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--- On Tue, 21/7/09, satish <satish wrote:satish <satish[sBOI-post] JULY 20 2009 DARSHAN UPDATE"SBOI" Tuesday, 21 July, 2009, 12:16 PM









20th July 2009 Om Sairam dearest Sai familyIt was a very sweet and memorable evening for all of us today..It all started at 5pm when Swami blessed us with His divine darshan as the bhajans were being sung. Swami today preferred to come in a bigger chair.After taking a full round Swami went on the stage. For on lookers it seemed as if there was some kind of surprise coming up and to confirm our thoughts, Swami called upon Prof. Anil Kumar and as we all thought we would witness a divine discourse, Prof. Anil Kumar was rather asked to speak. An able speaker he is, gave a very nice talk on Swami and the need for the man kind to be united and God centric. Prof. Anil Kumar in His usual style, narrated slokas, verses from Swami’s discourses and asked all of us to be reminded as how lucky we are to be born in this age when the Avatar of this Kali Age is amongst us. We all are blessed to be born

in this

age and it is our duty to make use of this golden opportunity. After 20 minutes of talk Swami signalled to bring His mike and every one of us got more curious and excited as Swami was going to speak.

Another surprise from Swami, this time He called upon Sri. S.V.Giri former Vice chancellor of Swami’s university. A highly knowledgeable person, Sri. Giri also looks like one of the fittest person, slim and trim, among elite devotees of Swami. I have seen Sri. Giri many a times giving a talk in Swami’s presence, and every time he speaks, he makes it very simple but the content will be of deeper spiritual significance. Sri. Giri stressed upon mind control. On many occasions Swami has asked the students to control the mind. It is more essential than sense control. We can keep our eyes shut, ears closed but the mind can’t be closed. He appealed to all the devotees not to ask God for immediate physical pleasures. Be patient and positive only then the result will be a positive. Purity, Unity and Divinity are most essential for conditioning the mind. Don’t underestimate the

gift of

darshan. In the recent past you may not have physical proximity with Swami like before but Communion is most important. Swami will answer all your questions, clear all your doubts, solve all your problems when you have perfect communion. Sri Giri also narrated the story of Nachiketa and Yama from the Katha Upanishad. Sri. Giri asked all of us to be more into communion with Swami, as it is a rare opportunity and make best use of your time in Swami’s presence. So saying Sri..Giri completed his small talk and all eyes were on Swami now.

The mike was still there before Him. Will He speak or ask to keep the mike in the shelf. Swami signalled Prof. Anil Kumar to stand next to Him, Swami after adjusting His mike, majestically seated on His throne,looked at every one of us with full of love, looked at Prof. Anil Kumar very slowly without moving His Head (only Swami can demonstrate such minute wonders), made sure he is ready and started His divine discourse saying Prema Swaroopulara (embodiments of Love)Swami’s 45 minutes divine discourse was centered on the Atmic principle, love,Karma and Namasmarana Excerpts from the divine discourse:

Embodiments of love, everyone asks Swami where is Atma? Atma is all pervasive and is one. Without Upanishads we would not have had holy epics like Ramayana, Mahabharatha. It is only because of the Upanishads that these holy epics are in textual form. Ancient Rishis studied each and every point in them. For everything Atma is Mooladhara (promodial). This primodial thing will not change any time. When you have body it has beginning . We all celebrate Shivarathri do you think Shiva was born on that day? No! Shivam is Mangala that which is auspicious. It is present in all. All that we see in Brahman(divine) . All that you listen is Brahman, All that is spoken is also Brahman. Everything is Brahman(Divine) .In his childhood the baby is called a child, as he grows older he becomes boy, when he gets married he is a man,later house holder and so on. Each stage has to happen in an order.

For all

this the fundamental is Atma. Some call it Om and some Tatwamasi. But both are the same. When in womb both mother and the child are same. After delivery of the baby mother is separate and child is separate. In Both atma is same. When you say OM the sound comes from the navel. Everybody can’t say OM instead they say Rama, Krishna, Allah, Jesus and so on. It is for dentification only and God has no name or form. To choose a form is your own choice. No one knows how Lord enkateswara looks like. It is an imagination of Ravi varma ( a famous artist ).Some times you worship Krishna, then Shiva. All are one. Atma is the one without the second.. In a drama a boy plays the role of Rama, then he goes to the make up room and comes out to play the role of Krishna. Every one thinks Rama is there, Krishna is there but in reality it is the same boy who is playing all the roles. Same way God is only one who is assumed in many forms. All the discriminations are just your thoughts. Your imagination. If you think a person is bad he will be bad. If you think he is good he will be good. In reality he is neither good nor bad but your

imagination only makes you think.. As you think so you become.

