi Nilayam and Bhagawan’s Divine Discourse

served as a reaffirmation of what have been hearing from Him time and


...And the surprise did

not end there...the Divine Discourse was followed by a Sarva Dharma

Bhajan before Arathi was offered…After boys chanting the customary

revised universal prayer, Samastha Lokaaha Sukhino Bhavanthu, Bhagawan

whispered something on to a boy’s ear and what followed was a full

throat chanting of a new Universal Prayer Samasthah Jeevaha Sukhino

Bhavanthu…and the vast concourse of devotees repeated at full

throat…Samasthah Jeevaha Sukhino Bhavanthu!! Still more to come…as per

the Divine Command, the next morning, 20th July 2009, there was full

throat Rudram chanting in the Mandir, for an hour from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

and the same to be continued in the evening from 4 p.m.. to 5 p.m.


is true, mortals may not understand and perceive the depths of His

Divine Vision with our blurred myopic vision…He has a Mission to foster

the Vedas and to protect His devotees those who are treading the

righteous path…The Timeless Theater in Prasanthi Nilayam is sure to

have much more coming up!


















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