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> >

> > Message: 3

> > Mon, 14 Jun 1999 08:08:11 -0500

> > Swami Yogeshananda <yogeshananda

> > Re: Digest Number 98

> >

> >

> > >

> > >Namaste

> > >

> > >I remember reading that Swamiji considered certain laws laid down in the

> > >Manusmrti to be outdated. He even wanted a new set of laws (smrti) to be

> > >written for the present modern society. Regards.

> > >True. Moreover, Swamiji said he went by the scriptures when they agreed

> > >with him. Swamiji has gone beyond the ancient scriptures and given us a

> > >new dispensation for our day. He said this was the era of the common man,

> > >and of women. Jai Swamiji!

> > >Om Shanti


Comment from Tom:



Swami Yogeshananda, Hari Om!


Here is a quote from Sri Swami Vivekananda

Selections from Swami Vivekanada, page 451

Belur Math 1898




Sri Swami Vivekananda said: " We must revive the old laws of the Rishis. We

must initiate the whole people into the codes of our old Manu and Yajnavalka,

with a few modifications here and

there to adjust them to the changed circumstances of time "





om shanthi om


> Message: 2

> Tue, 15 Jun 1999 09:59:00 EDT

> JodyHolly1

> Re: Digest Number 102


> In a message dated 6/15/99 6:35:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

> omtatsat writes:


> << St. Paul said on many occasions: " Woman, be subject to your husband " . >>

> Tom,


> Who cares what St. Paul said? St. Paul was the creator of the Madonna/Whore

> concept. Besides, to quote the New Testament in the Bible is a mistake since

> it was changed many times during the first 300 years after it was originally

> written. The human mind is the source for a lot of what we find in the

> Bible. Did you know that Mary Magdalene was the chief disciple of Jesus

> Christ and that there was actually a Gospel according to Mary Magadelene?

> This information has been withheld by certain Popes in the early years of the

> church.


> St. Paul was a man troubled by his own sexuality. The Truth elevates our

> consciousness; it does not degrade or demean. The Truth enlightens. I do

> not feel that all you have written Tom about women's place in life elevates

> or enlightens.


> You know we can quote from many sources to support the position we take in

> life, but that does not mean that we have touched on Truth. The mind

> survives by being right and so it looks for agreement in whatever way it can

> towards this end.


> All cultures are undergoing a transition when it comes to traditional

> male/female roles and though it looks " evil " to you, Tom, it is ultimately

> for a greater good that these changes are taking place. Women were never

> meant to be subservient to men. This is not God's way. God's way is that

> all of his creation should be total in its expression of the divine within

> and that was Swamiji's message to the West.


> Om Shanti!

> <A HREF= " http://members.aol.com/JodyHolly1/index.html " >Be Still and Know -

> Jody Holly

> </A>

> http://members.aol.com/JodyHolly1/index.html



Comment from Tom: May I say, Jody, that you express your thoughts most

eloquently !

Reading the interesting and thought-provoking comments from the contributers to

this mailing list, has really 'enlivened' my existance!


Don't be too harsh, Jody, on Paul of Tarsus. He was also a seeker after TRUTH,

like you and me.


Re: Swamiji's message to the west:


Sometimes in the exhuberance of his marvellous spirit, the good Swami

Vivekananda also

went a little 'overboard' from time to time....most Vedantists will agree to

this fact.

We must also remember that many of Swamiji's speeches were full of fire and


He felt a burning need to get his fellow south asians 'off their butts' and to

be 'up and doing'.

That was his nature. [very much like St. Paul]....that is why he is known as the

'founder' of the

Ramakrishna Order...just like Paul is the founder of the Roman Catholic Church.




There is absolutely no reason for you and me to be on opposing sides in any

question whatsoever. We both want the same thing: To share the message of Sri

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahmsadeva. That is also what Sri Swami Vivekananda wished

to do, but he didn't have the

BOOK [english version published in 1942] to back him up. Now, we have this book

at our disposal....our task is much easier.




By carefully reading and re-reading the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, we will have

all the answers necessary, in order to confront and conquer ignorance and



We will also learn that all religions are paths leading to God, and that we

should never disparage another faith, in order to strengthen our own point of




Re: Women and Men


You know as well as I, that there is only ONE....not two. Now, this ONE split

itself into two, for the

fun of it.....yes, simply for the fun of it. So, let's have fun!


om shanthi om


> Message: 4

> Tue, 15 Jun 1999 18:11:59 +0300

> " Madhava K. Turumella " <madhava

> Re: Digest Number 102


> >

> > omtatsat [sMTP:omtatsat]

> > Tuesday, June 15, 1999 1:01 PM

> > Ramakrishna

> > Re: [ramakrishna] Digest Number 102

> >

> > <omtatsat

> >

> > In my humble opinion, Madhava, woman is equal to man in every respect.

> [Madhava Replies:]

> Thank you veru much. I knew it but I continued the discussion so

> that other seekers on this list will not misunderstand the excerpts.


> > Comment from Tom: Thank you very much, Madhava, for taking the trouble to

> > respond to my postings. I really appreciate your patience and

> > understanding. Best Regards, Tom

> [Madhava Replies:]

> Actually, I should thank you. You gave me an opportunity to think

> again about our manudharma, in that way your posting has accomplished it's

> mission :-)


> Sincere Regards,

> Madhava


Madhava, Hari om


We have an old expression in America: " we shouldn't throw the baby out with the

bath water " ...in other words, we must not look at the old laws and beliefs as

foolish and outdated, but rather, take the advice of Sri Swami

Vivekananda...... " with a few modifications, here and there to adjust them to the

changed circumstances of the time "


Social equality is one thing, that all 'right' minded individuals demand ,

however, when we speak of the family and the intimate relationship between

husband and wife, father and son, mother

and daughter etc....this is another issue altogether. There must be a 'head' of

the family.



Now, it is quite possible, when we observe the types of 'yes, my dear, anything

you say, dear' [so-called] 'men' that we are breeding in vast numbers; that

women will probably, in the future, assume the role as head of the family. Then

we will have a matriarchal society...sort of a pre-aryan Dravidian

culture....won't that be something to look forward to? The best place to hide,

will be a cave in the Himalaya mountains.


" Mother, take everything else away from me,

But leave me my necklace of bones and my pot of hemp! "

[Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, Page 617]


om shanthi om





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