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Digest Number 96

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Namaste Jay, here are a few comments. If you don't mind, I have interspersed

them into the existing text.

Warm Regards, Tom Lipscombe



> Message: 2

> Tue, 8 Jun 1999 15:06:58 +0530 (IST)

> Anurag Goel <anurag

> Re: Digest Number 94



> On Mon, 7 Jun 1999, Kuntimaddi Sadananda wrote:


> > Kuntimaddi Sadananda <k_sadananda

> >

> > >Message: 1

> > > Sun, 06 Jun 1999 07:59:48 +0530

> > > Dr C S Shah <drcssha

> > >

> > >Manifestation Of Consciousness: A hypothesis

> > >The process of evolution shows us that the matter organizes itself in

> > >such a fashion that more and more Reality (Consciousness) is expressed

> > >through it. Up to the human level this is quite clearly obvious.

> > >However, there develops tendency now to think that the human race is

> > >superior and cut off from other species, and, as if the nature has been

> > >created for his enjoyment, plunder, and benefit alone! The human being

> > >tends to forget that he is just one link in the chain of evolution, and

> > >therefore, higher evolutionary trends are not only probable but are

> > >bound to follow in future.

> >


> >

> > Greetings. An Interesting hypothesis by Dr. Shah. I am not a biologist but

> > remember studying Huxleys' book on evolution.

> >

> > The evolution in any direction stops when there is a specilization. In the

> > mammals, as I understand, the anotomical evolution reached its peak with the

> > development of 'conceptual thought' in humans. This is the essential cause

> > for all learning, culture, religion etc. Futher evolution, I suspect, is

> > not in develping more or beter parts in terms of anotomy, but interms of

> > conceptual thought. That is where human effort in terms of directing the

> > thoughts or meditation is essential to evolve further.


> The soul is still there when we are low in conceptual thought or when we r

> high in it.


> As it is said that one has to take birth in 84 lakhs species

> n than one is able to take birth as human. Here soul is going from one

> body to other. Now is it that soul is imperfect or there is somthing

> else alomg with soul that is going from one body to another .Can we fit

> Theory of evolution in these thoughts ?



> Hence I suspect that

> > it is not developing extra parts to the brain but efficient use of the

> > brain.


> As mind n body are very closely realted so one can expect that changes in

> the mind can show up as structural changes . Mind effects body n Body

> effects mind. Changes in brain can occur when kundalini rises to Sahasrar.

> A pain is felt in head when sahasrar is trying to awaken. Kundalni

> energy is tremendous it is said that even the flow of ganges is nothin

> compared to it's flow.


> On one list it was pointed out that it due to reshaping of brain .

> If i remember right i think they mentioned something abt modification

> in shape of skull too .

********************************************************************** TO:

Kuntimaddi Sadananda Hari Om! re: " shape of skull "


Comment from Tom, e-mail: omtatsat


I have an old book [1870] describing [now defunct] psuedo-science of Phrenolgy.


There is a diagram, depicting the skull shape of a 'precocious' child,

contrasted with that of a normal one.

It is explained that, when excessive mental activity expands the brain, the

skull in the child, being soft, will also expand, giving the head the appearance

of an inverted pear. This phenomenom is also featured in the numerous

'imaginings of extra-terrestrial life', by science fiction writers.


All matter, animate and inanimate is powered by the same Shakti...and this

'matter' will take any shape or colour, that the demands of nature place upon

it. 'Functionality' is the key word here!


Sri Swami Vivekanda gave an excellent illustration of this 'adaptive'

feature, when he spoke of his observations, when visiting Ellis

Island in New York [the immigrant disembarkation point]...Swamiji mentioned how

downtrodden these poor Irish folk were, as they left the ships....clothes in

tatters, eyes downcast...and then, miracles of miracles! In a remarkably short

space of time, these same benighted

people, were walking with heads high, with a spring in their step,

sporting presentable apparel...a complete metamorphosis!


A truly wonderful example of 'evolution'. In other words, when we open the right

channels, the 'Great and Wonderful Spirit' will express Itself. om shanthi om


Message: 3

> Tue, 8 Jun 1999 17:48:18 +0530 (IST)

> Anurag Goel <anurag

> Re: A doubt....




> i forgot to mention that these dear ones are no more on this earth.