Swami later spoke on Meditation. Thoughts keep changing. You think I am meditating on a form. That is always changing. It is not meditation but concentration. As you keep thinking of the form it becomes contemplation which is stable but many a times keep changing. After some time by rigorous sadhana it becomes steady and that is true meditation. You cannot meditate right from the day one. It is nothing but ARTIFICIAL MEDITATION. It is very bad. In the beginning the mind wavers and it is very common. Later it should be steady. You will attain the meditation state after practice. No child is born as a man. He grows by age.

Swami later speaking on depression said.. What is Atma? Iam Atma. All that we do today is full of confusion. This confusion brings depression. It is your unsteady nature that is the main cause for depression. Every thing in this world keeps changing. The food you eat today can’t be eaten tomorrow. The environment also changes from time to time. What is change less is CONSTANT INTEGRATED AWARENESS. To experience that you should have feeling of one ness. Everything in this world is born from Satyam(truth) . Everything merges in truth. Is there any place where you can’t find truth.. no.. no.. Truth is Atma. Truth is changeless. Truth is the foundation. Where Sathya and Dharma prevails there comes Shanthi. When Peace is established there won’t be anger, jealousy. Then comes LOVE. Without love you will become restless.

Hanuman went to Lanka in search of Sita. He searched all the streets of Lanka. He would keenly look at all the ladies on the streets to check if Sita was among them but in vain. Frustrated He directly went to the court of King Ravana and asked what kind of king you are? I have come to see Mother Sita. Iam feeling very sad for not finding Her. O king Ravana you have ten heads but why do you have that evil mind of abducting mother Sita. He started addressing Ravana in singular number. King Ravana got so furious at Hanuman. He said till now no body has addressed me like that. He ordered his soldiers for Hanuman’s tail to be burnt. The soldiers who were all demons, brought lot of cloth, tied it to Hanuman’s tail and burnt it. Hanuman with the burnt tail went to the streets of Lanka torched all the houses, palaces. All the people left their homes and ran in the streets.


burnt all the houses except that of Vibhishana for his noble character. Evil people will face the same consequences.

Speaking on Karma Swami then sang a telugu verse.. Kaladu okka mala nee khanta mandu (there is one garland around your neck), poorva janmala punyalu ponduga pondu parachi (with records of all your past lives karmas) Brahma meekichi pampenu baruvu mala (Brahma has sent you with this heavy garland), karma lanniyu cherchina kanta mala(that garland which has the list of all your past lives karmas).No one can escape the consequences of Karma. Love your society. Then the fear of sin will vanish and only then you can love God.

Swami then asked all of us to do namasmarana (chant the divine name). This is the only medium by which you can attain liberation. Always have this thought that I am Man and not an animal and definitely not a beast. I am Brahaman (the supreme self), Don’t waste your time in unnecessary gossip. Speak good words. Let your looks be sacred, let your thoughts be sacred then you will be good and all good will happen to you. Develop love for God. God will give you all that you want if you love God. To experience the divinity in you , do lot of practice. Always have this thought, let me be like a human being and not like an animal. AVATAR HAS COME TO MAKE YOU EXPERIENCE THIS DIVINITY.. If we are perfect we can experience divinity. If you follow bad people you will become bad. Tell me your company and I shall tell you what you are.. so saying Swami concluded His


minutes divine discourse which was full of love and of Supreme knowledge..

After two bhajans Arathi was given to Swami at 7:20 pm and interestingly after Samastha Loka Sukhino bhavanthu Swami asked to chant Samastha JEEVA (living beings) Sukhino Bhavanthu (not sure if this is going to be a new addition to the Sukhinobhavanthu prayer)..Thus ended yet another GOLDEN DAY in my Prasanthi Diary a day full of love, and light..With humble pranams at the Lotus Feet of our beloved Lord,R. Satish Naik..

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