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MBA - Mind, Body, Atma, UK Youth Sadhana Camp 2009 -2nd - 13th Aug 2009

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Sadhana Camp 2009: Mind Body Atma (MBA)

Pilgrimage by UK Sai Youth 2009


As the 180 youth of the United Kingdom all dressed in white boarded the

flight from London to Bangalore, they had only one goal in mind- to

make Swami happy. After several months of Sadhana, the group anxiously

awaited the moment they would arrive in Puttaparthi to receive Swami’s darshan and participate in Sadhana Camp; the theme being ‘Mind, Body and Atma’, or MBA.


On the 25th of February 2009, Swami blessed the proposed Camp as

presented to Him by Sri Ajit Popat (see picture). Swami took great

interest in the programme and gave specific instructions on the format

and theme.




group held its first meeting in London in March 2009. Thereafter, the

group met a number of times in preparation for the camp to ensure that

everyone was approaching the pilgrimage with a common understanding,

purpose and level of discipline. The singers and musicians spent most

of their weekends earnestly preparing for the musical programme to be

offered at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet. After months of preparation and

intense sadhana, the group arrived in Puttaparthi on the 2nd of August

to spend 12 blissful days in the Divine Presence of the Lord. The unity

and love felt by the group was evident for all to see. For many of the

group members, this was the first Sadhana Camp in which they had

participated. For others, this was the first visit to Prasanti Nilayam.

What a wonderful sight it was to witness their first darshan of Swami. Their hearts and minds filled with the radiance of sheer bliss which Swami emanates.


Each day was filled with activities that focused the mind on Swami. The

day began as early as 3:30 with a wakeup call. At 4.50 the group would

commence silent sitting followed by 21 Omkars, Suprabatham, an

inspiring talk by Sri Ajit Popat, the thought for the day (which, with

Swami’s grace was always relevant to the day’s activities or topic of

discussion), pranayam and yoga. With Swami’s grace and blessings, the

MBA programme inaugural talk was given by Mr. Sathya on 2nd August, a

Young Adult from the US. He spoke about his personal experiences with

Swami and asked us to question ourselves if we were really ready to do

Swami’s work – the message being that we should be “ever-ready†to

serve Swami, proactively seeking to love and serve in our daily lives.


With Bhagawan’s grace, eminent speakers from Prasanti Nilayam and

abroad addressed the group. The speakers included Sri Ramana Rao

(Former Head, Examinations Board), Sri Anantharaman (former

visiting-Harvard Professor) Sri V Srinivasan (President, All India Sri

Sathya Sai Organisation), Dr Voleti Choudary (Head of Cardiology,

SSSIHMS), and finally to conclude with Sri Anil Kumar. Each speaker

provided clarity on the theme of Mind, Body and Atma, gave practical

advice on how to achieve a healthy mind and body, explained the

timeless/eternal and indestructible nature of the Atma and shared

personal experiences.


Professor Anantharaman gave a beautiful account of how to balance the

many challenges young people face in these turbulent times, the loss of

values in the corporate world and the importance of integrating Swami’s

teachings in our daily and professional lives. Sri V Srinivasan was

truly inspiring as he recounted his many interactions with groups and

samithis all across India over many years. He asked us to make a

fervent enquiry why we come to Prashanti Nilayan. He reminded us that

we can only come here if Swami wills it and suggested that most people

come here for inspiration, for peace of mind and to ‘recharge their

batteries’. After all, although electricity is all around, you go to an

outlet to get that electricity. So too, although God is all around, you

sometimes need to see the physical form in order to recognize the God

all around us. All members of Sadhana Camp could relate to the fact

that we truly find peace and inspiration that motivates us to do His

work when we come to Prashanti Nilayam and return to our respective

places in life. Dr Choudary gave a humorous account of his personal

experiences with Swami. He related the fact that despite earning

material success, he still felt that “there was something missingâ€

until he came to Swami. On the day he addressed the group, he had

worked until 4.30 and got up at 8.30 and he still found the energy to

address the Sai Youth at 19:00 the same day. The end of Sadhana Camp

was marked by Sri Anil Kumar providing the ‘graduation’ address in his

inimitable style. The energy and love in the room was felt by all as he

spoke about the differences between the material and spiritual worlds.


The youth of Sai Kingdom also had a unique opportunity to meet , Sri K.

Chakravarthi, Secretary of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust. Over a

period of 6 days, small groups of 30 met with him each day to discuss a

variety of topics relating to the Sai mission, challenges facing youth

today and Swami’s teachings and philosophy. For someone who has left

the Ashram only once in 35 years, he possessed a stunning grasp of

world affairs (!)


highlight of Sadhana Camp was the opportunity to offer our love in the

form of a musical programme on the afternoon of 9th August. Swami sat

for over an hour immersed in divine bliss as the group presented a

variety of compositions in Hindi, Sanskrit, English and Telugu, as well

as instrumental pieces on the Sitar and Veena. Indeed he later

conveyed to the group leader, Sri Ajit Popat ‘kushi hai†(I am very

happy). It is fair to say that the youth of Sai Kingdom made Swami

happy with Swami appearing reluctant to leave Sai Kulwant Hall even

after Arati had been conducted. Such proximity is indeed rare these

days and the joy experienced was overwhelming for many of the Sai

Youth, bringing tears to their eyes. It is impossible to describe in

words the feelings of the group; this intangible manifestation of

divine love must be experienced to be believed.





The youth were also given the opportunity to present to Swami and

launch a CD - “Language of the Heartâ€, a compilation of 9 compositions

in 9 languages to Swami. The CD was produced and recorded in London

with great love and devotion by the youth of Sai Kingdom.


As the time of departure drew closer there were many heavy hearts but

all members of the group felt inspired with their batteries fully

charged and ready to return to the world. For many, this has been a

life changing experience and for all there is the hope that they will

be called back in the future. The youth of Sai Kingdom left joyous and

filled to the brim with Swami’s Love, knowing full well in their hearts

that these were rare chances indeed.

Testaments from some of the Sai Youth


Sadhana camp has definitely created an impact on my way of life –

living with the bear essentials was something I thought I could never

do but it has made me realize how dependant we are on material/luxury

products which in reality we only desire but don’t really needâ€.


to the ashram and the Sadhana camp are arduous. They are cleansing,

like a painful operation which must be endured for a longer term goal.

Seeing and experiencing God should not be easy, it is a privilege that

should be earnedâ€.


trip was necessary to bring God to the forefront of my life once more,

it was necessary to cleanse me of the detritus I had collected since my

last visit in 2006â€

“I had the most amazing and inspiring timeâ€


was given the opportunity to present the musical programme card to

Swami, although this episode only lasted for a few minutes it is

something I will remember and cherish for a lifetimeâ€.


trip has been a real journey where Swami has churned all types of

emotions in me and made me analyse myself as part of my sadhanaâ€.

“Swami’s divine darshan provided us with the motivation to pursue our sadhana joyfully and cheerfullyâ€.

“Living a simple life, eating less, talking less, speaking less. No Ipod, phone, TV or Internetâ€

The group is heading back to the United Kingdom vouching to make it a Sai Kingdom…worth to notice and emulate!!!

















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