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2nd weekly thought- the little details

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Exerpt from SRI RAMAKRISHNA THE GREAT MASTER (page 434): If a person

remains in the contemplative mood, that is, in bhava, for all the twenty-four

ours, contemplativeness increases o much that no worldly duties can be

performed by him. He cannot apply his mind to the small things of the world.

This what we see everyrwhere . . . But, we see in the Master's life that he

was meticulous even about these small matters, inspite of his intense

comtemplativeness. It was only when he was devoid of all external

consciousness as in Samadhi, that he was unmindful of outward

punctiliousness. But, when he was in normal consciousness, he was careful

about everything . . . We shall cite here [a few] . . . instances.


" One the Master was going to the house of Balaram Babu from Dakshineswar, and

with him were going Ramala and Yogananda. Al got into a carriage. The

carriage started and came upto the gate when the Master asked Yogananda,

" Well, have you brought the cloth and towel? " . . . Yogen answered No, Sir, I

have brought the towle but have forgotten to bring the cloth. They (Balarama

and others) will be glad to get you a new piece of cloth. " The Master said,

" What is it that you talk? . . . They will be put to trouble and will be in

a fix. Stop the carriage, go and bring it. "


. . . Pratap Hazra [, on one occasion, had accompanied the Master going to

Calcutta to visit a devotee] . . . and he forgot to bring back a towel. At

Dakshineswar, the master came to know of it and said to him, " In the name of

God I lose the consciousness even of my wearing cloth, but never on a single

occasion have I left my small bag or towle behind at Calcutta. And you,

doing onmly this little bit of Japa, are so forgetful. "


The master taught Holy Mother, " At the time of getting into a carriage or a

boat, go and get into it first, and when leaving it, get down last after

examining whether anything has been laeft behind. " The Master had such an eye

even for the smallest details.


Thus, though remaining incessantly in Bhavamukha, the Master was careful

about all the unecessary things. He would keep a thing invariably at its

proper place, take care of the articles of daily use such as clothes, the

small bag of spices etc., belonging to himself, inquire whether any necessary

thing had been forgotten or left behind. At the time of going to, or

returning from, any place.


I think that this passage beautifully illustrates as did Sri Ramakrishna, the

importance of details in everyday life. Many people after getting into

spiritual life think that not paying attention to these things (like being

organized, clean, studious, doing everything properly and the way it is

supposed to be done) fall off. But they do these things only because of

their laziness. Sri Ramakrishna surpassed all experience and knowledge ever

recorded in any scripture of the world. He dwelt on the non-dual Nirvikalpa

plane as well. Still, because he had npo laziness whatsoever and was 100%

sincere he payed attention to the smallest details. Let us work to have a

fraction of such true sincerity and let us destroy the laziness and excuses

in us as well.


Hari Om


-Om Lala

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