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This book that Swami Vivekananda was asked to read aloud by Sri Ramakrishna

has some very focused ideas on spirituality. Let us examine:-


In first sloka King Janaka asks Sage Astavakra


(1) How can knowledge be acquired? ( 'How do we know what all THIS is all


(2) How can liberation be attained? ('How do we gain freedom from our


(3) How is renunciation possible? ('How can we stop chasing after things ?')


All three are very relevant and pointed questions.

In reply Sage Astavakra says:-


If you aspire liberation my child, shun the objects of the senses -- then

he adds

'You are neither earth, nor water, nor fire, nor air, nor space. In order to

attain liberation know the Self as the witness of all these and as

Consciousness itself.'


The word liberation or freedom from limitations is one of the key approaches

to spirituality. This idea of gaining liberation from limitations may sound

like some religious rhetoric but covers far more universal meaning.


At the moment science is studying the concept of 'Consciousness' - it is

trying to reduce consciousness as something that is generated by neuronic

interactivity through chemical and electrical processes in the brain. I

suggest that the thing that distinguishes a real conscious being from an

elaborate computer network (AI -Artificial intelligence) is this concept of

'looking to overcome limitations - searching for freedom from all



Again this idea of gaining liberation is seen in evolution too. A one cell

continues to replicate - continues to evolve into more and more complex

being in a direction which gives it more freedom. A fish will try and

evolve wings......etc...What gives this process of evolution a direction?

Why does evolution from time to time not slip into reverse and complex

beings become less complex beings? This is a question we have to ask the

scientists -- what gives these replicators a push in one direction only? The

answer may be in this idea of 'search for liberation (looking to overcome




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Dear Everybody,

The following statements are mostly conjectural. This is just to

stimulate the scientist in everyone of us.


dr c s shah


Manifestation Of Consciousness: A hypothesis

The process of evolution shows us that the matter organizes itself in

such a fashion that more and more Reality (Consciousness) is expressed

through it. Up to the human level this is quite clearly obvious.

However, there develops tendency now to think that the human race is

superior and cut off from other species, and, as if the nature has been

created for his enjoyment, plunder, and benefit alone! The human being

tends to forget that he is just one link in the chain of evolution, and

therefore, higher evolutionary trends are not only probable but are

bound to follow in future.

The confusion is created due to our lack of ability to understand, or

predict the course of evolutionary progress. We fail to see the better

evolved human beings, simply because we are bound by our sense

perceptions to see progress from materialistic point of view only. We

fail to perceive that simplicity, denial of sense enjoyment,

renunciation, and discrimination are necessary preconditions to

transcend the human limitations of selfish genetic structure and to

reach that state of evolution where the Reality-Consciousness-is

expressed in its finer and full glory. The man should become

multi-centric instead of ego-centric.

The universal consciousness tends to manifest through the higher evolved

central nervous system.

Throughout the history, persons manifesting such qualities of higher

evolved human beings-we may call them God-Man species-are born on this

earth. Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha, Krishna, Guru Nanak, and in recent

past Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, and many others all over the

world, are a few examples of such species. Many more are forgotten in

the flow of time.

The question is, why should we bother? Let the nature take its own

course of evolving this 'better human being'; such was and is the case

of evolution of other species. No monkey or ape has made any conscious

attempt to become a man, it was an accident or nature's play at the

most! Yes we agree.

However, now, the natural evolution has created a brain structure where

intelligence has reached the stage by which human being can control and

guide the course of his own evolution. Such evolution brings about

changes in the brain structure of adding one or more lobes or

connections in the cerebral cortex.

Stretching our argument to its logical conclusion, we can postulate that

the cerebral cortex can develop new centres and connections to control

all the lower centres of lust, hunger, sensory system, special senses,

autonomic system-control of heart and respiratory functions, etc. This

is what we call as reaching the state of nirvikalpa samadhi and reaching

the domain of 'Thousand Petal Lotus' or in Tantra terminology-

'Sahasrara' in the brain: The centre capable of expressing the

consciousness of universal love and oneness.



Vivekananda Centre wrote:


> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda



> At the moment science is studying the concept of 'Consciousness' - it is

trying to reduce consciousness as something that is generated by neuronic

interactivity through chemical and electrical processes in the brain. I suggest

that the thing that distinguishes a real conscious being from an elaborate

computer network (AI -Artificial intelligence) is this concept of 'looking to

overcome limitations - searching for freedom from all limitations'.

