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Happy Vara Lutchmi Viratham -Friday,31 July

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Vara Lutchmi Viratham





Aum Sri Gaja Lutchmee yeh Namaha,

Aum Sri Veera Lutchmee yeh Namaha

Aum Sri Vijaya Lutchmee yeh Namaha,

Aum Sri Adhi Lutchmee yeh Namaha,

Aum Sri Dhana Lutchmee yeh Namaha,

Aum Sri Santhana Lutchmee Yeh Namaha,

Aum Sri Dhanya Luthcmee yeh Namaha,

Aum Sri Aishwarya Namaha,

Aum Sri Maha Lutchmee yeh Namaha.














May the Divine Mother Lutchmee bestow you with an abundance of wealth, both material and spiritual








Bessie SewsunkerAssistant AdministratorInformation Systems & TechnologyUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville Campus)Private Bag X54001Durban 4000SOUTH AFRICATel : 031 - 2607051Fax : 031 - 2607251e-mail : sewsunkerb







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