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and Prasanthi moves on(Posted at 20:00 Hrs.IST on 3rd Aug 2009 )

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…and Prasanthi moves on…

Posted at 20:00 Hrs.IST on 3rd Aug 2009

What stands out in Prasanthi when one looks at it

from a week‘s perspective? It is undoubtedly the rare glimpse of His

hallowed physical presence, popular by the term Divine Darshan, the

‘presence’ that sends out unquantified vibrations in its most subtle

form that our worldly bleak vision often fails to perceive. Where

perception of each individual always varies with varied degree of

understanding, there can be an unqualified optimism supporting the


Power packed lens

that reflects images of expressive devotional ecstasy stands testimony

to the fact that, when He glides through the surge of devotees every

heart pounds, every mind sings, some with a prayer story and some with

the beauty of stillness, dazing at Him, often yearning for an

eye-to-eye and the beauteous smile that emanates from Him, that is His

‘trademark’. ..And the magnanimous Lord whose physical frame operates

in His Mission with a Vision in the precincts of Prasanthi does serve a

silent reminder to one and all who are destined to come to Him,

destined to hear Him and tuned to Him…a reminder of the greater import

of the greatest boon conferred upon the humanity – His Darshan! He

reminds us of His own quote given long ago on the significance of His



My walking amongst you is a gift yearned for by

the Gods of the Highest Heaven and here you are receiving this grace.

Be grateful. But also remember that to whom much is given - from him

much will be demandedâ€.

He is marked and His moves are keenly followed…a

keen observer who follows Him and His actions with meticulous attention

would end up deriving joy in defining His moves that suits to his

perception. On the final day of the Ranga Reddy Parthi Yatra Programme,

when “Sangeeta Vibhavariâ€, the musical session was on there was an

interesting anecdote that captured the interest and imagination of many

who were seated in close vicinity. Bhagawan, who is ever playful, was

holding a trifoliate leaves of the basil (tulsi) for quite long time,

almost playing around with the same; He would often raise it as if

studying the same curiously to drop the same unto His lap in the next,

breaking into a uncanny smile as if acknowledging the audience of their

curiosity. And what did He do with it to end this mini drama? The

script was with Him and He did it with perfection to the merriment of

the curious onlookers…Simple, He put the same in His mouth and nibbled

it! And the curious onlookers acknowledged breaking into spontaneous

smiles. These are rare gems that should be enjoyed without doing much

of decoding exercise. However one could easily take home a message - to

be as pristine like a Tulsi leaf and be remain near and dear to The


When He comes out He grants darshan to the

thousands congregates in the SaI Kulwant Hall, a definite happening.

But, in the unexpected hours when He comes out to move around, He

grants ‘out of turn’ darshans to many – so called lucky - and the

script would go lengthy if one starts explaining the feeling of the

many who receives such blessing. On the 30th morning, a morning when He

did not come out granting darshan, there was a sudden panic and furor

outside…as the Lord had decided to come out for a round. He moved out

of His Abode at 11:30 to ‘take a stroll’ within the ashram campus.

Lucky many got His glimpse and in between when He reached the North

Block area, He glanced through the windowpane sliding the same down

apparently blessing a group of US Youth who were having rehearsal

sessions for an ensuing programme in His Divine Presence. …And they

felt filled and fulfilled as it gave a boost to their preparations.

Could this be termed - a coincidence? He has His Divine Roadmap and He

follows His route…none would know, none wound understand His route…we

are fellow pilgrims following the Master, following Him suit, aiming at

our destination.

The week began with the final programme by the

Parthi Yatra contingent from Ranga Reddy District. The usual practice,

symbolic of service to the poor, distribution of implements to the

needy from various parts of the districts was organized giving away

essential items to eighty five selected ones that would earn them

livelihood. “Sangeeta Vibhavariâ€, a short but lively musical bouquet at

His Feet that followed the distribution had a string of devotional

numbers covering varied themes sung in vernacular with a surge of

feeling wooing the public to devotional heights.