> Again this idea of gaining liberation is seen in evolution too. A one cell

continues to replicate - continues to evolve into more and more complex being

in a direction which gives it more freedom. A fish will try and evolve

wings......etc...What gives this process of evolution a direction?

> Why does evolution from time to time not slip into reverse and complex

> beings become less complex beings? This is a question we have to ask the

scientists -- what gives these replicators a push in one direction only? The

answer may be in this idea of 'search for liberation (looking to overcome



> jay


> What do lizards and rock music have in common?


> They both have communities at ONElist. Find yours today!

> ------

> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/




E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:





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Dear Dr. Shah,


I love your contribution regarding evolution. It is thought-provoking and



I have a question: Does creation or evolve or is it our consciousness that

evolves? A friend of mine on this list pointed out that everything is

happening simultaneously, so there really is no such thing as " evolution "

which led me to my question about the evolution of consciousness.


So, again I ask is it our consciousness that evolves or does creation

actually evolve?


Om Shanti!



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> Dr C S Shah <drcssha


> Dear Everybody,

> The following statements are mostly conjectural. This is just to

> stimulate the scientist in everyone of us.

> Thanks,

> dr c s shah


> Manifestation Of Consciousness: A hypothesis

> The process of evolution shows us that the matter organizes itself in

> such a fashion that more and more Reality (Consciousness) is expressed

> through it.


Is this matter life ?


Up to the human level this is quite clearly obvious.

> However, there develops tendency now to think that the human race is

> superior and cut off from other species, and, as if the nature has been

> created for his enjoyment, plunder, and benefit alone! The human being

> tends to forget that he is just one link in the chain of evolution, and

> therefore, higher evolutionary trends are not only probable but are

> bound to follow in future.


R we discussing Darwin's theory of Evolution here.


> The confusion is created due to our lack of ability to understand, or

> predict the course of evolutionary progress. We fail to see the better

> evolved human beings, simply because we are bound by our sense

> perceptions to see progress from materialistic point of view only. We

> fail to perceive that simplicity, denial of sense enjoyment,

> renunciation, and discrimination are necessary preconditions to

> transcend the human limitations of selfish genetic structure



Selfish genetic structure ?


and to

> reach that state of evolution where the Reality-Consciousness-is

> expressed in its finer and full glory. The man should become

> multi-centric instead of ego-centric.

> The universal consciousness tends to manifest through the higher evolved

> central nervous system.


Higher evolved nervous system . i suppose Evolution here is Darwin's

evolution theory


> Throughout the history, persons manifesting such qualities of higher

> evolved human beings-we may call them God-Man species-are born on this

> earth. Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha, Krishna, Guru Nanak, and in recent

> past Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, and many others all over the

> world, are a few examples of such species. Many more are forgotten in

> the flow of time.

> The question is, why should we bother? Let the nature take its own

> course of evolving this 'better human being'; such was and is the case

> of evolution of other species. No monkey or ape has made any conscious

> attempt to become a man, it was an accident or nature's play at the

> most! Yes we agree.



> However, now, the natural evolution has created a brain structure where

> intelligence has reached the stage by which human being can control and

> guide the course of his own evolution.


Even at this stage

Such evolution brings about

> changes in the brain structure of adding one or more lobes or

> connections in the cerebral cortex.

> Stretching our argument to its logical conclusion, we can postulate that

> the cerebral cortex can develop new centres and connections to control

> all the lower centres of lust, hunger, sensory system, special senses,

> autonomic system-control of heart and respiratory functions, etc.


Can the reverse process occur too ?



> is what we call as reaching the state of nirvikalpa samadhi and reaching

> the domain of 'Thousand Petal Lotus' or in Tantra terminology-

> 'Sahasrara' in the brain: The centre capable of expressing the

> consciousness of universal love and oneness.

> ====================================


> Vivekananda Centre wrote:

> >

> > " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> >

> ....

> > At the moment science is studying the concept of 'Consciousness' - it is

trying to reduce consciousness as something that is generated by neuronic

interactivity through chemical and electrical processes in the brain. I suggest

that the thing that distinguishes a real conscious being from an elaborate

computer network (AI -Artificial intelligence) is this concept of 'looking to

overcome limitations - searching for freedom from all limitations'.

