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Happy Janmashtami To All [8 Attachments]

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Dear Sai devotee, am so thankful to you for sending me this wonderful message and photographs.


May Baba Bless you and your family.



Jai Sai Ram



On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:34 PM, swamy mahadevan <mahadevanvnswamy wrote:




[Attachment(s) from swamy mahadevan included below]














Happy Janmashtami








Krishnastu Bhagavaan Swayam

Happy Janmashtami




































































































" " Yadã yadã hi dharmasya, glãnirbhavati Bhãratah,Abhiyutthãnam adharmasya, tadãtmãnam srijãmyaham|

Paritrãnãya sãdhunãm, vinãshaya cha dushkritãm,Dharmasamsthãpanãrthãya, sambhavãmi yugè yugè|| " "


~ Lord Krishna to Arjuna

(Shrimat Bhagavat Geetã)

~ Whenever and wherever  there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant  rise of irreligion--at that time I descend Myself. To deliver the pious and  to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of  religion, I, Myself, appear, ages after ages.








In  the Bhagvat Geeta, this is what the Lord Himself promised. The Lord never  failed to keep His promises down the ages. He incarnated down to the earth  from His heavenly abode at the Vaikuntha, to save his devotees. In different  forms, Lord Vishnu, the sustainer and the Supreme Soul, came down to the earth,  one after another, just like " the waves in an ocean " . But, His Avatãr  (incarnation) Lord Krishna is said to be God Himself incarnated. It was the   eighth day of the new-moon fortnight (krishnapaksha) of the month  of Shrãvana.




Janmashtami  is the birthday of Lord Krishna, the re-incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who gave  us the vital message of the Bhagwat Gita. The festival of Janmashtami (pronunciation  : Janmãshtami) is now popularly celebrated  outside of  due largely to the extraordinary efforts of many many Krishna-devotees  and many Hindu organizations. Reach out to all your fellow Indians on this  auspicious occasion and wish them Happy Janmashtami ! ! !

Mathura,  the birthplace of Lord Krishna, where his parents lived in captivity of the  evil Kansa and he as a young boy came and vanquished his maternal uncle Kansa  to ascend the throne and free his parents, celebrates Janmashtami with great  enthusiasm. The main celebrations are performed at the Dwãrakadhish  temple, Mathurã in the form of Jhulanotsava and the  Ghatas during the entire month of Shrãvana.








The  ghatas are a unique feature of the month long celebrations. During the  ghatas of a particular colour the whole temple is covered with decoration  in the same colour. Even the Lord dresses up in the same colour. The  twin cities of Mathura-Vrindavan takes on a festive look and spirit  of devotion runs high among the people. It was on the banks of the Yamuna  river where Lord Krishna played during his childhood and indulged in  pranks and tricks with his friends and the gopies. There are about 400  temples dedicated to Lord Krishna in this sacred city and the major  festivities are held at the Bãnke Bihãri,  Rangaji, Shri Krishna Balarãm temple and Gopinãth  temple. The Raslila of Braj is thematically the basis of many .





Indian  mythical heritage overflows with a pantheon of Gods and Goddesses.. The  celestial powers figure in the beliefs of the people and the divine  influence plays an important part in their lives. Yet, among these deities,  the most beloved is Lord Krishna, the eighth avatãr  (incarnation) of Vishnu. Janmasthami is a celebration of the birth of  Lord Krishna and every ritual in the celebration of this auspicious  occasion is associated with various phases of his life, which have been  immortalised in both the religious and the folk literature.




Krishna Janmashtami is observed on the eighth day of the dark half (Krishna Paksha) of the month of Bhadrapadha in the Hindu , when the Rohini Nakshatram is ascendent. The Hindu calendar being lunar, these two events [the day being the eighth of the waning moon (Krishna-paksha Ashtami) and the Rohini Nakshatram being ascendent] may overlap for only a few hours. In such an event, the festival may be celebrated on different (but successive) days by different people, depending on their local or family traditions. Lord Krishna was born in the Dwãpar Yuga (age called Dwapar,  according to the Hindu religion), which came just before the Kal Yug. Janamasthami,  His birthday falls on the Ashtami Tithi or the 8th day of the new moon fortnight  in the month of Bhãdra some time in July or August.  The Jhankis (tableaux) depicting many significant scenes from Lord Krishna " s  life are the intrinsic part of Janmasthami. Devotees also make beautiful Jhulans  (Cradles) for the  Krishna. In some parts of India, young men break the  Matkãs (Earthen Pots) filled with butter and curds.  The most important tableux is that of baby Krishna. A idol of baby Krishna  is placed on a cradle, which is rocked to recreate scenes from Krishna " s infancy.  The devotees believe that anyone who makes a wish and while rocking the cradle  in which the Lord is, his or her wish will be granted on this day. Other popular  Jhankis are Kãliya Mardan(vanquishing the black snake  Kãliya Nãga or serpent), Kansha  Vadha ( Killing Kansha) and lifting the Govardhan Parvat (Mount Govardhan).




In  Brindãvan, every year the Rãsleelãs  or the folk theatre acting out stories from Lord Krishna " s life. This begins  much before the Janmasthami day. These Rãsleelãs  are staged by professional drama troupes or even young children. These dramas  characterised by colourful  and equally colourful backgrounds. Rãsleelas  are usually accompanied by musicians and are very popular among the people.

The language spoken by the actors and the actresses is the Brajbhãsha,  but sometimes, Hindi is also used.






Harè Krishna, Harè Krishna,Krishna Krishna Harè Harè|

Harè Rãma, Harè Rãma, Rãma Rãma Harè Harè| Hare Sai, Hare Sai, Sai Sai Hare Hare|


















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