“United Sai America†as they preferred to call it,

Region 4 combined with Region 7 of the International Sai Organisation

invented an innovative concept introducing the cultural diversity of

the vast country, United States of America. Adopting the illustrious

character of Narada, sending him on a ‘fact finding mission†to the

United States, the Adults and Young Adults coupled with tiny tots from

the region brought out an effective display calling upon The Lord to

set His Feet in the United States and bless the nation. It was an apt

exhibition of Unity in Diversity and the Youth from the region seemed

to have found an innovative way to impress upon the Lord for the big

happening, the Divine Visit to the United States of America!…and to

turn this utopian to a reality, the Young Adults seemed have a set in

motion a mission to change the United States of America into United Sai


Varalakshmi Pooja, propitiating the Goddess of

Plenty and Prosperity was observed with devotional fervour on the 31st

July in the immediate Divine Presence. Thousand five hundred women

participated in the function held in the Sai Kulwant Hall that was

blessed by the silent, yet filling presence of Bhagawan. A

scintillating devotional rendering by well known carnatic vocalist cum

playback singer Anuradha Sriram charged the hall thrilling the audience

and enchanting the Divine. Matching the perfect ambience set up by the

hallowed presence of Bhagawan, the celebrated singer matched her class

with elan rendering a diverse collection of devotional numbers that

lasted for seventy minutes. Singing both Carnatic and Hindustani, Mrs.

Anuradha often crossed the language barrier rendering pieces from

Tamil, Telugu, Hindi and even from Marati. The singer was rewarded with

a materialized chain and sari while the accompanists were blessed with

sari and safari pieces.

The convention that started last week, offering a

rose to Bhagawan by senior devotees continued during the week. This

week’s beneficiaries included, Prof. Ramamurthy, a veteran professor

from the Dept. of Business and Financial Management, Sri Sathya Sai

University, Mr. Kavi Kumar Venkateswarlu, formerly Editor, Sanathana

Sarathi, Telugu, Mr. Kolkar, who had been the ‘bell toller’ in the

ashram for many years and whom Bhagawan would affectionately call

‘Topi’ for his typical Maharashtrian headware, Mr. Panth, in-charge,

Shanti Bhavan Guest House, Mr. Sundaram, a longtime servant from the

Maintenance Department, Mr. Lakshmi Narayana, Public Relations Officer

and Mr. Deendayal Naidu, formely with Sanathana Sarathi section of the

erstwhile Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust and currently

working as in-charge, Double Decker Auditorium.




Dignitaries visited during the week included well

known jurist and former judge of the Supreme Court, Hon’ble Justice

(Retd.) Mr. V.R. Krishna Iyer, popular Cine Director from Tamil Mr.

Suresh Krishna, Vice President of the Indian Medical Council, Dr P.C.

Kesavankutty Nayar, Kodaikanal Municipal Chairman, Mohammad Ibrahim

etc. Mr. Mohammad Ibrahim is a staunch follower of Bhagawan who would

frequent to Sai Shruti in Kodaikanal regularly for Bhagawan’s darshan

during Bhagawan’s stay there in April.

As the week fades away there are more groups

awaiting their turn to perform in the Divine Presence. Groups from

Region 1, 7 and 9, all from the Us, are in the waiting list followed by

a group from Canada, a strong contingent from the from Region 94

covering the United Arab Emirates, a U.K. Youth Sadhana Camp 2009

contingent lead by Ajit Poppat, 320 strong Youth contingent from the

Indian State of Himachal Pradesh etc…all camping anticipating a

fruitful week ahead.

The week ended with a long waiting for the Lord on

Sunday evening; Bhagawan came just seven minutes before six and sat for

few bhajans before calling for Arathi.

Prasanthi has regular spiritual routines with fixed

timings; the day breaks with 21 Aumkars at 5:20 a.m. followed by Veda

Chanting and Nagar Sankirtans…Bhajan sessions have been a fixed

schedule for many years and joining in this list of sadhana is the

regular one hour Veda Chanting in the morning and evening, as

introduced last week.

In Prasanthi Rudram vibrates, Bhajans follow suit

and His darshan pulsates every heart to devotional heights and

Prasanthi moves on with her quiet happenings…!!!

















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