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Here is a little story that I found on the net:




" Things Aren't Always What They Seem. "


Two Celestial Visitors [Gandharvas] stopped to spend the night in the home of a

wealthy family. The

family was rude and refused to let them stay in the mansion's guest room.

Instead they were given a

space in a godown at the back of the house. As they made their bed on the hard

floor, the older

Gandharva saw a hole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger Gandharva

asked why, the

older one replied... " Things aren't always what they seem " . The next night the

pair came to rest at the

house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing

what little food they had

the couple let the Gandharvas sleep in their bed where they could have a good

night's rest. When the

sun came up the next morning the Gandharvas found the farmer and his wife in

tears. Their only cow,

whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field. The younger

Gandharva was infuriated

and asked the older one " How could you have let this happen!? The first man had

everything, yet

you helped him, " she accused. " The second family had little but was willing to

share everything, and

you let their cow die. " " Things aren't always what they seem, " the older

Gandharva replied. " When

we stayed in the godown, I noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the

wall. Since the owner

was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the

wall so he wouldn't

find it. Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the messenger of death

came for his wife. I

gave her the cow instead. Things aren't always what they seem. " Sometimes this

is exactly what

happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you

just need to trust that

every outcome is always to your advantage. You might not know it until some time

later. Think

about this: Should you find it hard to get to sleep tonight; Just remember the

homeless family who

has no bed to lie in. Should you find yourself stuck in traffic; Don't despair.

There are people in this

world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege. Should you have a bad day at

work; Think of the

man who has been out of work for the last three months. Should you despair over

a relationship

gone bad; Think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be

loved in return.

Should you grieve the passing of another weekend; Think of the woman in dire

straits, working

twelve hours a day, seven days a week, for $15.00 to feed her family. Should

your car break down,

leaving you miles away from assistance; Think of the paraplegic who would love

the opportunity to

take that walk. Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror; Think of the

cancer patient in chemo

who wishes she had hair to examine. Should you find yourself at a loss and

pondering what is life all

about, asking " What is my purpose; " Be thankful, there are those who didn't live

long enough to get

the opportunity. Should you find yourself the victim of other people's

bitterness, ignorance, smallness

or insecurities; Remember, things could be worse. You could be them!!! Should

you decide to send

this to a friend; You might brighten someone's day!


and Love from Tom in Montreal




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>Message: 1

> Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:59:48 +0530

> Dr C S Shah <drcssha


>Manifestation Of Consciousness: A hypothesis

>The process of evolution shows us that the matter organizes itself in

>such a fashion that more and more Reality (Consciousness) is expressed

>through it. Up to the human level this is quite clearly obvious.

>However, there develops tendency now to think that the human race is

>superior and cut off from other species, and, as if the nature has been

>created for his enjoyment, plunder, and benefit alone! The human being

>tends to forget that he is just one link in the chain of evolution, and

>therefore, higher evolutionary trends are not only probable but are

>bound to follow in future.



Greetings. An Interesting hypothesis by Dr. Shah. I am not a biologist but

remember studying Huxleys' book on evolution.


The evolution in any direction stops when there is a specilization. In the

mammals, as I understand, the anotomical evolution reached its peak with the

development of 'conceptual thought' in humans. This is the essential cause

for all learning, culture, religion etc. Futher evolution, I suspect, is

not in develping more or beter parts in terms of anotomy, but interms of

conceptual thought. That is where human effort in terms of directing the

thoughts or meditation is essential to evolve further. Hence I suspect that

it is not developing extra parts to the brain but efficient use of the

brain. I am not sure we have mastered what has nature already provided, to

require more than what we have. It has been said that one can acquire

ashtasidhhis by properly training the mind. But even that is not the highest

evolution. To reach the Godly state it is not in terms of matter, gaining

extra parts for body or brain, but to transcend the matter - using the

conceptual thought.


This is just a view-point based on my understanding

Hari Om!








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On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Kuntimaddi Sadananda wrote:


> Kuntimaddi Sadananda <k_sadananda


> >Message: 1

> > Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:59:48 +0530

> > Dr C S Shah <drcssha

> >

> >Manifestation Of Consciousness: A hypothesis

> >The process of evolution shows us that the matter organizes itself in

> >such a fashion that more and more Reality (Consciousness) is expressed

> >through it. Up to the human level this is quite clearly obvious.

> >However, there develops tendency now to think that the human race is

> >superior and cut off from other species, and, as if the nature has been

> >created for his enjoyment, plunder, and benefit alone! The human being

> >tends to forget that he is just one link in the chain of evolution, and

> >therefore, higher evolutionary trends are not only probable but are

> >bound to follow in future.




> Greetings. An Interesting hypothesis by Dr. Shah. I am not a biologist but

> remember studying Huxleys' book on evolution.


> The evolution in any direction stops when there is a specilization. In the

> mammals, as I understand, the anotomical evolution reached its peak with the

> development of 'conceptual thought' in humans. This is the essential cause

> for all learning, culture, religion etc. Futher evolution, I suspect, is

> not in develping more or beter parts in terms of anotomy, but interms of

> conceptual thought. That is where human effort in terms of directing the

> thoughts or meditation is essential to evolve further.


The soul is still there when we are low in conceptual thought or when we r

high in it.


As it is said that one has to take birth in 84 lakhs species

n than one is able to take birth as human. Here soul is going from one

body to other. Now is it that soul is imperfect or there is somthing

else alomg with soul that is going from one body to another .Can we fit

Theory of evolution in these thoughts ?



Hence I suspect that

> it is not developing extra parts to the brain but efficient use of the

> brain.


As mind n body are very closely realted so one can expect that changes in

the mind can show up as structural changes . Mind effects body n Body

effects mind. Changes in brain can occur when kundalini rises to Sahasrar.

A pain is felt in head when sahasrar is trying to awaken. Kundalni

energy is tremendous it is said that even the flow of ganges is nothin

compared to it's flow.


On one list it was pointed out that it due to reshaping of brain .

If i remember right i think they mentioned something abt modification

in shape of skull too . Once i was discussing some

topic with one of the professors . He read sonething

out to me from one magazine which described one of their findings abt one

mental disorder.


" A person was not able to recall his mother as mother. They found that

some cells were missing in brain which caused this mental

disorder. "



I am not sure we have mastered what has nature already provided, to

> require more than what we have. It has been said that one can acquire

> ashtasidhhis by properly training the mind. But even that is not the highest

> evolution. To reach the Godly state it is not in terms of matter, gaining

> extra parts for body or brain, but to transcend the matter - using the

> conceptual thought.



As Dr. shah pointed out that the control of desires occur as some extra

get build up. It can occur for after much n much of training of mind one

doesn't require too much of a concious effort to control them . It's very

probable that something has got hard wired due to mental state. We don't

want some thoughts to strike some parts of brain so after much of trainig

it can be that nerve cells related to these thoughts may get blocked or

some new of them can form . Kundlini energy can accelerate this at

tremendous pace.


there is no concious effort of acquiring extra body parts it happens by

itself as the mind changes.



> This is just a view-point based on my understanding

> Hari Om!

> Sadananda



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