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Lucky Stars - I Love You Swami

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Lucky StarsJanardhanaTonight I have arranged the stars in the heavensto spell "I Love You Swami"from my little flat in Puttaparthimy heart serenades the Lord of the Universeboundless lokas, parallel worldsmultiplying, disintegrating spin around us at dizzying speedssuperimposed visions and fascinatingvistas ofgreat magnitude, boggle the mind,humble the sensesand the fire from Devi's nose ringHer blazing Breath shoots up the golden spine of the CosmosGopala Your dreamy, captivating gazecreates a lake of Love for me to float upona shimmering diamond diyaaflame in the immeasurable stretch ofGod's divine imaginationIt is not a wild goose flight of fancyto say that You are every

jivi's ultimate destiny ~ eternal kismetthis is a Love affair written in the stars


with my tearsthat no soothsayer or astrologercan predict will failWedding bells ring in the sleeping vastnessour true Soul mate, the Supreme Selfawaits our quantum leap of faithinto His starry armsHe alone can carry us over the thresholdof His many mansions to our immutable, imperishable, immortal abodeLots of PremaDr.Pooja

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