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What Does Vibhuti Signify?

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What Does Vibhuti Signify?


BABA often gives to devotees Vibhuti or Bhasma (the sacred ash). Many people smear their foreheads with this ash. What is the inner significance of this ash? When any object that has a name and form is completely burnt, it is reduced to ashes. The name and form are gone. All things are one and the same in the final state as ashes. When Vibhuti is given, BABA wants the recipient to understand this Advaitam (basic oneness). The devotee should get rid of Ahamkara (ego arising from the feeling of separateness) and sense of Mamakara ("mine" and "thine"). These two are based on name and form and when they are destroyed, the underlying unity of the Divine can be realised.


People constantly talk of Advaita (non-dualism), but hardly live up to their professions in practice. One must practice what one preaches or professes. Today there are not many gurus who live up to their beliefs or teachings. Their actions belie their words. No purpose is served by going in search of gurus. There is a guru in each of us. It is the Atma (spirit) principle. It is the Eternal Witness functioning as Conscience in everyone. With this Conscience as guide, let all actions be done…

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