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Christ and Sri Ramakrishna

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One major similarity I find between Christ and Sri Ramakrishna are the ends

of their lives. Jesus Christ with His all-embracing Love took the sins of

everyone and died for humanity. We find the same thing with Sri Ramakrishna.

When He was sick with throat cancer He refused to give up giving

instructions to ANY person that came to Him and asked for it. In His last

weeks the pain was so great, he could not even speak but, always in communion

with the Divine, still communicated with the never-ending visitors by sign

language, and all this on His death bed! He said to the Divine Mother:

" Mother, all these people are coming here, and I give them more than they

deserve . . . " From his infinte storehouse of spiritual awareness, he gave

unceasingly to everyone. His life, just like Christ's life, was a constant

sacrifice for all humanity. And whoever He did not reach with His physical

body, He reached through Swami Vivekananda, the Holy Mother, His other

monastic disciples and His Order. He is still reaching out to all humanity,

and one by one people are slowly coming to Him. This weekend, let us

remember both Christ and Sri Ramakrishna, how they gave up their own lives

out of Universal Love, and for this and thousands of other reasons let us

salute them over and over again.


Yours in Sri Ramakrishna


Om Lala

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Revered friends


Being Easter, let us share some ideas about the teachings of Christ and Sri



Both these great prophets were very severe on 'Lust and Greed'


After 2000 years the message seems to be the same. The greatest obstacles to

spirituality are still lust and greed!


The undersigned had an opportunity to talk to Mr Alan Brown who is the head of

Religious Education Centres in UK. (This is the main Anglican organisation

involved with RE). At the meeting Mr Brown confided that he did his Masters

degree at Leeds University on 'Vivekananda'. When asked what attracted him to

choose this topic his response was very interesting.


He said that while researching the life of Christ - a question came up. Is there

historic proof about Christ? Has any personality of recent times had a clear

vision of Christ? The solution came in the form of Sri Ramakrishna. Hence his

interest to research the life of his main disciple - Vivekananda.


We feel that Christianity and all religions have received a great boost from the

teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, the prophet of our times.




Vivekananda Centre London

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Dear Jay,

Thanks for reporting your visit with Mr. Brown and your remarks re Easter.

In the late 70s Swami Bhavyananda was often invited to Leeds, and probably

can be largely credited with the establishing of a knowledge of

Ramakrishna-Vivekananda among the faculty of the University, the holdings

in the library, and so on.

Easter Greetings,


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