> On Tue, 8 Jun 1999, Anurag Goel wrote:


> > Anurag Goel <anurag

> >

> >

> >

> > Dear friends,

> > I want to know if one can keep the pictures of ones dear

> > ones in one's Pujaa Room. n can one show diyaa to that picture . Does

> > it disturbs the souls of dear ones ?

> >

> > Thanks



Comment from Tom e-mail: 0mtatsat


Anurag Goel Hari Om! re: " pictures of departed loved ones "


Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsadeva recommended keeping pictures of anything

which encourages devotion...for instance, one of his

favorite pictures was that of a Sadhu, sitting over a bowl of

charcoal ignited hemp. If one keeps worldy pictures, it becomes difficult to

direct the mind into the higher realms of being.

The honoring of the photographs of your departed relatives, if you remember them

as 'lovers of God', is perfectly acceptable...even laudable [in my humble

opinion] om shanthi om



> Message: 9

> Tue, 8 Jun 1999 13:23:53 +0100

> " Vivekananda Centre " <vivekananda

> Email exchange with Tim


> Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

> Vivekananda Centre <vivekananda

> 08 June 1999 07:57

> Vivekananda Revisited...


> Dear Jay,


> I recently ordered and received a copy of " Living at the Source " from the

> Vedanta Society of Southern California, and am again rereading the words of

> Vivekananda. And once again, I'm struck speechless by the clarity and

> power of Vivekananda's words. Of course, the experience of the Atman

> cannot be communicated in words, but of all the words I've ever read, his

> is the closest to communicating the actual *experience* of Advaita, rather

> than just acting as a " finger pointing at the moon. " Sri Ramakrishna

> picked a most worthy chela.


> How is it that Vivekananda's legacy is still somewhat unclear, even to this

> day? His words are like a large pile of gold bars sitting in public view,

> yet somehow very few ever take notice. Perhaps it's because his message is

> so simple and so clear that it escapes notice, like the " scarlet letter "

> hidden on the mantle in plain sight. People are looking for complexity;

> they think truth lies in complexity, not in simple, perfect clarity and

> wisdom, and so the pure gold is missed, and the tinfoil is what people

> focus their attention on.


> Just as an example, here was this man advocating perfect equality for

> women... in the late 1800's!! I am speechless, and most puzzled that

> Vivekananda is not 100 times more recognised today than he is. Perhaps you

> have some intimation as to why?


> Tim


> >>-----

> Reply sent to Tim>


> Hi Tim


> Nice to hear from you and - what grand things you say about this person and

> his teachings!


> (1) Yes here is the most vibrant message of advaita - lived to the full.

> One American while observing him walking up to give a speech said:

> " I saw this man - he was walking as if he owned the world and yet desired

> nothing " .

> The person who was walking was 'Advaita - personified in all its glory.'

> This was the majesty of his person.


> He is still an unopened book in many respects - I feel very sure that in the

> next ten or twenty years his teachings are going to make a serious comeback

> in a major way (via the progress of Modern Science into the realms of

> spirituality).


> (2) Again he never patronised women - he never opened doors for them - he

> never gave them a hand while climbing and so on -- (hundred years ago in

> USA!)

> He said " Why should I give you a hand, are you disabled?


> Here is a real man! A true son of any mother!!


> Tim - some of your comments on Sri Ramakrishna and Vivekananda are so well

> focused that I am going to take the liberty of putting these on the

> mail-list/website without your permission.


> regards

> jay



comment from Tom e-mail omtatsat


Jay and Tim Hari Om! re: " Simple and clear message "


I love that word " simplicity " ! Swami Nikhilananda's

translation of Mahendranath Gupta's Bengali Masterpiece took place only in 1942.

There is still a way to go.


Sri Swami Vivekananda is the 'St. Paul' of Ramakrishna Vedanta.


He crossed the 'kala pani' to create the infrastructure for the propagation of

the WORD.


We have to remember that some parts of Europe, knew not of the Blessed Nasrani,

for over a thousand years after his birth.


The discovery of Thakur is coming about, in the lives of individuals

the world over. The internet accelerates this process.


We Ramakrishna Vedantists must be ready to meet this challenge.

My humble advice is to read and re-read this marvellous book, until Thakur's

words have been burned into our conciousness. To concentrate one's energies to

this task, will be most efficacious and personally rewarding. om shanthi om







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