> > Again this idea of gaining liberation is seen in evolution too. A one cell

continues to replicate - continues to evolve into more and more complex being

in a direction which gives it more freedom. A fish will try and evolve

wings......etc...What gives this process of evolution a direction?

> > Why does evolution from time to time not slip into reverse and complex

> > beings become less complex beings? This is a question we have to ask the

scientists -- what gives these replicators a push in one direction only? The

answer may be in this idea of 'search for liberation (looking to overcome



> > jay

> ------

> > What do lizards and rock music have in common?

> >

> > They both have communities at ONElist. Find yours today!

> > ------

> > Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> > Vivekananda Centre London

> > http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/


> --

> ====================================

> E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:

> http://come.to/neovedanta

> http://members.xoom.com/drcsshah/neovedanta/index.html

> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Styx/1704/index.html

> ====================================



> ------

> Where do some of the Internet's largest email lists reside?


> At ONElist - the most scalable and reliable service on the Internet.

> ------

> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/


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Jody i think it's our counciousness that evolves. i think evoluton in

creation is just the evolution of Lord's Mind for which we trying to find

link from one specie to another.


We may find similarities or kind of evolution in species but just on the

baisis of this can we state that one specie evolved from another.


Can the evolution occur ?


On Mon, 7 Jun 1999 JodyHolly1 wrote:


> JodyHolly1


> Dear Dr. Shah,


> I love your contribution regarding evolution. It is thought-provoking and

> marvelous.


> I have a question: Does creation or evolve or is it our consciousness that

> evolves? A friend of mine on this list pointed out that everything is

> happening simultaneously, so there really is no such thing as " evolution "

> which led me to my question about the evolution of consciousness.


> So, again I ask is it our consciousness that evolves or does creation

> actually evolve?


> Om Shanti!


> Jody


> ------

> ONElist: the best source for group communications.


> Join a new list today!

> ------

> Sri Ramakrishnaye Namah

> Vivekananda Centre London

> http://www.btinternet.com/~vivekananda/


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<< JodyHolly1 wrote:

<<< I have a question: Does creation or evolve or is it our

consciousness that evolves? A friend of mine on this list pointed out

that everything is happening simultaneously, so there really is no such

thing as " evolution " which led me to my question about the evolution of

consciousness. >>>


Dear Jody and all friends,

Before everything there exists Reality as Absolute Consciousness. What

makes the Unchangeable Reality to change into many? The Will to become

many is the beginning of manifest universe. This concept of 'One

Consciousness desiring to become many' may also be taken as beginning of

Maya - altered perception of Reality.


But as we are discussing relative truths of this changing world, which

we have taken for granted to be real, we have to elaborate the

hypothetical rationality of evolution and related topics of Indian

belief system. Indeed, much the same way we experiment and theorize the

rationality of truths of external nature in other physical sciences.


Therefore we have to say that: Matter evolves and Consciousness

manifests. It is the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS that appears different with the

evolution of matter.


While it is generally believed that consciousness is a product of

brain-mind complex, we have stuck to the definition given in various

Upanishads: That the Consciousness is 'the Eternal Subject, the only

Existence, and the only one Reality.' The same Consciousness percolates,

reflects, manifests, or expresses through the varied structural

arrangement of the matter and is perceived as manifold.


As a glass would reflect the same light in various ways and degrees

depending upon its characteristics, so does the matter reflect the

consciousness in various ways.

Light appears colored through a colored glass, dull and diffuse through

a semitransparent one, distorted through the broken glass, altered

through the prism, and concentrated and pointed through the convex


In the same way, consciousness appears as human consciousness, or tree

consciousness, animal consciousness, insentient consciousness, etc., as

expressed by peculiar structure and arrangement of material form.


In human beings also, depending on the refinement of mind, consciousness

may appear as narrow selfishness (greedy) to broad unselfish attitude


This may be brought about by the functional or structural change in the

brain, which in turn, can be induced by drugs, dreams, hypnosis, sleep,

or spiritual practices-sadhana. (We are mainly concerned here with the

state brought about by the last method.) Such a study is a science in

itself in so far as it studies the data of a state of changed



For more details, the interested reader may visit my series of seven

articles on this hypothesis at:


< http://members.xoom.com/drcsshah/neovedanta/asc.html >


dr c s shah



E-magazine on science and spirituality. Visit:





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