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I have been fighting with lust as a spiritual aspirant for quite some time and

have come to some conclusions. We all have creative energy that has to be

expressed. If we do not allow it to flow through higher channels it finds its

expression in lower channels. If one gives an appropriate amount of time for

God, not with just a ritualistic attitude but with peaceful devotion, also

studies meaningful thing, one's creative desire is satisfied. As one

progresses, one does, as Sue said, not find pleasure in sex life. But, first

suppression is necessary, even though it is not natural. I always think of

the line " Arise! Awake!, Oh mighty One, this sleep does not become you.

Arise! Awake! It does not befit you!... " from Swamiji's Jnana Yoga (Practical

Vedanta I) We must trust the words of Sri Ramakrishna that celibacy is

absolutely necessary for spiritual progress. (Not just celibacy, but

destroying all passionate desires) If we really wanted Self-Realization we

wouldn't be dwindling here and about and asking questions...instead we would

be consumed with madness over the ideal. Swamiji said " Do you want it? If

you do you will get it. " Is sex really too much to sacrifice for the highest

divine realization; to experience the utmost bliss?

When one makes spiritual progress, one realizes the subtle nature of sexual

desire and how they are just expressions for our desire to experience infinite

joy. The problem is we look for Infinite joy in finite things.

We must not forget that in divine realization all pleasures and a million

times more joy is experienced. Must we cling to our petty desires which seem

like garbage compared to the higher and pure life?

How do we restrain ourselves. Well, Swami Brahmananda taught that we cannot

say " Oh, i will give up lust now! " it is impossible. We must have the pillar

of spiritual practice (especially japa) and love of God to support our attempt

to tackle lust.


-Om Lala


Om Sri Ramakrishnay Pranamasthu


P.S. For further reading and study on celibacy and its necesstity, the book

" Meditation and Spiritual Life " by Swami Yatiswarananda (disciple of Swami

Brahmananda) has several chapters on the subject which has truly opened my


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On Mon, 15 Feb 1999 Vidya123 wrote:


> Vidya123


> I have been fighting with lust as a spiritual aspirant for quite some time and

> have come to some conclusions. We all have creative energy that has to be

> expressed.


If we do not allow it to flow through higher channels it finds its

> expression in lower channels.


Here r u sort of referring to Kundalini.....


If one gives an appropriate amount of time for

> God, not with just a ritualistic attitude but with peaceful devotion, also

> studies meaningful thing, one's creative desire is satisfied.


U mean to say that we have the desire to create something or the other.But

by surrender to him n by realising him we come to know wat the creation

is? I think after knowing all this u will still be on a creative path but

w/o passion......


As one

> progresses, one does, as Sue said, not find pleasure in sex life. But, first

> suppression is necessary, even though it is not natural.


I too think so. But side by side one should provide sound reasonings for

such an act which will tranform the suppression in to understanding


I always think of

> the line " Arise! Awake!, Oh mighty One, this sleep does not become you.

> Arise! Awake! It does not befit you!... " from Swamiji's Jnana Yoga (Practical

> Vedanta I) We must trust the words of Sri Ramakrishna that celibacy is

> absolutely necessary for spiritual progress. (Not just celibacy, but

> destroying all passionate desires) If we really wanted Self-Realization we

> wouldn't be dwindling here and about and asking questions...instead we would

> be consumed with madness over the ideal. Swamiji said " Do you want it? If

> you do you will get it. "


Yes one has to be clear is one really trying to be one with Lord. This

desire or feeling should come frm within


Is sex really too much to sacrifice for the highest

> divine realization; to experience the utmost bliss?


Good Question....


> When one makes spiritual progress, one realizes the subtle nature of


> desire and how they are just expressions for our desire to experience infinite

> joy.


> The problem is we look for Infinite joy in finite things.


I was thinking how the hunger for something gets transformed in to hunger

for other things. When one doesn't get for wat one reallly is hungry of

which one is not aware of one tries to satisfy that hunger by consuming

other things.


> We must not forget that in divine realization all pleasures and a


> times more joy is experienced. Must we cling to our petty desires which seem

> like garbage compared to the higher and pure life?



> How do we restrain ourselves. Well, Swami Brahmananda taught that we


> say " Oh, i will give up lust now! " it is impossible. We must have the pillar

> of spiritual practice (especially japa) and love of God to support our


> to tackle lust.



Yes these two r very very essential but i think if they r supported by

reasoning too it will be great help. One should try to tackle the problem

frm all methods . Than it will give the sort of complete understanding of

the issue....


> -Om Lala


> Om Sri Ramakrishnay Pranamasthu


> P.S. For further reading and study on celibacy and its necesstity, the book

> " Meditation and Spiritual Life " by Swami Yatiswarananda (disciple of Swami

> Brahmananda) has several chapters on the subject which has truly opened my

> eyes.



If one tries to understand the Love of Shree Radhaa n Shree Krishnaa that

will be of great help. True Love is free frm all lust or desires....

I think so.....



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On Mon, 1 Feb 1999 FREESUE wrote:




> In a message dated 99-02-01 14:00:37 EST, anurag writes:


> <<

> Sue wat does suppression mean. Does it mean one abstains oneself frm

> carrying out certain act without proper reasoning ..Sue i think

> suppression is the very first initial step.

> Spritual knowledge transforms suppression in to justified reasoning.

> When one follows the path spiritual path with all devotion only than can

> the desire for sex be lost. When one learn to respect every female only

> than an desire for sex lost. >>


> Suppression is by force...abstain is voluntary.


> I can volunteer to serve someone, or I can be forced to serve someone. One

> gives feelings of joy, one gives feelings of resentment and can cause

> rebellion.



> And I think it is through discrimination (justified reasoning) that


> obtains knowledge, not the other way around.


U r right abt justified reasoning . I'm not saying that one will get

knowlwedge by suppression but that initially one has to give it up

whether one chooses to give it up by suppression or by justified

reasoning. Justifed reasoning have to play the part sooner or later.



You discriminate between what

> is real and unreal. What is lasting, and what is temporary. We are all

> seeking bliss...permanent bliss...is it in sex? Some would say bliss is

> there....but is it lasting? NO. It is only temporary and fleeting. Do you

> want what is temporary and fleeting? This is discrimination to me.


U r very right....



> Sue




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