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> Message: 1

> Thu, 17 Jun 1999 01:02:23 -0700

> Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

> Poem - " Memory



> Memory

> ------


> From the past they come unbidden,

> memories of fear and loss.

> Desire not escape in Self,

> for Self loves Self

> and Self grieves for Self.

> There is no pity.


> In agony the cries of mankind;

> come unbidden.

> Cries for healing that go unheard.

> Cries of starving that go unfed.

> Cries of tortured who know no relief.

> Seek not relief, for there is no relief

> unless relief is given by Self.


> Life is suffering, and suffering is kind.

> From suffering all healing comes.

> The wheel turns; time moves.

> There is no escape.

> Why escape?


> Emptiness of mind is no peace.

> Joy of heart is no relief.

> Impersonal God is no salvation.


> In Self lies agony as well as ecstasy.

> In denial of agony lies suffering.

> Suffering is joy. Jesus suffered.


> Coins are flipped; heads or tails?

> Both sides read the same.

> Heads read joy; Tails read agony.

> All creatures have heads and tails.


> To feel agony is release,

> in suffering is liberation found.

> To let tears flow is to let grace flow.


> Deny misery? Deny God.

> Deny nothing.

> In denial lies death.

> Let the tears flow.

> Tears of joy,

> Tears of anguish.

> The wheel turns again,

> and the water of life

> flows from the eyes

> irrigating the soul.


> Without crying there is no laughing.

> Without laughing there is no feeling.

> Without feeling there is no Soul.

> Soul withers and dies in absence of feeling.

> There is no feeling without all feeling.


> Seriousness is disease.

> Absence of seriousness is disease.

> Life is joy and pain. No pain, no joy.


> Love illusion. Hate reality;

> Or reverse.

> It is the same.


> I am memory

> and I am now

> and I am dream.


> Deny one, deny all.

> Deny nothing.


> Let all flow.

> Let all come together.

> Many becomes One.

> One becomes coin.

> Coin becomes heads and tails.

> Heads and tails become animal.

> animal evolves to Self.


> Memory is not of mind.

> Memory is of Soul.

> The Prophets lie.

> Remember.

> Forget Me not.


> ... Tim Gerchmez, Rev. 2



> -----

> Visit The Core of the WWW at:

> http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/ND/index.html

> Music, Poetry, Writings on Nondual Spiritual Topics.


Comment from Tom:


Tim, thank you for sharing with us this poem from the heart




> Message: 7

> Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:38:18 EDT

> JodyHolly1

> In Gratitude


> Hi everyone,


> I want to express my deep gratitude to Jay for bringing us all together in

> this listserv. The posts given by everyone have deepened my understanding

> and appreciation of Vedanta. I bought the " Astavakra Samhita " and it is my

> bedtime story now. I feel that Swamiji has brought us all together and even

> though we do not agree on everything, there is still a wonderful unity among

> us.


> I wanted to share a little about myself. I am a professional storyteller. I

> perform at schools, universities, health spas, museums, etc., and have had a

> series of radio shows. At this time, I am giving a storytelling workshop

> which will culminate in a storytelling festival.


> Stories are a wonderful device for transmitting spiritual teachings. My

> primary purpose in telling stories is to bring people together at the level

> of the heart, so that we can honour and transcend our cultural differences.

> I feel blessed to be able to do the wonderful work that I do.


> I have a 27-year old daughter who lives in Los Angeles. I live in the desert

> in Redlands, California. The town in which I live is very quiet and

> beautiful. I love the quiet and solitude.


> Over my computer are pictures of Swamiji, Ramakrishna, and Jesus in the lotus

> posture. People have said my home is like an ashram and they often ask if

> they can stay here overnight when they need to de-stress.


> I moved here three years ago and once when I ordered a book from the Vedanta

> Society bookstore the clerk told me that Swami Vivekananda visited Redlands

> and that he loved it. I like that. I'm originally from New York and have

> lived in Massachusetts, Santa Fe NM and now Southern California. California

> is the most beautiful state in this country. Everything grows here.

> Southern California has a mediterranean climate. Swamiji said that

> California is the home of Vedanta in the West.


> I have studied under many teachers, but twenty years ago I found Swamiji and

> Vedanta and I knew I was home. He lit my heart on fire and my love for the

> path and for him continues to grow and deepen. I EXPERIENCED TRUTH in his

> words and I can never get enough. I know you all understand when I say that

> my hunger for Truth is insatiable.


> I love all of you very much and would enjoy hearing about who you are and

> about your lives. You have all touched me so deeply. To be able to

> communicate with other Vedantists is nothing short of a miracle to me since I

> live far from any temple.


> Thank you all for being in my lives in the way that you are. And, Jay, thank

> you again for inviting me to participate in this group. I know I speak for

> others also.


> Love,

> Jody Hoelle (Premadevi)



Comment from Tom:


Yes, Jody, Jay has done a marvellous thing by allowing us a chance to

express ourselves freely on this mailing list.


And thank you, Jody, for sharing with us [a part] of your story.

Of course, we all have a story to share....here is a little of mine:


I am 55 years old, living in a cave [basement apartment] in a small

town in the Province of Quebec, Canada. I am an unemployed tailor,

living on public assistance. The severe circulation problems in my legs [a

wonderful gift from God!] prevents me from working more than a few hours a week,


allowing me the luxury of having a lot of time to think, meditate,

read and communicate with others on the internet.


You may ask, " how in heaven's name can Tom afford a computer, when

he hardly has money for basic food needs? "


Well, by the grace of MahaShakti, my kid brother in Ontario, who is an insurance

broker, presented me last year with an old computer, which had been laying

around his office [unused] for a few years. He installed Windows 3.1, and spent

many agonizing hours teaching this 'old dog new tricks'.


Before this time, I had never even been close to a computer! What fun!


I have been studying comparative religion for more than twenty years,

looking for 'similarities' in the GREAT FAITHS OF MANKIND. There are many!


In 1982, circumstances allowed me the luxury of spending more than a year in

seclusion, in a rooming house in Toronto, my only company being: the Gospel of

Sri Ramakrishna and selected writings of Swami Vivekananda.


This experience changed my life forever and I became a 'committed'

devotee of Sri Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsadeva, Sri Sarada Devi

and Sri Swami Vivekananda.


After I had somewhat mastered the workings of this old IBM PS/1 486sx,

my interests turned to creating websites on the world-wide web.

This was my humble opportunity to say 'thank you' to the Ramakrishna Mission,

for making these wonderful publications available to me.


Consequently, I created my first Ramakrishna Vedanta Site on December 22nd,

1998, the 145th birthday of little Saradamani Devi of Jayrambati, whose love has

kept me going all these years. You may visit this site, if you wish, at URL:



Then, in January, followed a site for Sri Swami Vivekananda, also

created on his birthday:





In February, a site for The Blessed Thakur, was created on His Brithday!






Since then, I have put together more than 80 sites on the internet.

My latest offering [created only last week], is dedicated to War Heroine,

Noor-un-nisa Inayat Khan, daughter of Sufi master, Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan.

You may visit this site @ URL



I have three offspring, Daughter [born 1970], son [born 1972] and daughter [born



So, thank you again, Jay, for allowing us this opportunity to share

our thoughts with other Vedantists...You are a GEM!


PS: I notice how you stand back [from the frey], as a somewhat 'neutral'

moderator, posting appropriate comments from time to time. Good Work!


Best regards to all!



om shanthi om





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