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Jody/(no subject)

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Dear Jody,


Your daughter's boyfriend found the source of the deepest longing of the

human heart, found the Source that could fill the empty place inside that

nothing else could ever fill. He caught a glimpse of his own true nature

without even knowing it.


Religion, real religion, is nothing but that which all men (and women) long

for... that which everyone tries to fill with drugs, sex, food, money, but

is never touched until... The Atman itself is found. Even the vaguest

glimpse of the Atman can temporarily fill much of that empty space inside.

Even a brief glimpse can bring joy, happiness and fulfillment unequalled by

anything offered by samsara.


I'm absolutely delighted and filled with the brightest joy, but not

surprised at all in reading this. If everyone knew here how 'my own' life

has been transformed by Advaita... and the lives of so many I know... there

would no longer be any doubt that the Advaitic philosophy is not a

philosophy... it is the deepest Truth in the Universe.


With Love,




At 11:03 AM 6/16/99 EDT, you wrote:



>Hi Everyone,


>The other day my daughter and her boyfriend who is my age, went to the

>Vedanta Temple in Hollywood California. It was the first time Ron had been

>to a Vedanta Temple. He is an atheist.


>After sitting in the Temple for a few moments, he started to cry and cried

>for the rest of the evening. When my daughter asked him if he knew why he

>was crying he said he had no idea.


>His experience is the heart of religion, the aim of all the intellectual

>ranting; his heart was touched by God. He will never be the same.


>Jai Gurudev!






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